Codes and Conventions for Future Zurich: A Propositional Planning Approach to Qualitative Densification

This 4-year project uniquely combines historical and design-led research to explore urban strategies for housing the anticipated 25% population increase that Zurich is facing in the next 20 years. A ‘retroactive analysis’ of the historical evolution of building codes, as well as of the specific urban types and More

Urban Research Seminar

29.11.2023, 12:00 – 17:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL H 35.1. Urban Research Seminar is a new initiative hosted by D-BAUG with the aim of building a bottom-up network that brings together early career researchers and their ongoing urban research projects across ETH Zürich.


15. September | 17:00–22:00 und 16. September, 10:00– 18:00 | Generationenfestival Thun «Märit», Mittlere Ringstr. 8, 3600 Thun. Wie können Wohnformen das Zusammenleben von Jung und Alt fördern? Wo liegen Herausforderungen und Chancen? Das ETH Wohnforum nimmt am Generationenwohnen Festival in Thun teil und bietet Einblicke.