Department / Institute: Department of Architecture (D-ARCH)
Call for Lost Entries: The Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition, 1965-2020
HERA PuSH – Public Space in European Social Housing
Social housing estates are often problematised as places of segregation and disintegration in European cities, yet they are also potentially a prime locus of integration between people of different cultural origins and social backgrounds. The research project PuSH (Public Space in European Social Housing) investigates social housing, including More
With the spatial development concept REK, the city of Baden committed itself to an active urban development in 2019. With the consensual approval of the residents’ council, this process starts with the project «Oberstadt4D» – a cooperation between science, administration, practice and social players. The Oberstadt4D project supports More
ETH Forum Wohnungsbau 2022: METAMORPHOSEN! Mit der Transformation des Bestands zu nachhaltig gestalteten Siedlungsräumen
Visiting Cooperative Housing
Global Housing Challenges
4 October – 2 December 2021 | Lecture series | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIT H 22.1. The MAS ETH in Housing Global Housing Challenges open lecture series seeks to critically address the struggles to ensure adequate and affordable housing for all in an increasingly complex and urbanized world and More
Die Alpen im Fluss. Landschaften im Kontext des Wandels neu denken und gestalten
Book launch: Solid, Fluid, Biotic. Changing Alpine Landscapes
Urbane Räume: 4 Positionen
Alpine Landschaften profilieren
Der Klimawandel beschleunigt die Veränderung der Alpen. Dabei entstehen «neue Landschaften», die zahlreiche Potentiale bergen, zumal die Alpen keinen abgeschotteten Raum darstellen, sondern eng mit dem westeuropäischen Kontinent verwoben sind. Die aktuelle Debatte ist indes geprägt von Einzelinteressen, was ein koordiniertes Handeln verunmöglicht. Ein übergeordnetes Bild der Alpen, More
Solid, Fluid, Biotic. Changing Alpine Landscapes
The Alpine region is characterized by a great diversity in all spatial dimensions and qualities. This circumstance is not to be read primarily as the result of adfirst of all as an expression of the alpine topography, determined ministrative drawing of borders, but at the same time by More
Bypass Urbanism: Re-ordering Center-Periphery Relations in Kolkata, Lagos and Mexico City
Climate Care, not Green Development. Blurred Notions from Lands in Transition
Martina Voser ist neue Gastprofessorin für ein Jahr
Während ihres Architekturstudiums an der ETH Zürich entdeckte Martina Voser ihre Leidenschaft für Landschaftsarchitektur und Städtebau. Heute ist sie Inhaberin von mavo Landschaften in Zürich. Im Rahmen von Lehrtätigkeiten (Gastprofessuren FH Lausitz und EPFL, Dozentur AA Mendrisio) und internationalen Kommissionen und Jurien setzt sie sich für eine zukunftsfähige More
Architecture of Territory: Territorial Design in Histories, Theories, and Projects
Promoting peace and reconciliation through cooperative housing in post-conflict Colombia
The project «Peacebuilding through housing cooperatives in Colombia» aims to contribute to the peace process in Colombia and supports the foundation process of the first housing cooperative of «ECOMUN – Economías Sociales del Común». Access to adequate and affordable housing plays a key role in post-conflict peace building More
Common Water – the Alps
The Alps are not a static assemblage but a dynamic and sensitive living space. Geological and geomorphological processes formed their characteristic topography over millions of years and in so doing established the fundamental conditions for the development of Alpine culture. This is characterised by the continuous creation of More
Planet Matters Conference (Vienna Biennale 2021)
Wohnforum Talks
5.+26.10., 16.11., 1.+14.12.2021 | Online via Zoom. Die Wohnforum Talks (ehem. BBL) eröffnen eingeladenen Gästen und Mitarbeitenden des ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE die Möglichkeit, aktuelle Bereiche ihrer Forschung zu teilen und Ideen, Konzepte und Ergebnisse zu diskutieren. 5.10.21: «Daylight in Sustainable Urban Design» mit Victoria Eugenia Soto More
Collective Grounds: Housing Estates and the European City, 1865–1930
The current postdoctoral research project focuses on the relation between cities and urban housing estates, understood as ensembles of two or more, medium-density to high-density, primarily residential buildings, conceived at the same time and with a level of common administration. The earliest housing estates were conceived as islands More
Architectural Expertise in a World-in-Common
Architectural and urban design are activities embedded in a socio-spatial and political context. Harvard Professor of Urban Planning Susan Fainstein, therefore, challenges theories of planning—and, with that, architectural and urban design—to address these relations: how does the intervention and implementation impact the (urban) context, the (city) users, and More
The Travelling Architect’s Eye: Photography and Automobile Vision
This research project aims to investigate the status of the photographs that architects take during their travels by car. It is based on the hypothesis that the view from the car has established a new epistemology of the urban landscape and the territory at large. Focusing on the More
Building the Commons. An Alternative Architectural History of the European City
Alternative principles of pooling common resources are attracting increased attention in political circles and society at large. Labelled as “commons”, some of these issues have, in the last decades, received growing academic attention in critical urban studies, urban geography, and the social sciences. Indeed, the examination of the More
An Architecture World: The Tacit in Recent Architectural Pedagogy at ETH Zurich
The tacit dimension of architectural pedagogy—which students deploy when designing, but have trouble explaining—remains understudied, beset by methodological difficulties. Existing accounts emphasize isolated studio exercises or cognitive processes, often neglecting cultural, historical, and disciplinary contexts. Meanwhile, the notion of tacit knowledge is not even entirely adequate for architectural More
Exploring Urban-Scale Models: The Projets Urbains and the Performance of the Maquette, 1960s till Today
Little research exists on urban-scale models. In existing scholarship, they are often lumped together with architectural models. Although urban-scale models certainly possess characteristics that are similar to those of architectural models, they also differ. The key difference, this research project hypothesizes, is that in urban-scale models the performative More
ENHR Konferenz «Unsettled Settlements: Housing in Unstable Contexts»
ESA Konferenz «Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures»
How to Achieve Parsimonious Urban Land Use: The Case of Greater Zurich
Land use regulations in Switzerland do not meet the requirements of the spatial planning act (SPA) in their guidance for parsimonious land use. If parsimonious land use is to be achieved, urban economic theories and price-based regulations must be leveraged to determine the intensity and balance of land More
Raumplanung: Böse Stadt, gute Landschaft?
