Department / Institute: Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (D-BAUG)
Ride Comfort Assessment for Automated Vehicles Utilizing a Road Surface Model and Monte Carlo Simulations
Investing in Water Supply Resilience Considering Future Uncertainty and Management Flexibility
The infrastructure required to provide sufficient high quality drinking water to urban areas over long time horizons is highly uncertain. The use of the real options method, which accounts for future uncertainty and considers management flexibility over time, can significantly improve the evaluation of water supply resilience enhancing More
Mountain Forest Ecosystem Services at Risk
Mountain forests provide many essential ecosystem services, such as protection from natural hazards, carbon sequestration, habitats for rare species, and spaces for recreation. However, these forests are experiencing more and more natural disturbances, including windthrows, bark beetle outbreaks, and forest fires, which may jeopardize their capacity to provide More
disP 57/2, June 2021
Verkehrs-Pricing im Feldversuch
Verkehrsteilnehmende verändern ihr Verhalten, wenn sie für Kosten ihrer Mobilität aufkommen müssen, die bisher die Allgemeinheit bezahlt. Das zeigt das bisher grösste Pricing-Experiment im Schweizer Agglomerationsverkehr von Forschenden der Universität Basel, der ETH Zürich und der ZHAW. Artikel in den ETH News lesen
Gründung upZ (urban publics Zürich)
upZ (urban publics Zürich) fördert den Dialog zwischen Stadtforschung, Stadtgesellschaft und Stadtpolitik. Sie verfolgen zwei Ziele: Erstens wollen sie international ausgerichtete urbane Forschung und Praktiken in Zürich verankern und weiterentwickeln. Zweitens wollen sie Verbindungen zwischen städtischen Akteuren in Forschung, Politik, Aktivismus, Hochschulen und Zivilgesellschaft stärken, um den öffentlichen More
Neues Team – MAS Raumplanung
Eine neue Leitung des MAS DAS CAS in Raumplanung hat mit 32 Studierenden in das neue Semester gestartet. Der neue Studiendelegierte ist PD Dr. Joris Van Wezemael und die Studienleitung hat Andreas Rupf übernommen. Weitere Informationen. Anmeldedeadline für den CAS: 10.01.-30.04.21. Kontakt: Andreas Rupf
disP 57/1, March 2021
Recovery Preparedness of Global Air Transport Influenced by COVID-19 Pandemic: Policy Intervention Analysis
A GIS-based Model of Outdoor Thermal Comfort: Case Study for Zurich
How far will you walk when it gets hot? The global climate is warming at a rapid pace, and cities around the globe are confronted with increasing temperatures. In this work, we study how the future climate will affect urban walkability in Zurich by modeling the thermoregulatory functions More
Urban Design and the Technological Shift in Transportation
In recent years technological innovations in transportation, such as automated vehicles (AVs), mobility-as-a-service, electric and connected vehicles, have been garnering attention. Some advocates liken the emergence of these technologies to a ‘revolution’ in transportation, while critics characterise this as a gross exaggeration. Despite the uncertainties in technological development, More
Raum+ in Forschung und Anwendung von transformativen Prozessen
Die Methodik Raum+ leistet seit über 15 Jahren einen Beitrag zur Erhebung von Bauzonenreserven in der Schweiz. Regelmässige Nachführungen sorgen für die Vergleichbarkeit der Daten über die Zeit, womit die Methodik transformative Aspekte abzubilden vermag. Mithilfe der Einschätzung von lokalen Vertreter*innen werden die Daten zusätzlich kontextualisiert. Zwei Studierende More
Traffic Control Beyond Modes
Future developments of mobility pass through a phase of complementarity and blending of modes. From this point of view, the potential benefits (i.e. societal, monetary) of mobility management across modes is very interesting. Commuters consider and plan their mobility comprehensively; they have access to multimodal information and routing, More
Evaluation of Self-Control
In order to meet the increasing demand for mobility and, above all, to reduce the resulting problems such as congestion, time loss, negative impacts on the environment, etc. in urban regions, a large number of traffic management approaches have been developed and implemented in recent decades. A major More
In light of the newer developments in transportation systems, the Dienstabteilung Verkehr (DAV), the Traffic Service Department of the City of Zurich is interested in upgrading and preparing its traffic-management systems for the V2X era. Based on different projects presented at ITS conferences, DAV has come up with More
SODA – Self-Organized, Distributed, and Adaptive Traffic Control
The main objective of this research proposal is to develop a smart traffic-management system that works in an automatic, distributed, self-organized way, to control (i) traffic signal lights and (ii) route guidance based on recent, advanced sensor technologies, which provide sampled-identified data such as V2I communication. We think More
OptFlow – Travel-time estimation with FLIR cameras sensors
Novel sensor technology represents a significant potential for traffic management in cities. Thermal cameras in particular have recently gained considerable importance and are now also to be used in the Traffic Management Department (DAV) of the City of Zurich. In this context, the determination of accurate travel times More
