Raus aus dem Garten, rein in die Landschaft

In: Hönig, Roderick; Moll, Claudia (Hrsg.): Unterwegs in Zürich und Winterthur: Stadträume und Landschaftsarchitektur 2000–2009. Zürich.  Mehr Der Führer durch die Städte Zürich und Winterthur behandelt sechzig wegweisende Projekte zeitgenössischer Landschaftsarchitektur. In seinem Essay rollt Christophe Girot die Geschichte der Schweizer Aussenräume und der jungen Disziplin auf. Der More

Pairi-daeza: Umgrenzung

Workbook der Professur Günther Vogt für das Frühjahrssemester 2009. Zürich: Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur, ETH Zürich.  Mehr
 «Pairi-daeza» ist persisch für «eine Mauer, die einen Garten umschliesst». Der Begriff ist Ausgangspunkt einer Wahlfachserie, die sich mit landschaftsarchitektonischen Grundelementen und Typen auseinandersetzt. «Umgrenzung» bildet den Auftakt und wird verknüpft mit More

Novartis Campus. Eine moderne Arbeitswelt. Voraussetzungen, Bausteine, Perspektiven.

Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag. Konzept und drei Beiträge: 58-79, 106-119, 248-251. (englisch und deutsch publiziert). Mehr Das Buch stellt die Geschichte und Entwicklung des Werkareals der Novartis AG St. Johann in Basel, den modellhaften Denk- und Entwurfsprozess, den gegenwärtigen Stand des ehrgeizigen Campus-Projektes sowie die zukünftigen Planungen und Ziele More

Campus and the City: Urban Design for the Knowledge Society

Zürich: gta Verlag.  Mehr Namhafte Architekten und Experten präsentieren und kommentieren anhand internationaler Beispiele zeitgenössische Trends im Campus-Design. Betrachtungen zu 30 ausgewählten Campusprojekten – seien dies suburbane oder innerstädtische Hochschulanlagen, Technologieparks oder Konzernzentralen – geben Aufschluss über mögliche zukünftige Entwicklungen und deren Beziehung zum urbanen Kontext.

Richti-Quartier, Wallisellen

The Richti neignbourhood of Wallisellen lies between the train station of Wallisellen and the shopping centre of Glatt. It is organised around the Richtiarkade, a slightly bent, linear main street which directly and comfortably connects these two major points in the city. The public park, Richtiplatz, begins to More

Novartis-Campus, Basel

The St. Johann area owned by Novartis in Basle is to be transformed from a production site into a research and administration center. An arrangement capable of remaining sustainable on a long-term basis is to be introduced into the structural and aesthetic arbitrariness of a factory area that More

Bassersdorf: a Search for the City Centre

This dissertation by Rafael Gaus discusses the urban qualities and deficits of the town of Bassersdorf and researches how the city centre can be improved spatially, structurally and functionally. In a comparison with reference examples, the case study discusses, in addition to urban solutions, the planning strategies and More

Urban Density

In the discussion about the city, no other term has experienced so many different meanings, analyses, interpretations and evaluations as the word density. City density is always changing its meaning, and sometimes it means two things at the same time; for example, being used as a synonym for More

Bachelor Education

The bachelor education takes three years. During this time, 180 credit points (according to the European Credit Transfer System) must be earned. Additionally, six months of internship are to be completed. Entrance into the first semester is only possible in the fall. With the appropriate prior qualifications, entry into a more advanced semester is also possible in the spring.

To complement one’s studies, a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects including Social Studies and the Humanities can be taken at either ETH Zurich or the University of Zurich.

The language of instruction is German. Classes and examinations take place in German or English.

The successful completion of the course of study results in award of a Bachelor of Science ETH in Architecture (BSc ETH Arch).

More about the Bachelor Education

Master Education

The Master’s degree programme in Architecture lasts two years and should be supplemented with an additional six-month internship period.A total of 120 credit points must be obtained.

Entry into the programme is only possible in the fall (exception: students of the Bachelor’s degree programme at ETH Zurich).

The language of the study programme is German. Classes and examinations take place in German or English.

The successful completion of the course of study results in award of a Master of Science ETH in Architecture (MSc ETH Arch).

More about the Master Education

Master Landscape Architecture

Enhancing urban density through sustainable housing development strategies (in German: ANANAS – Angebotsstrategie NAchhaltig NAchverdichteter Städte) 

A growing number of people wish to enjoy the advantages of affordable accommodation in a dense urban environment and combine this with a socially and ecologically sustainable lifestyle. The project ANANAS aims to develop strategies that contribute to a housing stock which is attractive to this target group More

Repair, Maintenance and Urban Assemblage

This project highlights repair and maintenance as qualities of infrastructures and the built environment. Whilst current efforts to increase density of cities raise hope for the next urban revolution, repair and maintenance become key features of 21st century urban development. The people involved in this project are architects, More