
Entwickelt von einer Gruppe von Forschenden am LUS-Lehrstuhl für Architektur und Städtebau, Prof. Hubert Klumpner, unterstützt durch das Institut für Technologie in der Architektur ITA, Prof. Dr. Arno Schlueter und Prof. Dr. Philippe Block, in Zusammenarbeit mit einem internationalen Netzwerk von Partnern wie der Universidad del Norte wird Mehr

Empower Shack

Während Südafrika in der Regel als Quelle für Stabilität und Wohlstand in seiner Region angesehen wird, leben etwa 7,5 Millionen Menschen in informellen Siedlungen und das Land ist mit einem Wohnraummangel von insgesamt 2,5 Millionen Einheiten konfrontiert. Empower Shack ist ein interdisziplinäres Entwicklungsprojekt, das auf diesem Kontext aufbaut Mehr

Torre David

Bottom-up-Strategien sind eine Möglichkeit, die vorherrschenden städtischen Knappheiten anzugehen. Torre David, ein 45-stöckiges Bürohochhaus in Caracas, war fast fertig, als es nach dem Tod seines Entwerfers und der nationalen Bankenkrise, die 1994 die venezolanische Wirtschaft lahmlegte, aufgegeben wurde. Über ein Jahrzehnt lang vernachlässigt, wurde es 2007 zum improvisierten Mehr

Architecture and Light

7 November | 13:00 – 16:00 h | Lecture & Podium Discussion Place: ETH Zurich, Audimax HG F30, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich

Reactivate Athens: 101 Ideas

Ruby Press. Mehr Can architecture and design respond to cities under stress? With its roots in a research and design initiative, this book presents a collection of 101 spatial ideas that map a post-crisis urban vision for Athens. Targeting a range of challenges, from the economy and public space, Mehr

Theater for Informal Settlement

Having collaborated with Khayelitsha-based NGO Theater4Change on the 2016 production Holy Contract, the Urban-Think Tank Chair is now designing a new arts complex to replace the group’s existing self-built space. The Makukhanye Shack Theater will greatly expand the impact of programs already underway, as well as improve access Mehr

Urban Game: Action! On the Real City

Initiated in 2014, the Urban-Think Tank Chair is developing an urban game that aims to facilitate decision-making and design processes to understand complex, real-life urban transformations in cities worldwide. Part educational tool, part platform for scenario planning, the ongoing project supports a sustainable approach to urban development while Mehr

Forget About Utopia

In: Hou, Jeffrey; Spencer, Benjamin; Way, Thaisa; Yocom, Ken (Hrsg.): Now Urbanism: The Future City Is Here. Routledge.  More This book explores the intersections of critical inquiry and immediate, substantive actions. The contributions recognize the rich complexities of the present city not as barriers or obstacles but as grounds for uncovering opportunity Mehr

SLUM Lab: Empower Shack.

PDF Mehr The Empower Shack team is a response to unsustainable housing approaches in South Africa. What began as a design and build workshop, aimed at developing a double-story shack prototype for Cape Town’s Khayelitsha township, has evolved into a more ambitious project to implement design innovations for rapid and Mehr

Torre David. Informal Vertical Communities

Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers. Urban-Think Tank, Lehrstuhl für Architektur und Städtebau, ETH Zürich. Fotografien von Iwan Baan.  Mehr Torre David, a 45-story skyscraper in Caracas, has remained uncompleted since the Venezuelan economy collapsed in 1994. Today, it is the improvised home to more than 750 families living in Mehr

SLUM Lab: Asia Mode. Volume 7

Zurich: ETH Zurich, FCL Singapore.   Mehr The magazine has grown to address a wide variety of global urban themes. Since its first edition, S.L.U.M. Lab has proven to be both provocative and popular. Knowledge sharing has always been a core aspect of the magazine, and many leading Mehr