Metropolitane Landschaften: Case Study Berlin-Brandenburg
NSL Forum: Pandemie? Mitten im Klimawandel. Was bedeutet das für die räumliche Entwicklung der Schweiz? Ein Dialog.
Video jetzt online! In einem Dialog für Praxis und Hochschulen nahm das Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft (NSL) der ETH Zürich am 11. November im Volkshaus Zürich eine Standortbestimmung für die räumliche Entwicklung in der Schweiz vor. Ausgangspunkt bildeten Erkenntnisse aus der Pandemiesituation, Hintergrund der Klimawandel. Die Tagung war More
Histories of Urban Design: Global Trajectories and Local Realities
Baukultur und die Stadt
Symposium: Transitional Space – Japanese Houses Through Digital Scans
On a joint trip entitled «Transitions» in autumn 2019, students from the Kyoto Institute of Technology and the ETH Zürich investigated a series of houses and their relationship to the (urban) landscape in Kyoto, Osaka and Tokyo, using sound recordings and laser scanning. The Symposium was an opportunity to More
CLIMATE CARE: Reimagining Shared Planetary Futures
New Center for Augmented Computational Design at ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich has recently launched a new center for augmented computational design in architecture, civil engineering and construction. 24 professorships, including the NSL chair of Christophe Girot, are joining forces under the name Design++ to develop digitally enhanced design methods which support rational and intuitive decisions during the design More
The «Contact Zone» of Agadir’s 1960 Emergency Aid Programme
The reconstruction of the Moroccan city of Agadir in the immediate aftermath of the devastating 1960 earthquake is an exemplary yet much overlooked cross-cultural «contact zone» between local and international rescuers, experts, citizens, organizations, and governments. Studying why the development aid Morocco received was not unconditionally accepted, but More
Growing Schools Prototype: A Socio-Ecological Framework Addressing the Current Urbanization Challenges
Colombia has suffered an armed conflict for over 50 years. As a result, more than 1 million children lack access to education with a deficit of 3’000 schools and more than 8 Million civilians displaced from their homes. Growing Schools Prototype is a strategic up-scaling concept for replicating More
Reading a Forest, Documenting the Existing
Looking at the fields of wheat and orchards of almond blossoms around Senan, Spain, «crisis» is not the first word that comes to mind. The valleys appear tranquil and unchanging. However, like most rural landscapes in Spain, the area has transformed dramatically in the past decades.
Dwelling / Living & Urban Care | Nurturing & Urban Care
Optimistic Suburbia 2 – Middle-class Large Housing Complexes
17 June, 16:30 (Lisbon, Portugal/GMT+1 | Online & face-to-face) | International Conference. Session 3 ‘Publicness in middle-class large housing complexes as a new way to examine the premises of cultural encounters and social integration’ Liv Christensen and Eveline Althaus. Language: English Registration necessary Further informationen and programme Optimistic More
«Geographies of Age» Altersfreundliche Lebensräume in der Stadt
2. Juni 2021, 16:30 – 17:30 | Online. «Altersfreundliche Stadtquartiere: Was bedeutet das in der Praxis? Die Kulturwissenschaftlerin Liv Christensen des ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE spricht im Rahmen der Impuls Mobilität-Veranstaltung «Planen für Jung und Alt» über den Zugang älterer Menschen zu städtischem Leben. Sprache: Deutsch Hinweise: Die More
51N4E, Denkstatt, Endeavour, Design in Dialogue
The second volume in the ‘Chapters’ series from Brussels-based architecture firm 51N4E focuses on how design processes can be shaped through dialogue. First, it investigates their work together with two design-focused consulting firms, endeavour (Antwerp) and Denkstatt (Basel), wherein all three explore the boundaries of architecture, advocating openness More
Transitional Space – Japanese Houses Through Digital Scans
Common Water – The Alps
Worlds of Planetary Urbanization
Radical Care
Secondary Infrastructure Exposed: the Temporary Settlements of La Grande Dixence (1950-1965)
As a response to Susan Leigh Star’s call to study “boring things” and mundane aspects of infrastructure, this research project offers a reflection on the notion of “secondary infrastructure”, understood here as the infrastructure enabling the fabrication of the primary one. Through this lens, high alpine networks of hydroelectricity are seen More