Graphik: unfolded, Zürich
7 March 2024, 18:15 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E 3.
This year’s Athena Lecture is given by the Italian architect and researcher Anna Pagani. She critically examines the system structures hindering the provision of healthy and sustainable homes for all. Pagani outlines how systems thinking can reveal the plurality of mental models guiding the design of «fixes» that reinforce structural issues – such as the exclusion of racialised and minoritised communities.
Q&A with the Parity Group, moderated by Carina Sacher, Parity Talks IX: 5+6 March.
Further information
Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien
ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE
Parity- and Diversity Group D-ARCH, ETH Zürich Athena Lecture