MAS ETH in Housing

Application window until 30 June 2019. The MAS ETH in Housing is committed to contribute to finding solutions to the housing challenges in Switzerland, Europe, as well as in low and middle income countries globally through multi disciplinary training and highlevel research.

Frauen blicken auf die Stadt. Architektinnen. Planerinnen. Reformerinnen. Theoretikerinnen des Städtebaus II

13. März, 18:30 Uhr | ZAZ Zentrum Architektur Zürich Höschgasse 3, 8008 Zürich. Buchvernissage Begrüssung: Beatrice Aebi, Präsidentin frau und sia Sandra König und Alexa Bodammer, Organisatorinnen frau + net Dialogische Lesung mit Katia Frey, Marie-Anne Lerjen und Eliana Perotti Anschliessend Apéro

Between the Academy and Activism

13. Dezember 2018, 17:00 Uhr | ETH Zürich Hönggerberg, HIL E6. Vortrag von Lori Brown, Professor für Architektur, Syracuse University (NY). Lori Brown’s lecture, «Between the Academy + Activism,» will discuss her research and the opportunities it has unexpectedly created in real-world engagement and activism, bringing architecture out into broader current More

Prefab society

Research seminar (Wahlfach) on 7 December 2018, 18:00 (final presentation) | ETH Zürich Hönggerberg, HIL H 40.4. The research seminar aims to analyze examples of Swiss modular buildings dating from the 1940s to 1970s using diverse empirical material. The main focus is on the interaction between built and social / cultural structures: how do More

People at the Centre! Housing issues, challenges & strategies in the Global South

Lecture Series (Wahlfach) from 24 September 2018, on Mondays, 14:00–15:45 | ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, HIL F 10.3. Coordinated and moderated by Dr. Jennifer Duyne Barenstein, ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE. The aim of this elective course is to sensitize students about the specific urban development and housing challenges in the Global South. More

MAS ETH in Housing Symbolbild
Seminar Week in Bhuji, India, 2019 © MAS ETH in Housing

The MAS focuses on the assessment of housing challenges and on the affordability, effectiveness and sustainability of a wide range of housing and neighbourhood development strategies pursued by municipalities, cooperatives, local governments, non-​governmental and governmental authorities and international organisations in different countries and contexts.

The program aims at contributing to finding solutions to the challenges of housing construction in Switzerland, Europe and low and middle-​income countries worldwide through high-​level multidisciplinary training and research.

The MAS ETH in Housing accepts 10-​12 qualified candidates each year. It is primarily, but not exclusively, aimed at professionals with a background in architecture, urban planning or town planning, but is also open to applicants from other disciplines with an interest in housing.


Enhancing urban density through sustainable housing development strategies (in German: ANANAS – Angebotsstrategie NAchhaltig NAchverdichteter Städte) 

A growing number of people wish to enjoy the advantages of affordable accommodation in a dense urban environment and combine this with a socially and ecologically sustainable lifestyle. The project ANANAS aims to develop strategies that contribute to a housing stock which is attractive to this target group More

Repair, Maintenance and Urban Assemblage

This project highlights repair and maintenance as qualities of infrastructures and the built environment. Whilst current efforts to increase density of cities raise hope for the next urban revolution, repair and maintenance become key features of 21st century urban development. The people involved in this project are architects, More