The Project of Hydroelectric Landscapes: Material and Cultural Constructions of Lake Sihl (1897-1937)

In the history of rivers in Switzerland, the emergence of hydroelectricity from 1870 to 1970 made the reservoir a new and major landscape figure. However, research works on hydropower have typically focused on dams and power plants, leaving reservoirs in the background, as a passive element. This dissertation More

Comparing Urbanization in Johannesburg and Maputo

The two cities of Johannesburg and Maputo are geographically close to one another in Sub-Saharan Africa. Although they have distinct histories and features, they also share some similarities that should yield rich results through comparison. For example, governments in South Africa and Mozambique have made significant investments in More

Urbanization in a Comparative Perspective

The last two decades have seen a sharp increase in the speed, scale, and scope of urbanization that has fundamentally changed the character of the urban areas. Transcending various physical borders, political jurisdictions, and social spheres, urbanization has become a planetary phenomenon. While it is often assumed that More

Planetary Urbanization

More than four decades ago, Henri Lefebvre proposed the radical hypothesis of the complete urbanization of society, demanding a shift in analysis from urban form to urbanization process. Today, the urban represents an increasing and worldwide condition in which political-economic relations are enmeshed. This situation of planetary urbanization More

Henri Lefebvre

Henri Lefebvre’s theory of the production of space is one of the most important contemporary contributions to the analysis of urbanization and socio-spatial processes. It is of special importance for the transdisciplinary research in social sciences and architecture. The long-standing engagement of the Chair of Sociology with this More

Call for Contributions trans#39 Comfort

We are happy to invite you to propose contributions for the upcoming issue trans#39 Comfort. trans magazin is the bi-annual architecture journal of the Department of Architecture at th ETH Zurich. We are looking forward to hearing your proposals in English and German. Please send a brief abstract to by More

Relational Theories of Urban Form. An Anthology

This project stemmed from the editors’ shared interest in theories of urban form and a reading seminar they jointly taught at the D-ARCH, ETH Zurich. In their ongoing investigations into questions of form in theory and practice, the relationship between the social and the material emerged again and More

New Agendas Under Planetary Urbanisation: Designing Sustainable Agri-Urbanisms

What is the future of the manifold agricultural territories across the world that support contemporary cities? While discussions on urban sustainability have focused on cities and urban regions, many agricultural territories are equally exposed to rapid and far-reaching urban transformation processes with massive social and environmental implications, opening More

Turkey Red: Ottoman Decorative Arts at the Root of the ‘Parterre de Fleurs’

This dissertation project sets out to trace the transregional and transmaterial journey of the quatre fleurs, four of the most popular flowers featured in Ottoman decorative arts – the tulip, rose, carnation, and hyacinth – as they made their way from the wild desert landscapes of Central Asia More

Shaping Physical Landscape

Point cloud modeling as a site-specific design method in landscape architecture applied to a case study in Singapore. The design of large-scale urban landscapes often takes place without topographical reference and fails to build a cohesive relation between terrain, land cover and urban space. This research aims to More

New Civic Landscapes & Public Health

The course is organized around core principles of civic design, public health and landscape systems at the scale of the watershed – including riverine and wetland systems, steep slopes subject to erosion, soil stability and soil quality, and varied forests, meadows, wilds and productive landscapes. The overall structure More

Beschneiungsspeicher: erfassen, analysieren und beurteilen

Der Klimawandel verändert die Konditionen für die touristischen Regionen in den Alpen. Zahlreiche Speicherkapazitäten für die Produktion von Schnee wurden in den letzten Jahren gebaut oder sind projektiert. Diese artifiziellen Kleinstseen stellen massive Eingriffe in das sensible Gefüge der alpinen Landschaft dar. Das von den Toggenburg Bergbahnen geförderte More

Thinking Future Systems

FCL Global addresses the globally significant challenges of expanding urbanisation and aims to create a better understanding of the relationship between the city and its surrounding region, so as to make city-regions more sustainable. Following FCL Global’s Launch Event on 2 March 2021, FCL Global Co-Director Professor Sacha More

Form and Performance in Shaping Urban Landscapes

Digital technologies have become ubiquitous in current design practice for urban landscapes. Not only does the rapidly increasing extent and resolution of digital data help to study urban systems, but digital technologies have also enabled the inclusion of dynamic conditions in the design process. Understanding these conditions makes More


The «Oberstadt4D» project supports the development planning of Baden’s Oberstadt district. This is to be transformed into a dense, urban residential quarter. The focus of the study is on the future building density, the structure of the buildings and the open spaces, as well as the relationship between More

Wohnforum Talks

16. März / 13. April / 11. Mai / 1. Juni, 13:30–15:00 | online. The Wohnforum Talks (formerly BBL) give invited guests and staff of the ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE the opportunity to share current areas of their research and to discuss ideas, concepts and results. The event will take More

Age-Talk: «Sackgeldjobs – Wie funktioniert das?»

