David Kaufmann | Raumplanung und Stadtpolitik (SPUR)

E-Bike City

E-​Bike City is a lighthouse project of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (D-​BAUG) at ETH Zurich. Over the next three years, seven chairs will join forces to explore the effects of an urban future giving absolute priority to cycling, micromobility and public transport. Main Idea More

Mehr Wohnraum, aber für wen?

6. Juni 2023, 17.30 | Karl der Grosse, Kirchgasse 14, 8001 Zürich. Bauen ist das Gebot der Stunde, um dem aktuellen Wohnungsmangel zu begegnen und Verdichtung zu fördern. Neueste Studien über den Kanton Zürich zeigen jedoch, dass der aktuelle Wohnungsbau vulnerable Menschen verdrängt.

Crises hold chances. We are finding ourselves in times of deep, nested, and accelerating ecological, social, cultural, political, economic, and personal crises. This dynamic situation is highly complex and uncertain, unpredictable, and even chaotic. Yet within chaos is creativity, and creativity leads to chances for renewal.


Hands-​on Material testing (photo credit: Natalia Kobylinska)
Hands-​on Material testing (photo credit: Natalia Kobylinska)

earth. bio-​based. reused.

Think regenerative!

It is time to go beyond sustainability. Alternative solutions out of local resources such as earth, bio-​based, and reused materials are emerging all over the world and are triggering regenerative output, thanks to their capacity to contribute to the restoration and improvement of the surrounding natural and social environment. However, they are not widespread in the construction sector due to a lack of information on the side of decision-​makers and a lack of competence on the side of practitioners.

The MAS/CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials, international ETH training programmes launched by the Chair of Sustainable Construction of the ETH Zurich, aim to tackle this problem. These teachings offer knowledge and skills to question our conventional construction techniques and to promote regenerative materials from resource extraction to construction site, operation, and end-​of-life of the building materials, starting from the preliminary phase of the construction programme.

Website CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials