Department / Institute: Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS)
Wouldn’t it be Nice if Architects Started Dreaming About Building Less
POSTPONED: Prospective Visions for Greater Geneva Region. Inhabiting the City-Landscape of the 21st Century
24 March | Inhabiting the City-Landscape of the 21st Century | Geneva. Initiated by the Braillard Architectural Foundation in October 2018, the Greater Geneva Consultation has charged seven interdisciplinary teams to rethink the cross-border metropolis to respond to the challenges of the ecological transition.
CANCELLED: Fábrica de Cultura: BAQ Inauguration
16 March, 18:00 | BAQ Fabrica de Cultura, Barranquilla, Colombia. With guests including Ambassador Raymond Furrer (SECO), this event will inaugurate the newest building emerging from the research of the Klumpner Chair – the Fábrica de Cultura: BAQ, in Barranquilla, Colombia.
CANCELLED: Olafur Eliasson
Inscriptions in Relation. Sitting Matters – Imagining social relations by designing public space
14–16 February | Exhibition | Palais de la Porte Dorée, 293 Avenue Daumesnil, 75012 Paris, France. Sitting or seating, the provision of a seat or seating, the arrangement of material for a seat as one of the most basic human activities in private or public urban environments is the point of departure Mehr
ETH Wohnforum BBL Events: Prishtina: the Arrival and Departure City of Kosovo Diaspora
Screening of the Documentary Film PUSH Followed by a Discussion on the «Mehr bezahlbare Wohnungen» Initiative
Designing with the Form of the Landscape
A new approach in landscape design uses point cloud modeling to integrate spatial, aesthetic and quantitative features of the landscape. The method is applicable in any location and thus makes it useful to a wide range of topics, whether in the context of cultural, agricultural or urban landscapes, Mehr
Mutation und Morphose. Landschaft als Aggregat
Wer aus der Distanz betrachtet, was wir «Landschaft» nennen, wird erkennen, dass es sich dabei um ein Artefakt handelt, um einen Lebensraum, von Menschen geschaffen als Teil der gebauten Stadt. Die Gestaltung dieses Raums ist eine Disziplin von zunehmender Bedeutung. Günther Vogt hat sich mit VOGT Landschaftsarchitekten und Mehr
Call for Papers: Public Space – the Real and the Ideal
Call for papers by 6th January 2020. The aim of the conference is to stress ideas and ideals on public space, both in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, as well as in (political) philosophy, against the background of the continuous development of technology, from smart phone to smart Mehr
Walking in the Territory
Can we, as researchers of the territory, still investigate and learn about our built and the unbuilt environments through direct experience? Can we rely merely on digital cartographies, or should we still be explorers who embark on journeys of discovery? We have tried to answer these questions by Mehr
Collective Actors and the Production of the City: Urban Commons in Research
In her book Governing the Commons (1990), political economist and Nobel prize winner Elinor Ostrom identified spaces and infrastructures as ‘common resources’ fostered by groups of citizens in order to resist top-down governance and commodification. Today, the notion of the ‘urban commons’ appears as an index for historians Mehr
27.11.2019, 14.30–16.00 | ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, 8050 Zürich (Oerlikon). In conversation with Marc Angélil, Arno Brandlhuber, Charlotte Malterre Barthes, and Milica Topalović. KELLER EASTERLING is an architect, professor at Yale, and one of the most eloquent theorists of architecture and design. In ‘Medium Design’ (Strelka Press, 2018) Easterling argues that design tools are often inadequate to Mehr
New Master of Science ETH in Landscape Architecture
We offer a new two-year master’s programme in landscape architecture at the department of architecture of ETH Zurich with a focus on the design and planning of open spaces and landscapes. This master’s programme in landscape architecture, initiated by Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard, Prof. Christophe Girot and Prof. Günther Mehr
Neue Professorin für Landschaftsarchitektur am LUS
The Professionalization of a Social Movement: Housing Cooperatives in Uruguay
Uruguay’s housing cooperatives‘ approaches and achievements are increasingly a source of inspiration for housing movements across the world. At present, in a country with a population of only about 3.5 million people, there are over 2,000 housing cooperatives providing affordable and good quality housing to approximately 30,000 households. Mehr
Projects on Territory: Dichte Geschichte
Die Debatte um Dichte in der Schweiz ist nicht neu. Tatsächlich ist sie älter und stärker verwurzelt im Fachdiskurs als oft angenommen wird: sie entbrannte stets in Phasen starken Bevölkerungswachstums, das oft mit der unkontrollierten Zersiedelung des Kulturlandes und erhöhter Landspekulation einherging. Noch bevor das Wort «Dichte» im Mehr
Housing Challenges in Europe
Architecture of Territory: Territorial Design in Histories, Theories and Projects
On Thursdays, 10:00–12:00 | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA Fokushalle E7 | Lecture Series. This lecture series sets up the agenda for widening the disciplinary field of architecture and urbanism from their focus on the city, or the urban in the narrow sense, to wider territorial scales, which correspond to the increasing scales of Mehr
Housing Challenges in the Global South
CANCELLED: Mutation und Morphose. Landschaft als Aggregat | Mutation and Morphosis. Landscape as Aggregate
Tackling the Global Housing Challenges: Relevance and Replicability of Housing Cooperatives. Approaches and Strategies