RECCE – Real-time highway traffic estimation and control
This project focuses on developing integrated control solutions (i.e. co-ordinated ramp metering: RM and variable speed limits: VSL) to manage congestion on motorway networks. An efficient real-time solution of this problem requires the development of new control methodologies that are based on advanced techniques from the domains of More
«Densifying Switzerland»: Acceptance and public support for densification projects in Swiss cities
The SNF-funded research project «Densifying Switzerland» examines factors that affect the acceptance and local democratic support for densification projects in all 162 Swiss cities. Densification is the central paradigm of the current revisions of the Swiss Spatial Planning Act. There is a broad public and scholarly consensus that More
Neues Center für nachhaltige Mobilität der Zukunft lanciert
Zukunftsfähige Verkehrs- und Transportsysteme sind gefragt, die das Ziel unterstützen, die Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2050 auf Netto Null zu senken und erneuerbare Energiequellen zu nutzen. Die ETH-Schulleitung hat der Gründung des neuen «Center for Sustainable Future Mobility» (CSFM) als Kompetenzzentrum der ETH Zürich zugestimmt und eine Anschubfinanzierung für vier More
Future-proof urban development. Evaluating the impact of flexible assets in coping with the uncertain future conditions
The project was funded by the Network City and Landscape (NSL) to investigate the impact of flexible designs in coping with the uncertain future offices demand. The potential growth in the home-office working mode poses a large uncertainty on the future offices demand. Flexible offices can help limiting More
Multi-Stakeholder Decision support framework to identify and evaluate resilience improvement interventions for interdependent infrastructure systems
Infrastructure systems are susceptible to hazard events, which disrupts their functionality leading to direct and indirect consequences for their stakeholders as well as the public. Therefore, infrastructure managers need to execute interventions to improve the resilience of their system of interest. Due to the complexity and interdependency of More
Umfrage zum Forschungs-, Lehr- und Ausbildungsbedarf in der Raumentwicklung aus Praxissicht
Was wären gegenwärtig für die Schweizer Planungspraxis relevante Forschungs- und Lehrthemen? Wie positionieren sich die Raumentwicklungsabteilungen der Schweizer Hochschulen mit Blick auf die Bedürfnisse der Fachpraxis? Wenn Sie solche Fragen auch schon beschäftigt haben, dann können Sie jetzt die letzte Gelegenheit nutzen, um die Umfrage der Spatial Transformation More
Maintaining train schedule STABILITY and managing time table reserves via digitalized railway intervention planning
The future of rail transport will be one where trains carrying passengers and goods flow seamlessly from their origins to their destinations. Potential disruptions due to train incidents will be foreseen with the extensive use of surveillance technologies, and either prevented through the implementation of detailed action plans More
15. Tagung Landmanagement: Landmanagement und Ökologie
Eine Karte der Raumqualität aus Sicht der Bevölkerung
Wie erleben wir die Atmosphäre eines Ortes, wo fühlen wir uns sicher? «Streetwise» stellt die menschliche, visuelle Wahrnehmung von (Vor-) Plätzen, Gehwegen, Strassen usw. mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz dar. Planerinnen und Planer erhalten so eine Entscheidungsunterstützung. Die zentrale Variable der Innenentwicklung, nämlich die Wahrnehmung von Qualität, kann More
Luzerner Hotels rüsten sich für die Rückkehr der Gäste
Raumplanung: Böse Stadt, gute Landschaft?
NSL Forum: Pandemie? Mitten im Klimawandel. Was bedeutet das für die räumliche Entwicklung der Schweiz? Ein Dialog.
Video jetzt online! In einem Dialog für Praxis und Hochschulen nahm das Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft (NSL) der ETH Zürich am 11. November im Volkshaus Zürich eine Standortbestimmung für die räumliche Entwicklung in der Schweiz vor. Ausgangspunkt bildeten Erkenntnisse aus der Pandemiesituation, Hintergrund der Klimawandel. Die Tagung war More
New Center for Augmented Computational Design at ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich has recently launched a new center for augmented computational design in architecture, civil engineering and construction. 24 professorships, including the NSL chair of Christophe Girot, are joining forces under the name Design++ to develop digitally enhanced design methods which support rational and intuitive decisions during the design More
Modeling, Estimation, and Control in Large-scale Urban Road Networks with Remaining Travel Distance Dynamics
Dr. Anastasios Kouvelas | Traffic Engineering and Control
Dr. Anastasios Kouvelas is the Director of the Traffic Engineering and Control research group at the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT), Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, ETH Zurich (since August 2018). Prior to joining IVT, he was a Research Scientist at the Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS), EPFL (2014-2018), and a Postdoctoral Fellow with Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology (PATH) at the University of California, Berkeley (2012–2014).