The People’s Museum

Can a museum be a force for change in a city? Inspired by citizen-led solidarity initiatives, the Urban-Think Tank Chair and Baier Bischofberger have redefined the iconic, but neglected, Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina – not as an institution dedicated solely to the display of objects, but as Mehr

Empower Shack News

The Empower Shack project continues to evolve. The design research program has been completed, resulting in the documentation of a phased urban layout plan and a ‘fit for purpose’ low-cost housing prototype linked to an incremental plan for formal building code compliance. Initially conceived for a 68-unit pilot Mehr

Modeling Future Urban Scenarios for Switzerland

SwissAIM is an advanced software platform. It delivers dynamic high-resolution modeling of urban structures, landscapes, demographics, weather, energy, resources, and socio-economic conditions. Possible future urban scenarios will be synthesized for the whole of Switzerland from 2020 to 2050. 


Founded in 1978 as a secluded site for drug rehabilitation, the Italian village of San Patrignano today consists of 1,600 residents whose therapy includes learning to produce food, furniture, and other goods. After visiting the community and markets in Emilia-Romagna, Urban-Think Tank’s design studio has been developing flexible Mehr

Geographies of Opportunity

The Urban-Think Tank Chair of Architecture and Urban Design recently launched a two-year design research project in the informal settlements of Cape Town, South Africa, with field surveys, commented walks and the design and facilitation of a series of open workshops. Referencing methods of participation from the Informal Mehr

Empower Shack: South African informal settlements

The Empower Shack project introduces an integrated approach to upgrading South African informal settlements, merging design innovation with community-driven spatial planning and livelihoods programming. The initiative links the roll-out of a two-story, self-built housing prototype with a participatory urban planning methodology supported by computational analysis. Funded by the Swiss Re Foundation, led by Mehr

Post-disaster Planning Task Force Established in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The devastating floods that hit Bosnia and Herzegovina in May revealed outdated planning mechanisms, as well as a growing problem of landslides in areas with informal settlements. A task force initiated at the open plenum of architects in Sarajevo aims to develop a response.


Informality is the new normality. Designers need a new set of process-based tools to effectively address the complexity of the informal context. 

Visualization as Experimentation

«As a creative practice, mapping precipitates its most productive effects through a finding that is also a founding; its agency lies in neither reproduction nor imposition but rather in uncovering realities previously unseen or unimagined, even across seemingly exhausted grounds. Thus, mapping ‚unfolds‘ potential; it re-makes territory over Mehr

Linear Park

The ETH Zurich and the IDB launched a pioneering collaboration in 2012, with the goal to provide applied research and integrated design solutions for Port of Spain, Trinidad. The Brillembourg & Klumpner Chair critically assessed river regeneration, cultural heritage restoration, and urban renovation within the framework of two Mehr

Urban Parangolé. The Syncretic City

Urban Parangolé is a framework that responds to the human need and desire for movement – it engages us in a dance with the city. This notion pays homage to the work of Brazilian artist Hélio Oiticica and extends the central tenet that ‘life is movement’ from the body Mehr

Vertical Cities Asia // Everyone Harvests

Vertical Cities Asia is an annual architecture and urban design competition aimed at developing new urban models for rapidly growing cities in Asia. The competition uses high density as a tool to address the challenges of growing cities and to counter the perpetual multiplication of destructive typologies. Each Mehr

Emerging and Sustainable Cities: Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

The current design studio of the chair of Architecture and Urban Design (Alfredo Brillembourg & Hubert Klumpner) is the pilot project of a new, on-going collaboration between the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the ETH Zurich. The IDB recently launched the Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (ESCI). Within Mehr

Torre David: Alternative Infrastructures

In our trajectory of urban research on informality, Torre David, an abandoned and subsequently invaded 45-story office tower in Caracas, Venezuela, presents a shift from the marginalized fringes of the city to the urban core. As such, the tower represents an opportunity to test new, alternative urban models.