6 December, 9:00–17:30 | International Conference | Zentrum für Architektur ZAZ (Museum Bellerive), Höschgasse 3, 8008 Zürich. Celebrating 100 years of housing cooperatives in Switzerland, the ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE in collaboration with the Association of Swiss Housing Cooperatives (WBG Zürich) are hosting an international conference with the aim to address the Mehr
Launch Party LUS: Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies
2019–2020 MAS ETH in Housing: Kick-off Event
Mobilität neu denken: Erste Nationale Mobilitätskonferenz
«Mit einer intelligenten Verkehrspolitik in die multimobile Zukunft», lautet der Titel der vom Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung ARE verfassten Medienmitteilung zur ersten Nationalen Mobilitätskonferenz, die Ende August in Bern stattfand. Mit einer Open Session daran teilgenommen haben Miriam Lüdi und Sibylle Wälty. Sie zeigten auf, wieso eine Abstimmung der Mehr
The Grand Projet, Understanding the Making and Impact of Urban Megaprojects
25 September 2019, 18:00-19:00 | The Grand Projet Book Launch & Exhibition Opening | ETH Zürich, Hauptgebäude, im Lichthof, Erdgeschoss (HG E Nord), Rämistrasse 101, Zürich | exhibition open 25.9. to 4.10.2019. At this book launch and exhibition opening, The Grand Projet team at the ETH-Future Cities Laboratory presents the Mehr
Future Cities: Actions
24-25 September 2019 | Zurich. The FCL conference ‘Future Cities: Actions’ will feature outcomes of research conducted at the Future Cities Laboratory since 2015, when the second phase of the programme began. In particular, the conference will focus on actions and FCL’s contribution to sustainable future cities.
One new institute replaces three others: the Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS)
The Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) has been founded as part of the Department of Architecture, with the Professors Christophe Girot, Hubert Klumpner, Freek Persyn, Christian Schmid, Milica Topalovic, and Günther Vogt. It replaces the three previous Institutes for Urban Design (ISB), Landscape Architecture (ILA) and the Contemporary City Institute (CCI).
Cartographies of Planetary Urbanisation
July 2019 | Fondazione Innovazione Urbana, Bologna. Cartographies of Planetary Urbanisation is a joint exhibit by Milica Topalovic, Prof. of Architecture and Territorial Planning, ETH Zürich; Christian Schmid, Chair of Urban Sociology, ETH Zürich and Neil Brenner, Urban Theory Lab, Harvard GSD.
Strategies Towards Inclusive Cities
15 July: Call for Papers. 17 and 18 October | Affordable Housing Forum Symposium 2019 in Tarragona, Spain. The 4th Affordable Housing Forum is an international and interdisciplinary symposium organised by the UNESCO Housing Chair of the University Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona (Spain) and the ETH Wohnforum Mehr
Land nutzen! Wie Städte gerechter wachsen und lebenswert bleiben können
Um Arbeit, Freizeit und Wohnen möglichst nahe zu verbinden, zieht es immer mehr Menschen in Städte und ihre Agglomerationen. Vielerorts wird in die Fläche expandiert, die Schweiz hingegen möchte das prognostizierte Arbeitsplatz- und Bevölkerungswachstum vor allem durch die Transformation bereits bebauter Flächen absorbieren. Eine schwierige Aufgabe, zumal das Mehr
«To Realise Breakthroughs in Urban Projects is to set them up as Learning Environments»
With Freek Persyn a new and experimental way of looking at and practicing urbanism came to the NSL. We questioned him on his notion on urban transformation, on his «radical openness to learn from others», his experiences in Albania, and the new «Design in Dialogue Lab» for students Mehr
Urbane Qualitäten: Lernen von der Langstrasse
Urbane Qualitäten sind heute in der Schweiz zu einem wichtigen Thema geworden. Fragen der Verdichtung, des Umgangs mit der Zersiedlung, der nachhaltigen Entwicklung, aber auch die steigende Nachfrage nach urbanem Wohnen und Arbeiten haben die Frage aufgeworfen, wie sich heute urbane Quartiere neu bauen lassen. Dabei lässt sich Mehr
Neues EU-Projekt PuSH am ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE
PuSH, a large, innovative European research project, has achieved funding from the EU HERA programme Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe (2019–2022). Distinguished researchers and non-academic partners from Denmark, Switzerland, Norway and Italy have achieved success in the face of fierce international competition, receiving €1 million from the Mehr
NACH ZÜRICH. Kontroversen zur Stadt. Ein Anarchiv
Ausstellung 4. April – 25. August 2019 | Mittwoch bis Sonntag 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr. Was ist Zürich? Die Ausstellung Nach Zürich beleuchtet Meilensteine der Stadtentwicklung: die Anlage der Parks am See unter der Leitung von Arnold Bürkli, der genossenschaftliche Wohnungsbau des Roten Zürich, die Modernisierung der Nachkriegszeit Mehr
Public Spaces in Post-conflict Cities. Post-conflict Colombia and Ex-Yugoslavia
Daily news headlines inform us about crises situations due to conflict and economic issues leading to soaring hunger and mass emigrations in various parts of the world. The ongoing research efforts at our chair in post-conflict Colombia, post-apartheid South Africa, and Ex-Yugoslavia focuses on creating synergies between city, Mehr
MAS ETH in Housing
Application window until 30 June 2019. The MAS ETH in Housing is committed to contribute to finding solutions to the housing challenges in Switzerland, Europe, as well as in low and middle income countries globally through multi disciplinary training and highlevel research.
