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Plakat FCL Conference and Exhibition 2023

Future Cities Laboratory Global Conference and Exhibition

12 – 13 October | ETH Zurich, Rämistr. 101. It is no longer enough to promote innovative science and design, we need to move from research to action. Keynotes: Peter Sloterdijk, Pierre de Meuron, Momoyo Kaijima and others.

A Mettmenstetten recipe: Incorporating old and rare varieties cultivated on local grounds. Image from Tasting Grounds, a project by Xiang Lin, Nabila Larasati Pranoto, Maria Jose Castañeda Valbuena, and Emma Kaufmann LaDuc © ETH Zürich

Agroecological Repair – Food, Territory and Agriculture in the Canton of Zürich

On the highlands, across crop rotation plains and within the drained valley floors the «Agriterritories» of Zurich require immediate action for design to take back its political role within the rural. The ETH Zürich studio Agroecological Repair – Transformative Practices for the Zürich Territory (spring 23) was part Mehr

2+2+1: Eine Debatte über zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur

21. November 2023, 18:00 | L 200, Langstr. 200, Zürich.

Portraitfoto von David Kaufmann

«Our goal is to find answers to the rapid global and Swiss-wide urbanisation.»

David Kaufmann is the new director of the Network City and Landscape (NSL) for the next two years. His priorities revolve around enhancing ETH Zürich’s standing in the field of national and international urban research and fostering synergies among ETH’s urban research groups in research, teaching, and engagement Mehr

Informationsveranstaltung MAS CAS Raumentwicklung

05. Oktober 2023, 18:30-20:00 Uhr | ETH Zentrum, Gebäude LEE, Hörsaal E 101. Informationsveranstaltung des Weiterbildungsprogramms MAS CAS in Raumentwicklung der ETH Zürich mit anschliessendem Apéro. Organisation Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung, ETH RAUM. Contact: Lidija Honegger.

Opening of the ‘Large-scale Virtualization and Modeling Lab – LVML’

3 October 2023, 16:00–18:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL H 40.9 (Foyer).

Open House Zürich, Quartierrundgang

26. September 2023, 18:15–19:15 | Idaplatz Zürich (Treffpunkt: Brunnen). Mehr Wohnraum in Städten «10-Minuten-Nachbarschaften».

Inaugural Lecture of the ETH MSc in Landscape Architecture 2023–2024

18 September, 15:00–17:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3. Lecturer: Catherine Mosbach, French Landscape Architect, mosbach paysagistes. Landscape asserts a painting that some aspire to put under bell. The bottomless abysses of our practice as landscape architects probe the alliances beyond courtiers of generic green.

Poster with title an date of the event days of architecture 2023 Sarajevo

Days of Architecture Sarajevo

15 September – 27 October | Sarajevo, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. This year’s Days of Architecture festival in Sarajevo celebrates the upcoming 40th anniversary of the 1984 Sarajevo Olympic Winter Games.


15. September | 17:00–22:00 und 16. September, 10:00– 18:00 | Generationenfestival Thun «Märit», Mittlere Ringstr. 8, 3600 Thun. Wie können Wohnformen das Zusammenleben von Jung und Alt fördern? Wo liegen Herausforderungen und Chancen? Das ETH Wohnforum nimmt am Generationenwohnen Festival in Thun teil und bietet Einblicke.

Critical Mass-Demonstration 2022 in Zürich (Foto: Urs Jaudas, Tages-Anzeiger)

E-Bike City: Nur noch die Hälfte der Strassen für die Autos

30. August, 2023, 18:30 – 19:45 | Podiumsdiskussion | Karl der Grosse, Saal, Kirchgasse 14, 8001 Zürich.

Portraitfoto von Günther Vogt

Emeritierungsspaziergänge Günther Vogt

AUSGEBUCHT 14.+15. Oktober 2023 (Anmeldeschluss 2. Oktober) | in und um Zürich.

Mieten: Teuer, teurer, verdrängt

Radio SRF 2 KULTUR | Mieten: Teuer, teurer, verdrängt | 14.07.2023.

