Raus aus dem Garten, rein in die Landschaft

In: Hönig, Roderick; Moll, Claudia (Hrsg.): Unterwegs in Zürich und Winterthur: Stadträume und Landschaftsarchitektur 2000–2009. Zürich.  Mehr Der Führer durch die Städte Zürich und Winterthur behandelt sechzig wegweisende Projekte zeitgenössischer Landschaftsarchitektur. In seinem Essay rollt Christophe Girot die Geschichte der Schweizer Aussenräume und der jungen Disziplin auf. Der More

Pairi-daeza: Umgrenzung

Workbook der Professur Günther Vogt für das Frühjahrssemester 2009. Zürich: Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur, ETH Zürich.  Mehr
 «Pairi-daeza» ist persisch für «eine Mauer, die einen Garten umschliesst». Der Begriff ist Ausgangspunkt einer Wahlfachserie, die sich mit landschaftsarchitektonischen Grundelementen und Typen auseinandersetzt. «Umgrenzung» bildet den Auftakt und wird verknüpft mit More

Novartis Campus. Eine moderne Arbeitswelt. Voraussetzungen, Bausteine, Perspektiven.

Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag. Konzept und drei Beiträge: 58-79, 106-119, 248-251. (englisch und deutsch publiziert). Mehr Das Buch stellt die Geschichte und Entwicklung des Werkareals der Novartis AG St. Johann in Basel, den modellhaften Denk- und Entwurfsprozess, den gegenwärtigen Stand des ehrgeizigen Campus-Projektes sowie die zukünftigen Planungen und Ziele More

Campus and the City: Urban Design for the Knowledge Society

Zürich: gta Verlag.  Mehr Namhafte Architekten und Experten präsentieren und kommentieren anhand internationaler Beispiele zeitgenössische Trends im Campus-Design. Betrachtungen zu 30 ausgewählten Campusprojekten – seien dies suburbane oder innerstädtische Hochschulanlagen, Technologieparks oder Konzernzentralen – geben Aufschluss über mögliche zukünftige Entwicklungen und deren Beziehung zum urbanen Kontext.

Richti-Quartier, Wallisellen

The Richti neignbourhood of Wallisellen lies between the train station of Wallisellen and the shopping centre of Glatt. It is organised around the Richtiarkade, a slightly bent, linear main street which directly and comfortably connects these two major points in the city. The public park, Richtiplatz, begins to More

Novartis-Campus, Basel

The St. Johann area owned by Novartis in Basle is to be transformed from a production site into a research and administration center. An arrangement capable of remaining sustainable on a long-term basis is to be introduced into the structural and aesthetic arbitrariness of a factory area that More

Bassersdorf: a Search for the City Centre

This dissertation by Rafael Gaus discusses the urban qualities and deficits of the town of Bassersdorf and researches how the city centre can be improved spatially, structurally and functionally. In a comparison with reference examples, the case study discusses, in addition to urban solutions, the planning strategies and More

Urban Density

In the discussion about the city, no other term has experienced so many different meanings, analyses, interpretations and evaluations as the word density. City density is always changing its meaning, and sometimes it means two things at the same time; for example, being used as a synonym for More

Kulturlandschaft (Cultural Landscape)

Everything shaped by humans is culture. This includes the territory. Cultural landscapes are created by the constant interaction of humans with nature. Their regional characteristics are due to natural conditions and increase with the growing technological development of the society inhabiting them. Cities are also part of the More

Predicting the duration of disruptions of railway operation, disposition and event communication

Good railway systems distinguish themselves through high reliability and availability. Nevertheless, operational disruptions through internal or external influences cannot always be avoided. The goal set for this postdoctoral work is to raise the operational manageability of operational disruptions through better predictions of the duration of the disruption: Is More

Increase of Productivity in Railway Freight Transportation through a Systematic Integration of Client Knowledge into Operational Planning

In order to survive intermodal competition, freight trains are forced to offer their clients a high level of flexibility. However, fulfilling this promise for flexibility is associated with noteworthy financial risks due to their high fixed cost rates. Control of the oscillating level of demand engendered through this More

