Department / Institute: Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (D-BAUG)
Public Participation in Urban Planning
Public participation has become a widely used concept in the rhetoric and practice of planning, and an accepted approach in the formulation and implementation of spatial plans, urban policies, or development projects. Despite the widespread use of the concept in both theory and practice, there is however no More
Globale Modellierung des ländlichen Strassenverkehrs ausserhalb der Städte
Der Verkehr auf ländlichen Strassen ausserhalb der Städte kann erhebliche negative Auswirkungen auf die Ökologie und Umwelt von Natur- und Agrarlandschaften haben. Der Umfang dieser Auswirkungen kann jedoch nicht bestimmt werden, da in vielen Ländern keine Daten zum Verkehrsvolumen auf ländlichen Strassen verfügbar sind. Deshalb haben wir einen More
Developing and Extending Status Prediction Models for Railway Tracks Based on On-Board Monitoring Data
Explainable Train Delay Propagation: A Graph Attention Network Approach
Time-to-Green Predictions for Fully-Actuated Signal Control Systems With Supervised Learning
Maintenance and Advanced Analytics in Railways
On-Board Monitoring techniques, defined as using commercial trains to monitor the track status, have garnered much attention recently. While data come in relatively low quality, OBM is a low-cost and efficient alternative to traditional monitoring methods. Thus, funded by the ETH Mobility Initiative project OMISM, this study checks More
Public Support for Participation in Local Development
Damian Jerjen named «Professor of Practice»
Damian Jerjen is currently Director of the Swiss association for spatial planning EspaceSuisse and Lecturer at ETH Zurich and other Swiss universities. He is an economist and spatial planner. He serves on various bodies, including the Council for Spatial Planning (ROR). At EspaceSuisse, he supports and brings together More
News from Regenerative Materials at ETH
How will the railway look like in 2050? A survey of experts on technologies, challenges and opportunities for the railway system
The railway system can fulfil society’s current and future transportation goals; compared to other transport modes, it does that with high energy, space and resource efficiency. It can deliver high-quality transport services, superior speed, safety and comfort to most competing modes. Nevertheless, its share of the total traffic More
How Will the Railway Look Like in 2050?
Envisioning a Cycling-centric Future: Urban Traffic Modeling and Management for a Bi-modal Network
Allocating dedicated road space to slow modes is considered an effective way toward a radical modal shift. By exploiting traffic flow theoretical knowledge, convenient models can be developed to help evaluate the influence of such a large-scale transformation on network traffic performance. Novel strategies for bi-modal urban traffic More
Stress Testing Transport Systems
Transportation systems are vital for economic and social development, yet are susceptible to disruptions caused by natural hazards, especially considering the adverse impacts of climate change on increasing the intensity of frequency of climatic hazards. To manage these risks effectively, stress testing, as a diagnostic tool, has shown More
CAS ETH in Zukunft der Raumentwicklung
Neue Ansätze in der Modellierung: «The German experiment with low flat rates for public transport. An economic and political evaluation»
Nachfragegetriebene ÖV-Systeme: «Lessons from the design of integrated on-demand transit systems in two cities»
Neue Ansätze in der Modellierung: «Best of both worlds: data driven models with behavioural realism and flexibility»
In Gedenken an Willy A. Schmid
Willy A. Schmid war von 1978 bis 2008 Professor für Landschafts- und Umweltplanung am Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung (IRL), der heutigen Professur für Planung von Landschaft und Urbanen Systemen (PLUS) und Mitbegründer des Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft (NSL) an der ETH Zürich. Er hat Generationen von Raum- und Landschaftsplaner:innen More
MAS ETH in Regenerative Systems
Identifying levers of urban neighbourhood transformation using serious games
Growing urban population and contemporary urban systems lock-in unsustainable urban development pathways, deteriorating the living quality of urban dwellers. The systemic complexity of these challenges renders it difficult to find solutions using existing planning processes.
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board
4 – 6 September 2024 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3 and HIT. Today’s design reflects the car-oriented consensus, which was formulated between the 1930’s and 1950’s and adopted around the world since then. The climate crisis challenges this orientation and asks for designs which emphasize the micro-mobility. More
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board
4 – 6 September 2024 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3 and HIT. VIDEO NOW ONLINE! Today’s design reflects a car-oriented consensus, which was formulated between the 1930’s and 1950’s and adopted around the world since then. The climate crisis challenges this orientation and asks for designs that More
CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials – Essentials: Public Lectures
Humanitarian Planning Hub
The Humanitarian Planning Hub is a research and policy hub for co-creating knowledge between academia and practice to serve the housing needs of displaced populations worldwide through environmentally and socially sustainable humanitarian planning. The first project of the humanitarian planning hub is a cooperation with the Geneva Technical More
disP 59/3, September 2023
CSFM Seminar: New Regulations on Autonomous Vehicles for Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Eva Heinen appointed as Full Professor of Transportation and Mobility Planning
Professor Eva Heinen (*1981), currently Full Professor at the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, was appointed as Full Professor of Transportation and Mobility Planning in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. Eva Heinen’s interdisciplinary research looks at mobility and transportation at the intersection of sustainable development, More
Designing anti-fragile large-scale traffic frameworks
Traffic optimisation Goals Design and develop a framework to fuse physics knowledge in the design of the large-scale system optimisation by means of machine learning, control theory, and simulation in order to achieve antifragile behaviour at scale. Provide an instantiation of the framework for traffic optimisation. Provide a More
Antifragile Urban Mobility: Traffic Control Beyond Resilience
Explore the future of urban mobility with ETH Zürich’s Antigones project. Pioneering antifragility in traffic control, it transcends resilience, adapting to disruptions for efficient and disruption-resistant road networks. Antifragile frameworks can recognize early disruptions and mitigate the negative impact on users and society.