Sessions on Territory – Urbanism and the Anthropocene: Ecology
5 Sessions on selected Mondays, 16:00–18:00. ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstr. 50. Sessions on Territory is a series of public debates on the political economy of architecture and territory. Focusing on how the epoch of the Anthropocene reframes our conceptions of the urban and shapes new Mehr
Soziologie: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Städtische
ab 22. Februar 2018, 12:45–14:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg. Dozentinnen: Rahel Nüssli, Monika Streule. In diesem Seminar beschäftigen wir uns mit verschiede nen Perspektiven auf das Städtische. StadtforscherInnen unterschiedlicher Disziplinen berichten von ihren aktuellen Forschungsprojekten – im Unterrichtsraum oder bei einem Spaziergang durch Zürich. Ergänzt durch Textlektüre disku Mehr
24 November 2018 – 5 May 2019 | SAM Basel. Ausstellung | Exhibition. Formen des urbanen Zusammenlebens in der Schweiz. Der Begriff der Dichte ist in der Schweiz auffällig negativ besetzt. In der politischen Diskussion um die städtebauliche und raumplanerische Entwicklung der Schweiz wird Dichte oft als Kampfbegriff Mehr
Urban Research Symposium: Global Land – Sub/Urban Form
Frauen blicken auf die Stadt. Architektinnen. Planerinnen. Reformerinnen. Theoretikerinnen des Städtebaus II
13. März, 18:30 Uhr | ZAZ Zentrum Architektur Zürich Höschgasse 3, 8008 Zürich. Buchvernissage Begrüssung: Beatrice Aebi, Präsidentin frau und sia Sandra König und Alexa Bodammer, Organisatorinnen frau + net Dialogische Lesung mit Katia Frey, Marie-Anne Lerjen und Eliana Perotti Anschliessend Apéro
Urban Research Symposium: Global Land – Sub/Urban Form
27 February 2019, 17:00–18:30 | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL E 3. Speaker: Prof. Ute Lehrer (York University, CAN). Ute Lehrer has been involved in comparative urban research on Zurich, Frankfurt, Berlin, Los Angeles and Toronto, investigating new urban forms, processes of spectacularization and megaprojects. Recently she has been part of the project «Global Mehr
The Disappearance of Robin Hood
Screening and panel discussion on Monday 11 March, 20:00 – 22:00 | Kino Kosmos, Zurich. London, 1972 – the city is growing, and with it the need to house working populations. Post-war values of social welfare make experimenting with new forms of housing possible, ushering in an era of Mehr
Elective course: ACTION! On the Real City – CAMPUS: Sensory Ethnograpgy of Educational Space
On Mondays, 10:00 – 12:00 | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA E16, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, 8050 Zurich. Lecturers: Hubert Klumpner with Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou The elective course «Action! On the Real City – CAMPUS: Sensory Ethnography of Educational Space» develops new forms of urban literacy in learning from the complex, Mehr
Design Studio Autumn 2018 – Urban Prototype: Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
On Tuesdays and Wednesdays 08:00 – 18:00 | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA E25, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, 8050 Zurich. The Urban Prototype studio will address environmental issues and social inequality by exploring urban resettlement strategies and knowledge transfer spaces through new urban and building typologies in the context of the Mehr
Lecture courses «Urban Design I/II – Urban Stories» and «Urban Design III/IV – Urban Stories»
On Thursdays 08:00 – 09:30 | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA E7, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, 8050 Zurich. How did the cities develop that we live in now? Which urban plans, instruments, visions, political decisions, economic reasonings, cultural inputs and social organization have been used to operate in urban settlements in Mehr
Ignazio Cassis Visits Empower Shack
Swiss Federal Council member Ignazio Cassis visited the site of the Empower Shack Project in the township of Khayelitsha in South Africa, meeting Prof. Hubert Klumpner on site. Together with the Swiss Ambassador, they spoke at length about the project’s potential to reshape housing policy in post-apartheid South Mehr
Between the Academy and Activism
13. Dezember 2018, 17:00 Uhr | ETH Zürich Hönggerberg, HIL E6. Vortrag von Lori Brown, Professor für Architektur, Syracuse University (NY). Lori Brown’s lecture, «Between the Academy + Activism,» will discuss her research and the opportunities it has unexpectedly created in real-world engagement and activism, bringing architecture out into broader current Mehr