Exploiting Digitalisation to Plan Interventions on Large Water Distribution Networks
Cities rely heavily on the services provided by water distribution networks. These networks are large and complex, consisting of thousands of kilometres of buried pipes and dozens of facilities where water is treated, pumped and stored. Infrastructure managers are entrusted with the planning and execution of interventions on More
Projektstart: Historische Dynamik von Siedlungs- und Lebensraumnetzwerken
Während Siedlungsnetzwerke im vergangenen Jahrhundert wuchsen, schrumpften vor allem Lebensraumnetzwerke. Im neuen SNF-Projekt EMPHASES werden wir die Dynamik dieser Netzwerke im Schweizer Mittelland untersuchen, indem wir historische topographische Karten klassifizieren. Wir werden langfristige Regelmässigkeiten und plötzliche Veränderungen im Wachstum oder in der Schrumpfung dieser Netzwerke analysieren.
Neues Video über das Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung
Neben dem Lehrstuhl für Planung von Landschaft und Urbanen Systemen (Prof. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey) sind in den letzten Jahren zwei neue Forschungsgruppen im Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung entstanden: Raumentwicklung und Stadtpolitik (Prof. David Kaufmann) und Spatial Transformation Laboratories (PD. Dr. Joris Van Wezemael). Ein neues Video stellt die More
Infoveranstaltung CAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Values of the ecological infrastructure in Swiss parks Commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the interdisciplinary research team in charge of the research project ValPar.CH examines the benefits and added values of the ecological infrastructure (EI) in parks of national importance. This network of More
Enabling transformation: Linking design and land system science to foster place-making in peri-urban landscapes under increasing globalization. Unprecedented urbanization is threatening landscape diversity, bringing along new social and environmental problems. Standardized business centers, single family residential areas and shopping malls displace highly productive agricultural land, while the culture More
Nature and biodiversity are not only essential for the existence of human societies, but are also threatened by the expansion of cities and transport infrastructure. As much as human societies depend on networks of settlements that are well connected by roads and rail (i.e. settlement networks), animal species More
Future-proofing strategies FOr RESilient transport networks against Extreme Events (FORESEE)
System-wide transportation risks are not well understood across modes, regions, and critical interdependent sectors, creating uncertainty about risks resulting from a major system disruption. There is a lack of resilience schemes, especially for the long term, integrated into transport infrastructure due to an inability to monetize resilience for More
disP 56/4, December 2020
Introducing Ecosystem Services-Design Loop
Until recently, urban planners and designers gave little consideration to the multifunctional design of green spaces. This was partly because quantitative information about the extent of ecosystem benefits was not readily accessible to landscape professionals. Future Cities Laboratory (FCL), Singapore-ETH Centre has developed an ‘Ecosystem Services-Design Loop’ that More
New Agendas Under Planetary Urbanisation: Designing Sustainable Agri-Urbanisms
What is the future of the manifold agricultural territories across the world that support contemporary cities? While discussions on urban sustainability have focused on cities and urban regions, many agricultural territories are equally exposed to rapid and far-reaching urban transformation processes with massive social and environmental implications, opening More
Thinking Future Systems
FCL Global addresses the globally significant challenges of expanding urbanisation and aims to create a better understanding of the relationship between the city and its surrounding region, so as to make city-regions more sustainable. Following FCL Global’s Launch Event on 2 March 2021, FCL Global Co-Director Professor Sacha More
COVID-19 and the Dilemma of Transport Policy Making
This short paper sets out the basic dilemma of transport policy making today, as how to strike the balance between the benefits of accessibility and the induced externalities in terms of sprawl, greenhouse gas emissions and congestion. The impacts of the Corona19 pandemic sharpens the dilemma.
FCL Global Tana – Co-designing a Blue-green Future for the Agro-urban City of Antananarivo
The capital city of Madagascar, Antananarivo, is a high-altitude city. Traditionally, the Merina culture settled on hills dominating rice cultivation in the plains. However, urban growth is changing this landscape fast as city dwellers are more and more settling in the rice plain. This growth also raises the More
CUARZO: Cities, Urban Planning and Architecture in the Reconstruction of the 0 Zones
The Impact of Land-use Legacies and Recent Management on Natural Disturbance Susceptibility in Mountain Forests
Mountain forests provide a wide range of ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration and protection from natural hazards. Forest cover in the European Alps has increased over the last century, but in recent years, these forests have experienced an increasing rate of natural disturbances by agents such as windthrow, More
Evaluating Initial Building Designs Considering Possible Future Changes and Decision Flexibility: The Example of The New PET Centre of the University Hospital of Zurich
The uncertainty on the future treatments demand, recently evidenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, makes it challenging for hospitals managers to determine the optimal design of new clinics. Flexibility can help in optimally minimizing the service risks when the benefits of the investments justify the costs, considering the dynamism of treatment More