Urban-Think Tank wins Holcim Gold Award for «Fábrica de Música»

Urban-Think Tank – Prof. Alfredo Brillembourg and Prof. Hubert Klumpner, with Michael Contento and Lindsey Sherman – has won the Holcim Gold Award 2011 for Latin America with their project «Grotão – Fábrica de Música», a terraced landscape and multifunctional public building located in the Paraisópolis favela of Mehr

Vertical Cities Asia

Das Special Urban Design Studio – Projekt «SymbioCity» gewinnt den internationalen Studentenwettbewerb Vertical Cities Asia 2011, Chengdu, ausgelobt von der National University Singapore. Das Special Urban Design Studio wurde von der Professur Christiaanse zusammen mit der Professur Brillembourg/Klumpner geleitet. Mehr. Ansprechperson: Nicolas Kretschmann

Two New Professors for the Chair for Architecture and Urban Design

Professor Alfredo Brillembourg and Professor Hubert Klumpner hold the chair for Architecture and Urban Design at the ETH Zurich as of July, 2010. They currently run an interdisciplinary practice dedicated to high-level research and design on a variety of subjects surrounding contemporary architecture and urbanism. Here, they present Mehr

Hoograven lädt Sie ein

Das Projekt «Hoograven Invites You» wurde letztes Jahr am «Utrecht Manifest» vorgestellt. Ausgehend von einem Vergleich zwischen dem urbanen Marokko und dem urbanen Holland sollten die Grenzen unseres Wissens über städtische Umwelt und menschliche Erfahrung im Hinblick auf die soziale Gestaltung ausgeweitet und das Informelle des untersuchten Stadtteils Mehr

Wiederbelebung Lecuna Avenue

Das Projekt zur Wiederbelebung der Lecuna Avenue in Caracas besteht aus einem Gestaltungsplan, der mit der Drahtseilbahn San Agustin verknüpft ist. Brachliegende, vom Bau der Metrolinie 4 übrig gebliebene Grundstücke sollen zurückgewonnen werden, um darauf kostengünstige Wohnungen zu erstellen und neue Gemeindedienste einzurichten. Der Plan sieht eine Reihe Mehr

Drahtseilbahn Metro Caracas

Frühere Erfahrungen hatten gezeigt, dass die Quartierbewohner von Caracas gut informierte, sachkundige Leute sind und ein fundiertes Verständnis dafür haben, was ihre Gemeinden am nötigsten brauchen, auch wenn sie in Planung und Stadtentwicklung ungeschult sind. So wurde die gesammelte Sachkenntnis der Einwohner, Gemeindevorsteher, Regierungsvertreter und internationalen Berater herangezogen, Mehr

Vertikale Sporthalle (Gimnasio Vertical™)

Bei diesem Projekt handelt es sich um ein vorfabriziertes Bausystem zur modularen, strukturellen und vertikalen Anordnung von Leichtathletik- und Feldsportanlagen (Volleyball, Kampfsport, Aschenbahn, Gewichtheben, Korbball etc.). Drei solcher Hallen stehen bereits in Caracas, und weitere werden bald in Amman und Sao Paulo errichtet. Die vertikale Ausrichtung des Hallenbaus Mehr

Application period: 1 February 2024 – 30 April 2024. Master of Advanced Studies in Urban and Territorial Design ETH Zürich D-ARCH LUS and EPFL ENAC HRC joint master programme.

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Prof. Hubert Klumpner | Architektur und Städtebau

Professor Hubert Klumpner gehört dem Lehrstuhl für Architektur und Städtebau seit Juli 2010 an. Er hält die Vorlesung «Introduction to Urban Design» und unterrichtet architektonisches Entwerfen auf Masterstufe. Zurzeit führt er ein interdisziplinäres Designstudio, das hochrangige Forschung zu vielfältigen architektonischen und städtebaulichen Themen der Gegenwart betreibt.

NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Frühjahrssemester 2013

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