Dr. Jennifer Duyne Barenstein, Daniela Sanjinés | ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE

Negotiating Space for Cooperative Housing in Latin America. The Case of Post-Conflict Colombia and El Salvador

Housing cooperatives emerged in the mid-nineteenth century in Europe and played a key role in peacebuilding, reconciliation, and reconstruction in the aftermath of World War I and World War II. In recent years, following the global financial crisis, the governmental withdrawal from the housing sector and the inability More

FamyCH (SNSF SINERGIA Project). Family Custody Arrangements and Child Well-Being in Switzerland

The four-year SNSF Sinergia project “Family Custody Arrangements and Child Well-Being in Switzerland” (FamyCH) examines custody regulations following parental separation and their effects on children. Designed as an interdisciplinary initiative, the project aims to identify risk and resilience factors affecting children’s well-being. The ETH Wohnforum focuses with Prof. More

LUS Doctoral Crits HS24

4 December 2024, 09:00 – 13:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIT F 12. The autumn semester crits will follow a condensed format, featuring five presentations. We are honoured to welcome Prof. Dr. Charlotte Malterre-Barthes from EPFL as our external reviewer.


15. September | 17:00–22:00 und 16. September, 10:00– 18:00 | Generationenfestival Thun «Märit», Mittlere Ringstr. 8, 3600 Thun. Wie können Wohnformen das Zusammenleben von Jung und Alt fördern? Wo liegen Herausforderungen und Chancen? Das ETH Wohnforum nimmt am Generationenwohnen Festival in Thun teil und bietet Einblicke.

Daylight in Sustainable Urban Design

By 2050, up to six billion people are expected to live in urban areas, accelerating urban growth and increasing densification. The challenges here are the reduction of open and green spaces, the creation of so-​called heat islands in urban areas and sensitive vertical densification. The integration of daylighting More

Athena Lecture

7 March, 18:00–19:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, gta Foyer. The Athena Lecture Series are annually held by internationally renowned female designers and researchers in the fields of urban studies, architecture, urban design, urban planning, and landscape architecture.

Sudamérica LUS Talks

20 October 2022, 18:30 (2 December: 17:30) |  ETH Zürich, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, ONA Fokushalle (E7), Zürich. This year, the LUS Talks will engage diverse perspectives from practitioners and theorists addressing South America’s complex social and ecological landscapes.