24 & 25 November 2023 | talk & walk | Zürich.
In 2022, researchers from the Territorial Indigenous Entity AWAI, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and ETH Zurich held two-day encounters in eight Inga communities to discuss diverse understandings of the concept «territorio» in relation to higher education. A total of 450 Inga representatives of the Andes, the Amazon, and 22 cities across Colombia participated in various actions that explored three ways of perceiving their territory: cartopathy (experience), cartophony (narrate), and cartography (draw). This process led to insights about the contemporary meaning of Indigenous territory in the Andean Amazon that will be presented at ETH Zurich (Nov. 24), followed by aniteration of the research methodology applied to Zurich in a full day of walking, talking, and drawing (Nov 25).
Talk – Friday, 24 November 2023, 16:00-18:30
Place: DID Lab, ONA, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, 8050 Zürich
Serafín Jajoy Mujanajinsoy and Jair Salazar Jacanamijoy
Cartopathy, Cartophony, Cartography
Alvaro Harnandez, Bello and Santiago del Hierro
Territory as a Teacher
Marine Gigandet, Jahosch Kirchhert, and Johannes Pfeifle
Insights on Intercultural Education and Territory
Serafin Jajoy Mujana insoy and Jair Salazar Jacanamijoy
Round Table Discussion
With special guests
Walk – Saturday, 25 November 2023, 7:45-19:45
A critical walk to experience the territorial typologies of Zurich from sunrise to sunset, a space to narrate those experiences, and a table to draw our insights. Everyone is invited. Feel free to join at any moment during the day. Scan the QR code on the poster (preferably before Saturday) to join the whats-app group we will be using to coordinate the walk.
7:45 (sunrise) – departure from Polyterrasse
16:45 (sunset) – arrival at L200
17:00 – narration by participants
18:00 – collective drawing
19:45 – dinner (soup and drinks provided
Departure: Polyterasse ETH Zurich, Leonhardstrasse 34, 8001 Zürich
Arrival: Association L200, Langstrasse 200, 8005 Zürich
With support from the Leading House for the Latin American Region – Universität St. Gallen
Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS)
Chair of Architecture and Territorial Planning
Santiago del Hierro