Local Public Transport in Cross-Border Agglomerations

In times when most European agglomerations are affected by congestion, local public transport is one of the most important elements to promote the development of conurbations. Agglomerations extending over international boundaries are a special challenge for local public transport; the cross-border connections are generally less developed than the More

Algorithms and methods for the construction of conflict-free, macroscopic timetables

Along with increasing globalisation, the strategic importance of transport infrastructures for society and the economy are also growing. Demands related to capacity and reliability in rail traffic are increasing. At the same time, however, infrastructure expansion puts pressure on economic and ecological limits, which then forces an even More

Urban Breeding Grounds

Urban landscapes of metropolitan regions are subjected to permanent change. This does not take place homogeneously throughout the entire territory but rather captures entire quarters in cycles. Through structural, economic, social or cultural transformation processes, zones formerly regarded as very stable can change within a few years to More

Airports and Cities

Airports and Cities is a research platform that brings together projects investigating the complex and multi-faceted reciprocity of urban and airport development to better understand the contemporary city and its mechanisms of urbanisation. Urban development is strongly determined by transport infrastructures. Many railway stations were initially positioned outside of More

Nile Valley

The Nile Valley covers merely 5% of Egypt’s territory, while providing a living environment for 95% of the country’s population. This thousand kilometer long and fertile strip of land embedded in smooth valley topography bordering the desert allowed the genesis of civilizations dating back as far as 3000 More


Continuously inhabited since the Neolithic age, Belgrade is one of the oldest cities in Europe, but its development is based on frequent ruptures and breaks instead of continuity and cumulative growth. The identity of Belgrade is historically linked to the Orient (Byzantium, Ottoman Empire) and the Occident (Austro-Hungarian More

Thurgau – Project for the Quiet Zones

Since June 2006, a project team of ETH Studio Basel has been elaborating concrete projects for the “quiet zones” in the Canton of Thurgau on behalf of the Thurgau Think Tank, a foundation with private and public participation. This research is a continuation of a study on Switzerland More


Similar to Hong Kong, because of its strategic situation on the coast of the Atlantic, Casablanca is one of the oldest Global Cities. From the beginning of the last century, first under the French protectorate and then, from 1956 onward, as the economic center of Morocco, the city More

Hong Kong

The Asian city of Hong Kong is a place of extraordinary economic and demographic dynamics. Formerly under British rule, it has undergone a radical change in orientation since the 1997 handover. The creation of the HKSAR (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) as a city-state implies an ambiguous and More


This semester Central Florida was investigated, a territory that has changed radically in the last century; in a rela­tively short period, a multi-layered urban topography has covered the near-tropical wilderness. The area’s complexity results from an interaction of different processes: the forces driving urban growth such as the More

Canary Islands: Open Closed

Our first steps on the Canary Islands were accompanied by prejudices and doubts as to whether there would be anything interesting to see there apart from the usual phenomena accompanying the distasteful development of mass tourism. We were trying to establish whether anything could be found that would More


The master plan has failed. Based on a concept of the city as a sharply defined and well enclosed entity, with a strong preference for the plan view with a top-down approach, and preoccupied with the notion of a final state that the city is to achieve for More


Nairobi is shaped by strong contrasts in wealth and quality of infrastructure. While some of the most affluent neighborhoods can be found in the west of the city, along with beautiful gardens and vast golf courses, Nairobi is home to one of the biggest slum of the continent, More

Beirut – Damascus

We can observe the cities in the Middle East at a crucial moment in time. Rich in architectural and urbanistic heritage and finding themselves at a turning point of political transformation and undergoing extensive (re-) construction, these cities grapple with questions of identity, globalization and a reconsideration of More


Strategically located at the mouth of the Nile Delta, the region around Cairo has been continuously inhabited for the last five millennia. With Memphis, capital of the Old Kingdom approximately 3000 BC located a few kilometers to the south, the pyramids of Giza, constructed approximately 2500 BC to More