Protrait von Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert (Bild: ETH Zürich / Giulia Marthaler)

Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert zum ordentlichen Professor für Nachhaltiges Bauen befördert

Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert (*1977), zurzeit ausserordentlicher Professor an der ETH Zürich, wurde zum ordentlichen Professor für Nachhaltiges Bauen am Departement Bau, Umwelt und Geomatik befördert. Guillaume Haberts Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf der Nachhaltigkeit von Gebäuden und Infrastrukturen. Ziel ist die Umsetzung nachhaltiger Baupraktiken mit innovativen Bautechniken und dem Mehr

Wohnen – Wer kann sich das noch leisten?

TV-Sendung Der Club auf SRF 1 mit Prof. em Dr. Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani.

Poster of the Book launch "Lively Cities" in Liechtenstein

Lively Cities

Book Launch and Doctoral Colloquium, 26. & 27.10 2023 | Lively Cities departs from conventions of urban studies to argue that cities are lived achievements forged by a multitude of entities – human and nonhuman – that make up the material politics of city making.

Researching Otherwise: Pluriversal Methods for Landscape and Urban Research

LUS Methodology Seminar, autumn 2023 | on fridays, 10-12, ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E 67.

disP 59/1, March 2023

disP – The Planning Review, Volume 59, Issue 1, March 2023 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.

"Wie wir die Alpen Retten", Artikel aus dem Tages Anzeiger Magazin, Ausschnitt aus Seite 9.

Die Zukunft der Alpen | Wie wir die Alpen retten

Klimawandel und Energiewende zwingen die Schweiz dazu, den alpinen Raum neu zu gestalten. Welche Landschaften sollen genutzt, welche geschützt werden? Eine Studiengruppe der ETH Zürich will eine grundsätzliche Debatte lancieren.

Contrasting housing conditions in Beirut, Source: Bruna Rohling, 2022

New Project: Urban Humanitarian Housing

Housing is one of the most significant challenges for humanitarian actors and displaced persons in cities. This new SNF project on Urban Humanitarian Housing hopes to contribute to improving humanitarian housing responses as well as the well-being and agency of urban displaced persons worldwide. This is a collaboration Mehr

Generationenwohnen Filmstills © ETH Zürich

Generationenwohnen – filmische Einblicke ins (Un-)gewohnte

20. September 2023, 18:00 -19:30 Uhr | Cafébar Berner Generationenhaus, Bahnhofplatz 2, 3011 Bern.

Symbolbild zu "Wer bin ich? Die Agglo auf der Suche nach Identität"

Wer bin ich? Die Agglo auf der Suche nach Identität

Sendung Regionaljournal Bern Freiburg Wallis, 22.05.2023, 17:30 Uhr. Was Agglomerationsgemeinden tun können, um sich nicht in der Gesichtslosigkeit zu verlieren. Zwei Beispiele.

This photo of downtown Calgary was captured by drone in March 2017. Students at a university in Zurich recently studied the city's design. (Ed Middleton/CBC)

A Swiss university did a deep dive into Calgary’s ‚missing middle.‘ This is what they found

Students at ETH Zurich studied the city’s design and variety of housing types. Article from Jade Markus · CBC News · Posted: Jun 10, 2023.

Schweizer Wohnungsnot und mögliche Lösungen

Die Wohnungsnot nimmt schweizweit zu. Einer der Gründe: Es wird weniger gebaut. Gleichzeitig leben immer mehr Menschen in der Schweiz – und suchen immer mehr Platz zum Wohnen. Neue Lösungen sind gefragt.

Öffentliche Erörterung Master Thesis MAS in Raumplanung 2021/23

4.-6. Oktober, ab 09:00 Uhr | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIB Open Space 1+2. Die MAS Studierenden präsentieren nach zweijährigem Weiterbildungsstudium ihre Masterarbeiten.

Reflective Practitioners

10.1.24; 7.2.24, jeweils 18:30 | Öffentliche Vorlesungsreihe | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIB Open Space 1 + 2.