8. April 2021, 11:00 | online. This April, the Age-Talk «Sackgeldjobs – Wie funktioniert das?» organised by the Age Foundation will take place on the occasion of the «Jugendjobbörse Winterthur». The guest will be social and cultural anthropologist Dr. Eveline Althaus (ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE), who will More

City & Housing – Perspectives on the Long-term Management of Housing Stock

19 March 2021, 18:00–19.30 | Online Webinar. The city of Zurich is growing. How can the creation of sufficient living space be ensured for all population groups in the future, and what challenges does this pose?

Athena Lecture Series

10 March 2021, 18:00–19:30 | Alexandra Lange: «Looking for Role Models in All the Wrong Places». ETH CASE organizes in collaboration with the Parity-​ and Diversity Group of DARCH a series of lectures by internationally recognized designers and scholars in the field of urban studies, architecture, urban design, More

Schwerpunkte 9 – On Authorship

7-8 June 2021. Schwerpunkte is a doctoral event organized by doctoral students from several institute at the Department of Architecture, ETH Zürich: the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture (gta), the Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) and the Institute of Design and Architecture (IEA). The More

TACK Talks: How to? A Guide Through Knowing

18:00–19:00 | online. We aim to examine the notion of mediating tacit knowledge from different perspectives, in conversations between the cultural institutions Het Nieuwe Instituut, Vlaams Architectuurinsituut, and Architekturzentrum Wien.

Sessions on Territory – Urbanism as Material Accumulation

Lecture Series | On selected Mondays, 16:00–18:00 | online Zoom link: 95007725252.

Sociology: Extended Urbanization – A Research Seminar

Elective Course Starting | 26 February on Fridays, 12:45–14:30 | online. Lecturers: Christian Schmid, Ileana Apostol, Lindsay Howe. Urban research is confronted today with urbanization processes that unfold far beyond the realm of agglomerations and urban regions.

A Multi-dimensional Spatial Policy Model for Large-scale Multi-municipal Swiss Contexts

Switzerland’s widely adopted spatial policy rejects the use of new land in favour of promoting the densification of existing buildings or brownfield developments. However, to date there has not been an assessment of the volumetric building reserves that are still available within the current building regulatory framework. This More

ACTION! On the Real City: The Audiovisual Poetics of Circularity

Elective Course | Starting 22 February on Mondays, 10:00–12:00 | online. Lecturers: Prof. Hubert Klumpner, Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou, Michael Walczak. Giving audiovisual form to the concept of ‘circular economy’, we will encourage students to think about the socio-economic relations that constitute our cities, through the use of digital More

Writing Model Histories

12 May, 10:00–13:00 | Colloquium | online. Invited Lecturers: Professor Dr. Thea Brejzek, School of Archi- tecture, University of Technology, Sydney; Professor Dr. Mari Lending, Oslo School of Architecture and Design; Dr. Matthew Wells, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich.

From Cerda’s Block to the Ecosystemic Urbanism Superblock

10 May, 15:45 | Lecture | online. Lecturer: Salvador Rueda, Urban ecology Agency Barcelona.

BAQ – Fábrica De Cultura – Inauguration

June | Zurich, Switzerland (exact time and date TBD).

School of Architecture for Reconciliation: Cooperative Housing and Sustainable Habitats in Post-conflict Colombia

12–16 April, 9:00–17:30 | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIT H22.11 or online, depending on the current rules.

Wastewater Urbanism

15 March, 15:45 | Lecture | online. Lecturer: Seth Denizen, Harvard GSD.

Complex Resurgences

12 March 2021, 16:00 | online. Lecture on the Rapperswiler Tag 2021: «Brennnessel oder Wasabi – Pflanzen neu denken». Lecturer: Teresa Galí-Izard.

Writing Automobile Histories

Colloquium: 5 March, 15:00–18:00 | online. Workshop: 5 March, 18:30–20:30 | online. The colloquium aims to untie the specificity of car travel as a new episteme, addressing issues related to the emergence of the new perceptual regimes that emerged thanks to the automobile.

MAS ETH in Housing

22 February, 17:00–18:00 | Online Information Event. The MAS ETH in Housing team will hold an online public information event where all interested students can learn more about the MAS ETH in Housing and ask questions directly to the programme director and staff.

Information Event Master of Science in Landscape Architecture at ETH Zurich

2 March, 18.30 – 19:30 | Zoom. The Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich offers a two-year Master’s degree programme in Landscape Architecture with a focus on the design and planning of open spaces and landscapes.

The View from the Car: Autopia as a New Perceptual Regime

30 March 2021 – 15 June 2021 Online exhibition | 15 September – 15 October 2021 Real space exhibition at the Baubibliothek, ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg.

Paradise Now. Die neuen Grenzen des Gartens

Das Urbild des Gartens ist das Paradies, das durch hohe Mauern von einer unwirtlicheren Welt getrennt war. Die heutigen «Paradiese» sind Saatgutbunker in Spitzbergen oder gigantische künstliche Welten zur optimierten Produktion von Lebensmitteln.

