Kategorie: Publikationen
Transhumance Urbanism as an Urban Otherwise: Inhabiting Agrarian Incompletion at the Intersections of Extended Urbanisation-Extended Ruralisation
Amid the ongoing transformation of agrarian territories in peripheral geographies across the world through extended urbanisation, this paper delves into the persistence of peasant and pastoral strategies amidst the closing down effects of land enclosure and fragmentation.
Behind Closed Doors
Spaces of global production are formed by a diverse set of spatial figures that result from and support a global division of labor. Spaces of global production include multinational manufacturing networks, industrial agglomerations, plantations, logistics corridors, and special economic zones.
DELUS Issue 1
Shared micromobility, perceived accessibility, and social capital
The transport infrastructure planning process in Canton Zürich. With examples of planning infrastructure in Dübendorf-Hinwil corridor
disP 60/2, June 2024
Transitioning to Sustainable Cities and Communities
The publication features scholarly articles and interviews from leading experts working in various fields anchored in urban design and architecture. Each piece in the volume addresses the challenges and opportunities prompted by the SDG11, and by extension, the climate crisis. As a whole, the volume illuminates and showcases Mehr
Against wastelanding: distributed design at the pace of soil in the Conca de Barberà
Overcoming challenges in cost-benefit analysis of urban cycling infrastructure
This paper explores the challenges in conducting Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) for urban cycling infrastructure. The authors discuss two key difficulties: determining the objective safety benefits and estimating the costs associated with implementing the infrastructure. To overcome these challenges, the authors conducted a study in Zürich, aiming to convert Mehr
Increasing realism in modelling energy losses in railway vehicles and their impact to energy-efficient train control
The reduction of energy consumption is an increasingly important topic of the railway system. Energy-efficient train control (EETC) is one solution, which refers to mathematically computing when to accelerate, which cruising speed to hold, how long one should coast over a suitable space, and when to brake.
Housing Precarity in Six European and North American Cities: Threatened by the Loss of a Safe, Stable, and Affordable Home
Problem, research strategy, and findings: Increasing numbers of urban dwellers face housing precarity in cities worldwide. We conceptualize housing precarity as a multidimensional phenomenon, using five different dimensions: 1) housing affordability, 2) tenure security, 3) housing satisfaction, 4) neighborhood quality, and 5) community cohesion.
Erneuerbare Energien im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Ansprüche
Das Schweizer Energiesystem soll gemäss Energiestrategie 2050 massgeblich mit Photovoltaik- (PV) und Wind-energieanlagen umgestaltet werden. Jedoch beeinflussen diese Anlagen die Wahrnehmung der Landschaft durch die Bevölkerung und können zu Konflikten mit verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Interessen führen. Auch der Wald steht zunehmend in der Diskussion, einen Beitrag zur Energiewende zu Mehr
Researching Otherwise: Pluriversal Methodologies for Landscape and Urban Studies
Wie können sich Landschafts- und Stadtforschung wirksamer mit transdisziplinärem Dialog, Sinnlichkeit und Affekt sowie pluriversen Welten beschäftigen? Researching Otherwise stellt sensorische, kollaborative und restitutive methodische Werkzeuge vor, um neue Räume für die Produktion von Wissen zu schaffen.
disP 60/1, March 2024
Open Access ETH Studio Basel
The website «Open Access ETH Studio Basel» presents a selection of publications by the ETH Studio Basel as open access. ETH Studio Basel, Contemporary City Institute, was founded in 1999 as an institute of urban research at the ETH Zürich Department of Architecture by architects Roger Diener, Jacques Mehr
A Time-varying Shockwave Speed Model for Trajectory Reconstruction using Lagrangian and Eulerian Observations
Inference of detailed vehicle trajectories is crucial for applications such as traffic flow modeling, energy consumption estimation, and traffic flow optimization. Static sensors can provide only aggregated information, posing challenges in reconstructing individual vehicle trajectories.