Öffentliche Schlusspräsentation MAS in Raumplanung 2021/23

30. Juni 2023, ab 14:00 Uhr | Zollhaus, Zollstrasse 121, 8005 Zürich. Raumplanerische Interdependenzen zwischen Ober- und Untergrund. Strategien für eine vertikal-integrierte Raumentwicklung. Veranstaltungswebseite

CAS ETH Raumentwicklung und Prozessdesign

ETH RAUM | Bewerbung bis 1. Dezember 2023. Das CAS in Raumentwicklung und Prozessdesign vermittelt Expertise und innovative Formate der Prozessgestaltung. Dabei steht der Mensch im Zentrum: Eine designorientierte Haltung, agile Vorgehensweisen und kollaborative Methoden bilden die Grundlage, um räumliche Veränderungsprozesse anzugehen.

Screenshots from the app used for the TimeUse+ diary study. Passive GPS tracks are presented to participants as Events (left). Events are annotated with activity-level information (middle). Depending on the activity, participants report additional attributes like activity duration, whether anyone else is with them, and whether they are spending any money on a given activity (right). © IVT, ETH Zürich

TimeUse+ – How do the Swiss Spend Their Time and Money? A Longitudinal Smartphone Diary Study with GPS

How we spend our 24-hour days varies over time, be it by changes in one’s personal life or external forces like modifications to the built environment or government-level restrictions, as was the case during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. TimeUse+ is a novel survey methodology to collect data on Mehr

Screenshot of the newly launched TACK Archive, a website compiling outputs from the research project «Communities of Tacit Knowledge- Architecture and its Ways of Knowing.»

Design Studios as «Communities of Tacit Knowledge»

Much of what architecture students learn in the studio is «tacit knowledge.» They develop the skills and sensibilities of architectural and urban design with practice, often under the supervision of instructors and peers, not by studying textbooks. Yet, despite its importance, we know relatively little about how this Mehr

An optimized spatial arrangement for cooling an urban landscape with the predominant wind is determined by testing and comparing a series of wind speed simulations. Digital modeling is instrumental to establish an iterative framework for designing. © ETH Zürich

Design Research Studios – A Research-based Design Process for Interdisciplinary Dialogue and Collaborative Thinking

Design Research Studios (DRS) are an education format directed to Bachelor and Master students in Architecture at ETH Zurich that integrate studies conducted by post-graduate researchers on complex issues like flood and urban heat. They offer an opportunity to develop landscape designs connecting people and their environment with Mehr

© Tentacular Writing and Nitin Bathla, ETH Zürich, 2022.

Tentacular Writing – A Peer-to-peer Writing Retreat

«… it matters what stories we tell to tell other stories with; … what thoughts think thoughts, what descriptions describe descriptions, what ties tie ties. It matters what stories make worlds, what worlds make stories». D.J. Haraway In September 2022, a group of 18 architects met in the Mehr

CAS in Regenerative Systems: Sustainability to Regeneration

Crises hold chances. We are finding ourselves in times of deep, nested, and accelerating ecological, social, cultural, political, economic, and personal crises. This dynamic situation is highly complex and uncertain, unpredictable, and even chaotic. Yet within chaos is creativity, and creativity leads to chances for renewal.

Symbolbild: Heavy traffic at Zürich Hardbrücke, 2021. Photo: Michael Derrer Fuchs - stock.adobe.com

NSL Colloquium: Transport Planning – Where do we go now?

6. bis 8. December 2023 | ETH Zürich, Centre and Hönggerberg. Video Links of the 7th December NSL Colloquium Transport Planning – Where do we go now? (with: Milos Balac, ETH Zürich; Oded Cats, TU Delft; Alex Erath, FHNW Muttenz; Daniel Hörcher, Imperial College London; Allister Loder, TU Mehr

«Die Idee»: Hanf statt Beton

Sendung auf SRF 1, 10 vor 10, 12.05.2023.