Urban Design as Cross-Cultural Practice. The Work of Michel Ecochard

The biography of Michel Ecochard (1905–1985) reads like a fascinating saga of migrations between geographies, cultures, and disciplines. Ecochard was not only trained in the fields of archaeology, architecture, and urbanism but, throughout his career, also worked in all of these fields. Mapping historical monuments in Syria, defining More

Communities of Tacit Knowledge: Architecture and Its Ways of Knowing

«Communities of Tacit Knowledge» focuses on the concept of «tacit knowledge» in architecture and urban design. Tacit knowledge is a specific type of knowledge that architects employ when designing, which is embodied in the material vectors that they design with – from treatises and drawings to models and More

Tracing the Virus: the Balcony

In the past months, the freedom of movement of many citizens around the world has been restricted. As part of the attempt to mitigate the COVID-19 virus, people have been advised to remain within their private spaces and restrict their presence in public space to the bare minimum. More

Agadir. The Commons and the Modern Afropolis

After Agadir (Morocco) was destroyed by a devastating earthquake in 1960, the city developed a modern and innovative plan for its reconstruction that relied on novel urban typologies and morphologies. This research documents and analyzes the urban reconstruction of Agadir and posits that a great deal can be More

Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete | History and Theory of Urban Design

Tom Avermaete is Professor for the History and Theory of Urban Design at ETH Zurich since 2018. His research focuses on the architecture of the city and the changing roles, approaches and tools of architects and urban designers from a cross-cultural perspective.

Mutation und Morphosis. Landscape as Aggregate

Anyone viewing what we call a «landscape» from a distance will recognize that it is an artifact, a habitat created by humans as part of our built environment. Designing this realm carefully is a discipline that is taking on increasing importance today. Günther Vogt, with his practice in More

ETH-EPFL Summer School: Transects Through Alpine Water Landscapes

16-21 August 2021 | Application deadline PROLONGED: 1 July  | Villa Cassel, 3987 Riederalp, Kanton Wallis.

Master of Advanced Studies ETH in Housing

Bewerbungsfrist VERLÄNGERT: 1. Januar bis 30. Juni 2021, Kursstart: September 2021. Das MAS setzt sich zum Ziel, durch multidisziplinäre Ausbildung und Forschung auf hohem Niveau dazu beizutragen, Lösungen für die Herausforderungen des Wohnungsbaus in der Schweiz, in Europa sowie in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen weltweit zu More

Master of Advanced Studies ETH EPFL in Urban and Territorial Design

Call for applications PROLONGED until 30 June 2021. Urban and territorial design has acquired a new meaning and urgency. From drivers of progress to the source of planetary hazards, the impacts of cities and wider urbanisation processes are being recast in the public sphere. The critical examination of More

Architektur für einen Planeten in der Krise | Architecture for a Broken Planet

26.3.–29.8.2021 | ZAZ Zentrum Architektur Zürich. «Critical Care» ist eine Ausstellung des Architekturzentrum Wien und wurde dort erstmals 2019 gezeigt.

Densification Processes in Comparison: Alexandra and Marlboro South

This chapter illustrates the inadequacy of the term ‘informality’ by applying two categories of socio-spatial analysis: origin stories and urban outcomes. Densification (and de-densification) is a historical process of urbanisation – an area’s origin story – that produces socially constructed spaces – urban outcomes – in the built environment.

Projektstart: Digitale Nachbarschaften

Online-Tools für die nachbarschaftliche Vernetzung gewinnen weltweit an Popularität, nicht zuletzt seit Covid-19. Das interdisziplinäre SNF-Projekt «Digitale Nachbarschaften – Lokale Online-Räume und ihr Potenzial für soziale Inklusion» nimmt den Einfluss digitaler Netzwerke auf nachbarschaftliche Beziehungen unter die Lupe und identifiziert ihr Potenzial für eine inklusive Nachbarschaft. Damit soll More

Neue Gastdozentin Landschaftsarchitektur: Maren Brakebusch

Maren Brakebusch ist Gesamtbüroleiterin bei Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten und steht der Geschäftsleitung der vier Bürostandorte in Zürich, London, Berlin und Paris vor. Sie studierte Landschaftsarchitektur an der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Nebst Jury- und Vortragstätigkeiten unterrichtet sie seit 2017 Architekturstudierende an der School Of Architecture in Potsdam. An der ETH Zürich More

Generationenwohnen – von Erfahrungen innovativer Wohnprojekte lernen

Die Idee des Generationenwohnens hat heute hohe Konjunktur. Immer mehr Wohnprojekte setzen sich zum Ziel, das Zusammenleben und die Solidarität zwischen den Generationen zu fördern. Hierzu spielt Kommunikation eine zentrale Rolle und immer wieder gilt es zwischen unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zu vermitteln. Ein neues Forschungsprojekt am ETH Wohnforum nimmt More