Key Factors to Enhance Efficacy of 3D Digital Environments for Transformative Landscape and Urban Planning
The unprecedented expansion of digital technologies has led to a rapid increase in the development and application of 3D digital environments for landscape and urban planning in the past two decades. Considering the significant challenges in guiding human societies towards sustainability, these technologies must not only assist decision-makers Mehr
Bicycle as a traffic mode: From microscopic cycling behavior to macroscopic bicycle flow
Cities allocate dedicated road space to bicycles in favor of active-mode road users. For urban environments with a mass bicycle volume, bicycle traffic congestion is likely to occur. Hence, a thorough understanding of bicycle traffic flow is necessary for the assessment of cycling infrastructure and the development of Mehr
Comparative study of route choice models for cyclists
Haushälterische Bodennutzung vollziehen
Creating inequality in access to public transit? Densification, gentrification, and displacement
Densification is a key concept in contemporary urban planning. Yet, there are widespread concerns about densification causing displacement and gentrification. This paper examines densification around train stations – a prevalent form of transit-oriented development (TOD) in cities with established public transit systems – in the Canton of Zurich, Mehr
DELUS Issue 0
disP 59/4, December 2023
Developing and Extending Status Prediction Models for Railway Tracks Based on On-Board Monitoring Data
Explainable Train Delay Propagation: A Graph Attention Network Approach
Time-to-Green Predictions for Fully-Actuated Signal Control Systems With Supervised Learning
Public Support for Participation in Local Development
How will the railway look like in 2050? A survey of experts on technologies, challenges and opportunities for the railway system
The railway system can fulfil society’s current and future transportation goals; compared to other transport modes, it does that with high energy, space and resource efficiency. It can deliver high-quality transport services, superior speed, safety and comfort to most competing modes. Nevertheless, its share of the total traffic Mehr
Identifying levers of urban neighbourhood transformation using serious games
Growing urban population and contemporary urban systems lock-in unsustainable urban development pathways, deteriorating the living quality of urban dwellers. The systemic complexity of these challenges renders it difficult to find solutions using existing planning processes.
disP 59/3, September 2023
Listening In: Conversations on Architectures, Cities and Landscapes, 1700-1900 – Programme and Abstracts
Extended Urbanisation. Tracing Planetary Struggles NOW OPEN ACCESS DOWNLOAD!
Vocabularies for an Urbanising Planet: Theory Building through Comparison NOW OPEN ACCESS DOWNLOAD
disP 59/2, June 2023
The Great Repair: Praktiken der Reparatur (DE/EN)
The Great Repair is an oxymoron. the title captures the convergence of two seemingly contradictory principles: the revolutionary ambition for systemic change and the evolutionary act of repair. Despite the justified (postmodern) skepticism toward revolution as a concept of rupture, we must not abandon our aspiration to bring about Mehr
COLLECTIVE WORKSHOP Transformational Encounters in the Trakia Economic Zone
This article is a reflection on an action research project with stakeholders of a special economic zone in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The article describes the process of engagement from the perspective of the workers and the managers of three international factories, with the aim to discover moments and entry Mehr
Settlement Relationships and their Morphological Homogeneity Across Time and Scale
Glossary of Spatial Planning Terms. An Overview of Instruments and Terminology in Switzerland
As a resource for understanding and translating Swiss spatial planning terms, this glossary aims to promote consistency and coherence for education and applied research in English about Swiss spatial planning at the ETH Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development and beyond.
Cooperative Planning under Pro-development Urban Agenda? A Collage of Densification Practices in Zurich, Switzerland
Like in many cities and regions worldwide, densification is the current urban development paradigm in Switzerland. Although considered one of the main policy mechanisms for sustainable land use, densification strategies are mainly employed by the private sector, causing adverse social effects.
A Multi-objective Calibration Framework for Capturing the Behavioral Patterns of Autonomously-driven Vehicles
Lively Cities
disP 59/1, March 2023
Inhabiting the Extensions
Across the different vernaculars of the world’s urban majorities, there is renewed bewilderment as to what is going on in the cities in which they reside and frequently self-build. Prices are unaffordable and they are either pushed out or strongly lured away from central locations.
Science-design Loop for the Design of Resilient Urban Landscapes
The Great Repair: Politics of a Society of Repair – A Reader ARCH+
The modern capitalist era, with its emphasis on growth and progress and an economic system based on consumption, wastage, and resources being bled dry, has led to the ruthless exploitation of people and nature. As a counter to this, “The Great Repair” project puts forward the idea of a repair Mehr