Wie verändert sich das Verkehrsgleichgewicht durch Home office?
Während der COVID-Pandemie haben die Menschen ihr Verkehrsverhalten fundamental angepasst mit Verlagerungen vom öffentlichen Verkehr hin zu Individualverkehr. Insbesondere das Fahrrad erlebte einen regelrechten Boom während dem ersten Lockdown. Home office wurde zum ersten Mal global getestet und dies äusserst erfolgreich: die Pandemie hat die Home office Verbreitung More
disP 59/2, June 2023
Settlement Relationships and their Morphological Homogeneity Across Time and Scale
Adaptive Urban Planning for an Uncertain Future: Infrastructure Interventions for the Technological Shift in Transportation
Planning cities to adapt to the future is challenging due to complex interactions between mobility, infrastructure, and land use. This challenge is exacerbated by the need to study future uncertainties such as ever-shifting demographics and industrial landscape, increased environmental and climatic changes, disruptive and unpredictable technological development, and More
Escape Determinism – Unlocking Desirable Urban Development Pathways
Look around you – what do you see? Unique urban landscapes with specific characteristics, identities, and landmarks? Or homogenous urban landscapes repeating similar shapes, materials, colours, and functions? Currently, homogeneity dominates the day-to-day realities of the European population, of which 74% already lives in urban landscapes. Homogeneity is More
Zwischen Wolkenkratzern und Zustimmung? Über Akzeptanz für urbane Verdichtung aus raumplanerischer Perspektive
Seit in Kraft treten des revidierten Raumplanungsgesetzes (RPG) auf 1. Mai 2014 sind alle 26 Schweizer Kantone und über 2130 Gemeinden dazu verpflichtet, ihre «Siedlungsentwicklung nach innen» zu lenken. Politik und Behörden müssen folglich ihre bestehenden Siedlungen verdichten, um Zersiedlung zu verhindern und den Flächenverbrauch pro Kopf zu More
Adrienne Grêt-Regamey ist Dandelion Award Winner 2023
Die Zentren der Zürcher Agglo und die Transformation der Rückseiten
Die Zukunft einer Stadt entscheidet sich in ihrer Agglomeration. Aber wie kann die Zentrumsentwicklung in der Agglomeration gelingen? Das zeigt der disP-Autor Simon Grimm am Beispiel der Stadt und Agglomeration Zürich auf. Dieser Artikel erschien in der disP – The Planning Review und ist über diesen Link bis More
Urban Research Seminar
29.11.2023, 12:00 – 17:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL H 35.1. Urban Research Seminar is a new initiative hosted by D-BAUG with the aim of building a bottom-up network that brings together early career researchers and their ongoing urban research projects across ETH Zürich.
More Than Human Cinema
Glossary of Spatial Planning Terms. An Overview of Instruments and Terminology in Switzerland
As a resource for understanding and translating Swiss spatial planning terms, this glossary aims to promote consistency and coherence for education and applied research in English about Swiss spatial planning at the ETH Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development and beyond.
Cooperative Planning under Pro-development Urban Agenda? A Collage of Densification Practices in Zurich, Switzerland
Like in many cities and regions worldwide, densification is the current urban development paradigm in Switzerland. Although considered one of the main policy mechanisms for sustainable land use, densification strategies are mainly employed by the private sector, causing adverse social effects.
A Multi-objective Calibration Framework for Capturing the Behavioral Patterns of Autonomously-driven Vehicles
The COVID-19 Pandemic and its Implications for Urban Essential Workers
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been unequal depending on the resources and opportunities people have to cope with the pandemic. Intersectional burdens have been reproduced, as care and maintenance work have fallen disproportionately on the shoulders of women and migrants. Given the ‘essentiality’ but low valuation More
Designing Resilient Regenerative Systems (DRRS)
CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials: Essentials
Registration until 15 October 2023. The CAS essentials (January 2024 to June 2024) offers knowledge and skills to question our conventional construction techniques and promote regenerative materials from resource extraction to end of life of the building materials, through a territorial approach grounded in Switzerland and neighbouring countries.
CAS in Raumentwicklung und Prozessdesign
BAB – Intercantonal Coordinated Monitoring of Construction Outside Building Zones
Pilot regions, the federal government and the Chair of Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems (PLUS) are jointly drafting which questions and indicators related to building outside building zones should be answered or recorded in the cantons in the future in the scope of a monitoring (BAB). The More
LVML-Integration into Design++ at the ETH Zurich
The Large-Scale Virtualization and Modeling Lab (LVML) becomes part of Design++, the Center for Augmented Computational Design in Architecture, Engineering and Construction. It opens its usage to Design++ members to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and supports knowledge integration and co-creation to advance planning and design tools and workflows. Contact: More
Documenting and Promoting Multifunctional Agro-urban Landscape for Resilient Cities: a Case Study in Antananarivo
Antananarivo serves as a prominent example of how urban agriculture can effectively provide essential services for creating sustainable and resilient cities, specifically addressing food security and flood control challenges. The FCL Global research project has made significant contributions through landscape designs that prioritise and advance these crucial services, More