disP 60/3, September 2024
disP – The Planning Review, Volume 60, Issue 3, September 2024 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.
Verkehr ’45: UVEK priorisiert Ausbauprojekte für Schiene und Strasse
Die Verbesserungen der Verkehrsinfrastrukturen auf Strasse und Schiene können nicht wie ursprünglich geplant umgesetzt werden. Der jüngste Ausbauschritt für die Nationalstrasse wurde von der Bevölkerung abgelehnt. Die Umsetzung des Angebotskonzepts 2035 der Bahn führt zu erheblichen Mehrkosten. Das Eidgenössische Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation (UVEK) hat Mehr
Master of Advanced Studies ETH in Regenerative Systems
Application: 1. June – 30. June 2025 | Duration: September 2025 – January 2026. CAS#1 Worldviews: From Sustainability to Regeneration
EPFL ETH Master of Advanced Studies in Urban and Territorial Design
Application: 1. January – 31. March | Duration: September 2025 – June 2026.
MAS Raumentwicklung & CAS Raumentwicklung und Planungspraxis
Bewerbung: 1. Mai – 31. Juli | Dauer: 25. August 2025 – 6. Februar 2026.
The Global Turn: Six Journeys of Architecture and the City, 1945 –1989
21. May, 18∶00 – 19∶30 | Book Launch and debate | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL Foyer.
Diversifying the Architectural Canon with «Crossed Histories»
Call for papers open until 15 May. International Workshop 2. – 4. November | Place Congressi Stefano Franscinci, Monte Verità, Switzerland.
ARCHITEKTUREN DER FAMILIE – Dynamiken des Zusammenlebens und Anforderungen an den Wohnungsmarkt
9. Mai, 9∶30 – 17∶00 | ETH Forum Wohnungsbau | ETH Zürich, Zentrum, Auditorium Maximum (HG F 30), Rämistrasse 101.
Infoveranstaltungen MAS Raumentwicklung & CAS Raumentwicklung und Planungspraxis
16. April und 17. Juni (MAS), 15. April und 18. Juni (CAS) | Informationsanlässe | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL H35.1 und Zoom (Link nach Registrierung).
Rebuilding Everyday Life: Housing Practices in Urban China
27. March, 12∶00 – 13∶30 | Public Lecture | online.
2 + 2 + 1 Eine Debatte über zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur
26. März, 15. April, 18∶30 | Zürich, Langstrasse 200.
Three doctoral theses from D-ARCH honoured with ETH Medal
During the doctoral awards ceremony on 24 January 2025, Matthew Critchley, Rune Frandsen and Kam-Ming Mark Tam received a Silver Medal for outstanding doctoral theses. Rune Frandsen, who is currently working as Scientific Collaborator at Bundesamt für Kultur BAK, receives an ETH Medal for his doctorate, that he Mehr
Planetary Urbanisation and the 21st Century Agrarian Question
24. – 28. March | Colloquium | American Association of Geographers, Detroit.
Global Theories of Urban Design
28.02. / 07.03. / 14.03. / 28.03. / 04.04. / 11.04. , 13∶45 – 15∶30 | Guest Lectures | HIL E4, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg.
Built from Dust: Earth, Soil and the Modern Afropolis
25. February, 17∶00 – 18∶00 (vernissage), 25. February – 9. May (exhibition) | Exhibition | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL Archena.
Built from Dust: Engaging with Modern Afropoli
25. February, 10∶00 – 16∶00 | Colloquium | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL Archena.
Sessions on Territory – Agency: Architecture in the Civil Service
Mondays from 24. February, 18∶00 – 20∶00 | Public debates | ETH Zürich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA E25 DiD Lab.
100 Ideas for the Western Balkans: Belgrade Underground Opening
13. Februar – 13. March | Exhibition | Museum of Applied Art (MAA) Belgrade
InternationaI Cooperation Forum Switzerland
27 & 28 February 2025 | ETH Zürich. This year, we have chosen to focus on the potential of economic growth and how Switzerland can help developing and partner countries to capitalise on that in a socially, environmentally and climate-friendly way.
Review of DELUS Journal for Landscape and Urban Studies: Chasing Water
The Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies is young and evolving. While it builds on a rich research history across various chairs, its identity still continues to take shape through its doctoral community, lecture series, and biannual research colloquia. In this context, it is particularly noteworthy that the Mehr
Final Reviews Voser, Landscape Architecture: transizioni
18.12.2024, 8:30-18:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL G75, Stefano-Franscini-Platz.