Symbolbild: Mobility in the city of Leeds (I. Vjestica / Unsplash)

Advances in Transportation & Mobility Planning

5 June, 08:00–12:30 and 6 June 2023, 09:45–12:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIT E 51, Siemens Auditorium. Two-​day seminar on design, new technologies, novel data sources, and equity for sustainable mobility systems.

Mehr Wohnraum, aber für wen?

6. Juni 2023, 17.30 | Karl der Grosse, Kirchgasse 14, 8001 Zürich. Bauen ist das Gebot der Stunde, um dem aktuellen Wohnungsmangel zu begegnen und Verdichtung zu fördern. Neueste Studien über den Kanton Zürich zeigen jedoch, dass der aktuelle Wohnungsbau vulnerable Menschen verdrängt.

Planetary Urbanisation: Agendas for Research and Action

18, 19, 20 October 2023, colloquium and exhibition. Link to the video of this event The conference debates themes including patterns and processes of urbanisation in agricultural territories, processes of extractivism, and the role of infrastructure, movements of people, goods and resources, and the state space in relation Mehr

Landschaftstadt Zürich. Überlappen Verbinden Öffnen – eine Bildersuche

Ausstellung 09.06.2023 bis 24.09.2023 // Mittwoch bis Sonntag 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr | Zentrum Architektur Zürich (ZAZ), Höschgasse 3, Zürich.

Symbolbild: Verkehrsrelevante Piktogramme und eine mit Autos befahrene mehrspurige Strasse. Credits: Future mobility (j-mel / Adobe Stock)

Sustainable Future Mobility Symposium: CSFM’23

6 June, 8:30-16:30 | ETH Zürich, centre, HG E5.

Hands-​on Carazas Test (Photo credit: Hannes Lukesch)

CAS ETH Regenerative Materials

Sustainable Construction | Hygrothermal Specialisation starts in September 2023, application until 31 July 2023. It is time to go beyond sustainability. Alternative solutions out of local resources such as earth, bio-​based, and reused materials are emerging all over the world and are triggering regenerative output.

disP 58/4, December 2022

disP – The Planning Review, Volume 58, Issue 4, December 2022 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.

LUS Doctoral Crits – With Keynote by Sonja Dümpelmann

26 May 2023, 09:30 – 18:15 | L200, Langstrasse 200, Zürich. A number of researchers from the current LUS doctoral cohort will present their work at the crits.

E-Bike – Chancen und Risiken des Verkehrsmittels der Zukunft

Sendung ansehen: «Einstein» auf SRF 1, ausgestrahlt am 13.04.2023.

31st INURA Conference – The Right to the Planet

29-31 May 2023 | ETH Zürich. Since 1991 the INURA conference has been combining urban research and action using a very successful format: A few days in a city guided by local groups, when the INURA conference creates opportunities for local and international exchanges, and a few days Mehr

Cover der Publikaton Stadtwerdung im Zeitraffer

Stadtwerdung im Zeitraffer

Die Fotografische Langzeitbeobachtung Schlieren 2005–2020 zeigt, wie sich das Schweizer Mittelland entwickelt.

Poster SPUR Research Colloquium

SPUR Research Colloquium

9 January – 20 November 2023 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL H 35.3 or HIL H 40.4 and online.

FCL Global Seminar: Vehicle-to-Grid for Car-sharing: Can Shared EVs Support the Power Grid in Future Cities?

29 March 2023, 5–6pm (SGT), 11-12 noon (CET) | Zoomlink, Meeting ID: 654 4098 1589. Register: HERE.

More Than Human Cinema: The Two Sights

3 April 2023, 19:00 | L200, Langstrasse 200, Zurich. The screening will feature THE TWO SIGHTS with director Joshua Bonnetta in presence for a Q and A.

Verdichtung oder Verdrängung? Wenn Neubauten ersetzen

Ausstellung 26. Januar – 23. April 2023 | Zentrum Architektur Zürich (ZAZ), Höschgasse 3, Zürich.