Category: Events
Profile der Alpen: Landschaft, Landscape, Paysage – Talschaft: Abendgespräche
The Agrarian Question: From Colonialism to Urban Agriculture
Writing Urban Landscapes of the Anthropocene
History and Theory of Architecture VIII: Seen from the South
Book Talk about «Migrants and Machine Politics. How India’s Urban Poor Seek Representation and Responsiveness»
Tierrita. Film screening followed by a discussion
19 January 2023, 18-19:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E 1. Ein Bild, das Baum, draussen, Gras, Säugetier enthält. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung. The documentary «Tierrita» by visual anthropologist Leonie Pock offers insights into the struggle of a small farming community for their land in rural Colombia.
Tacit Knowledge in Architecture
Colloquium on Sociology and Urban Studies
ETH Forum Wohnungsbau: 17. internationale Tagung «GENERATIONENWOHNEN – Von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung»
Doctoral Crits of the Institute of Urban and Landscape Studies LUS
Bright environments: Daylight in Sustainable Building Design
Sudamérica LUS Talks
20 October 2022, 18:30 (2 December: 17:30) | ETH Zürich, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, ONA Fokushalle (E7), Zürich. This year, the LUS Talks will engage diverse perspectives from practitioners and theorists addressing South America’s complex social and ecological landscapes.
Forecasting District-wide Pedestrian Volumes in Multi-level Networks in High-density Mixed-use Areas
Film, Architecture, and Urban Studies
Will E-Bikes Bring Amsterdam and Copenhagen to Switzerland?
Landmanagement – Weiterentwicklung eines Instrumentariums
Inaugural Lecture Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard
Von Bewegung, Video und Wolken
Nature and Engineering: The Park of the Buttes-Chaumont
«Incontri con il paesaggio»
Bibliothekseröffnung Lucius und Annemarie Burckhardt
(RE)Acting/(EN)Acting: New Approaches in Landscape Architecture
Between Activism and Academia: Research Justice in Unequal Cities
The [Seasonal] Arrival City: Designing for migrants’ ‘transient right to the city’
Bodies of Water – A Swiss Landscape Trilogy
Henri Lefebvre and the Theory of the Production of Space
Pamphlet 26: Probing Zurich
ARCH+ 249: Learning Spaces
River Campus 2030
Städtische Verdichtung und Verdrängung
9. Februar 2023, 17:00–18:45 Uhr | ZAZ BELLERIVE Zentrum Architektur Zürich, Höschgasse 3, Zürich. Expert:innen, Politiker:innen und Aktivist:innen diskutieren über die sozialen Auswirkungen der anhaltend raschen Verdichtung der Stadt Zürich. Diese erfolgt oft durch den Ersatz von preiswertem Wohnraum durch neue Wohnungen, die für einkommensschwächere Menschen nicht mehr erschwinglich sind. Am 25. Januar 2023 eröffnet More
Sprungbrett Wohnungsbau
Der Traum vom Ferienhaus
Der möblierte Berg: Rigi Kaltbad-First gestern, heute und morgen
Writing Landscapes, Writing the Urban
Methoden der Stadtforschung: 21 Years of Urban Sociology
PROGRAMM GEÄNDERT! 22. September bis 8. Dezember 2022, jeweils Donnerstag, 13:45 – 15:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E1. Diese Vorlesungsreihe vermittelt einen Rückblick auf die Arbeit der Dozentur Soziologie am D-ARCH und einen aktuellen Überblick über sozialwissenschaftliche Stadtforschung.
Sprungbrett – Impulse im Wohnungsbau
Öffentliche Schlusspräsentation Basel West – St. Louis, MAS in Raumplanung 2021/23
4D Geo-designing Urban Transformation: Final Reviews
Tentacular Writing. A Peer-to-Peer Writing Retreat
11–16 September 2022, public final presentations: 16 September | Tschlin, Graubünden | an ETH Zurich / EPFL Summer School for doctoral students. «It matters what stories we tell to tell other stories with; [it matters] (…) what thoughts think thoughts» (Haraway, 2016).
Imaginaries Exhibition
The Imaginaries exhibition edition, previously at the 2021 MAK Vienna Biennale, will travel to the 9th Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB) Shenzhen, China from August to November 2022. The central theme is architectural responses and strategies in the context of global climate change.
ETH Eisenbahnlabor
Alpine Landscapes in Transformation: Infrastructure, Culture, and Climate
Symposium, 12 and 13 May 2022. Public event, registration until 29 April 2022. Research workshops, round tables and keynote. Climate change, energy transition, urbanization, and industrialization have and will have tremendous effects on the Alpine landscape. Located at the crossroads of Europe, the transformations of this fragile environment More
ETH Zurich – Center for Sustainable Future Mobility
6 May 2022, registration deadline 15. April 2022, 08:00 | Kick-off Symposium | ETH Zürich, Centre, HG E3. The Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM) has been established at ETH Zurich in order to promote research on sustainable and future-proof traffic and transport systems.
Eine Geschichte des gemeinschaftlichen Wohnens – Modelle des Zusammenlebens
Laufen Manifesto Global Meeting
22 – 24 July 2022 | Laufen, Germany. Building on the 2013 «The Laufen Manifesto», which called for the development humane design culture, this event will discuss the relevance of the ideas of the original Manifesto and encourage scrutiny, actions, and decisions on methods and goals with relevant leaders in the urban More
Under the Landscape. Boulouki – Itinerant Workshop on Traditional Building Techniques
Sonic Topologies
24 to 26 June 2022 | Old Botanical Garden, Zurich (festival centre). The interdisciplinary symposium and sound festival «Sonic Topologies» explores the relationship between place, sound, and knowledge. Researchers, architects, and artists develop site-specific sonic contributions at different locations in the city of Zurich, which explore the acoustic, ecological, social, or historical characteristics More