Holz, Lehm und ein digitales Ökosystem für eine zukunftsfähige Bauwirtschaft
Die gängigen Materialien und Praktiken in der Schweizer Bauwirtschaft sind klimaschädlich, ressourcenintensiv und erzeugen viel Abfall. An der ETH Zürich sind zwei Flagship-Projekte von Innosuisse gestartet, um das Schweizer Bauwesen nachhaltig zu transformieren: Während «Swircular» das Fundament für eine zirkuläre Bauwirtschaft legt, ermöglicht «Think Earth» regeneratives Bauen mit Mehr
Warum die Ablehnung des Ausbauschritts 2023 für die Nationalstrassen? Idee für ein nationales Gesamtmobilitätskonzept
Am 24. November wurde über den «Ausbauschritt 2023 des Bundes für die Nationalstrassen» abgestimmt. Er umfasst sechs Grossprojekte, darunter die Verbreiterung der Autobahn A1 zwischen Bern und Nyon sowie drei neue Tunnels in Basel, Schaffhausen und St. Gallen. Bryan Adey, Professor für Infrastrukturmanagement, und Arnór Elvarsson, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Mehr
LUS Doctoral Crits HS24
4 December 2024, 09:00 – 13:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIT F 12. The autumn semester crits will follow a condensed format, featuring five presentations. We are honoured to welcome Prof. Dr. Charlotte Malterre-Barthes from EPFL as our external reviewer.
New Ruralities (NERU)
New Ruralities (NERU) is an Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships programme, which brings together six design units within the universities of ULB (Brussels), POLITO (Torino), UDC (La Coruña), UMinho (Braga), UACEG (Sofia) and ETH (Zürich). The Newrope chair is participating on behalf of ETH. The partnership’s aim is to generate Mehr
History and Theory of Architecture VIII: Seen from the South
A new core theory course for master’s students taught for the third time in spring 2025 argues that the list of ‘great’ cities needs to be rethought. Given the diversity of urbanisms around the world, it would be a disservice to limit one’s perspective to theoretical notions originating Mehr
Awaska Alpa_Woven Territory
14.10.2023–14.01.2024 | Exhibition | Akademie der Künste, Berlin. Awaska Alpa is a research project that critically explores the representation of Inga territory in the Andean Amazon of Colombia. During colonial times, the Spanish crown established the Indigenous resguardo (reserve) as a form of collective land tenure to “protect,” Mehr
Nature conservation and Indigenous territories – Transitioning from the biological to the biocultural
The 16th Conference of Parties of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16) took place in Colombia during the last two weeks of October 2024. The city of Cali became the main stage for intergovernmental efforts to protect nature. A key outcome of the summit was recognising the Mehr
ENHANCE Summer School: From Dystopia to Euphoria – Synergic Urban Systems Under Pressure
1-6 September 2025 | TU Berlin
DELUS Issue 1
DELUS Issue 1 adopts a water-centric lens through the notion of Chasing Water and presents a collection of writings forming an anthology.
Developing a Unity-based Tool to Integrate Sound into Landscape Design and Evaluation
The acoustic quality of outdoor spaces is receiving increasing attention in planning and design disciplines. Yet, it is very difficult for non-experts in acoustics to include the effects of landscape changes on the so-called soundscape in their daily work. In the Innovedum project «Unity App for Soundscape Design Mehr
Creating a Situated and Multilayered Understanding of Global Production Space Through Collective Interventions
Rooted in the tension between concrete locations and global networks, between movement and stillness, space and place, and between clusters and dispersed zones, global production landscapes are challenging to understand. Where do these production spaces originate? Who owns, designs, and manages them? Due to the opaque nature of Mehr
Responsiveness of Transport Infrastructure Planning Processes
Responsiveness of planning processes is the ability to meet changing societal transport needs quickly in ways that are acceptable to all stakeholders. In Switzerland, considerable traffic jams and overfilled trains indicate that planning processes could be made more responsive. As delays for travelers persist, their needs are not Mehr
disP 60/2, June 2024
disP – The Planning Review, Volume 60, Issue 2, June 2024 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.
Tagung Landmanagement 2025: Klimaresilientes Wassermanagement im ländlichen Raum
23. Januar 2025 | ETH Zürich, Audimax, HG F 30, Rämistrasse 101.
Digitale Zwillinge für unsere Städte
4-D-Modelle helfen, Städte zu verstehen und nachhaltig zu entwickeln. Am Forum des «Netzwerks Stadt und Landschaft» an der ETH Zürich wird dies anhand aktueller Forschung veranschaulicht. Artikel im Velojournal
Brownbag Lunch zum Thema Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung im Bereich Raumplanung
27. November 2024, 11:45 – 13:30 | ETH Zürich, Hauptgebäude HG E 42 (Pallmann Sitzungszimmer)
DAM Book Award 2024 for «Researching Otherwise»
Multi-disciplinarity is on the agenda for the contemporary architectural debate, and Researching Otherwise – edited by ETH-based scholar Nitin Bathla – takes a broad look at the topic. Divided into three chapters dedicated to transdisciplinary, sensory, and restitutive methods, the book presents pluriversal research projects, which range from Mehr
Open House Westhof «Architekturen des Zusammenlebens – Small Talk!», Architekturführung im Anschluss
29. Oktober 2024, 16:00 – 17:30 | Mehrzweckraum, Westhof Dübendorf, Zukunftstrasse 13, 8600 Dübendorf
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board: Video and Manifesto now online!
Did you miss the NSL Forum and Cycling Research Board «Digital Twins for Europe’s Future Mobility», on September 4th? The video link is now available on the event website! In addition, for a quick read and an overview of the workshops, you can download the «Collective Manifesto for Mehr