Department / Institute: Former Chairs
Den Lebensraum gestalten
Neue Mobilitätsinitiative lanciert
Inclusive Marseille: MAS Urban Design
Exkursion: Limmattalbahn Schlieren
Roberto Burle Marx, Landscape and Chromatic Relationships
Spatial and Infrastructure Development
Inclusive Tangier: MAS Urban Design at the Rabat Architecture Biennale Agora: ARCHITECTURE, VILLE ET CULTURE
Building on the Soviet Past. Exhibiting Photography of the Baltic States
On Planning – A Thought Experiment
Book Launches / Buchvernissagen: 24. Mai 2018 | 09:00–09:45 | Architekturbiennale Venedig, Giardini (Rolex Pavillion) Exhibition opening «On Planning – A Thought Experiment» 24. Mai 2018 | 14:30–15:30 | Fondazione Cini, Venedig Simon Kretz and David Chipperfield: Public discussion about the publication.
The City from the Modern Age to the 19th Century
Publisher Klaus Wagenbach. Also available as e-book. The task is very simple and very difficult: to build cities for the people who live in them. Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani retraces the convoluted history of the occidental city and relates their stories based on their most important episodes. After his extremely More
Blick in die Feuilletons mit Kees Christiaanse
Women Architects and Politics in the Long 20th Century
Schweizweite Abschätzung der Nutzungsreserven 2017
Professur für Raumentwicklung. Im vdf Verlag auch als E-Book erhältlich. Eine wichtige Erkenntnis ist, dass in den rechtskräftigen Bauzonen weiterhin Nutzungsreserven für 1,0 bis 1,8 Millionen zusätzliche Einwohner bestehen. Die Studie belegt, dass weiterhin Nutzungsreserven und vielfältige Möglichkeiten für die Innenentwicklung vorhanden sind, aber nur teilweise systematisch erfasst werden. More
The Visible and the Intensive World Egypt, Landscapes and Territories
In: PhotoResearcher, No. 28/2017. Vienna: European Society for the History of Photography. S. 68–83. Download A discussion about the relationship between photography and territorial research. Does photography have the status of a document, or does it have a «projective» status of its own? How is it possible to More
Strassenverkehrstechnik: Neue Ergebnisse
Platoon – Using Truck Platooning Strategies to Improve Real Time Highway Traffic Operations
The platooning of trucks has been considered in many studies as a potential approach to reduce some of the negative effects caused by trucking on the highways. A platoon of trucks is formed by decreasing the spacing between the trucks and adjusting their speeds at the same time. More
SignBus – Using Additional Signals to Provide Priority to Buses at Signalized Intersections
In urban environments, where buses and cars operate in mixed fashion, bus delays can be exacerbated at signalized intersections due to the interactions with cars. This research will investigate the use of additional signals to provide priority to buses at signalized intersections, while minimizing the negative effects to More
SPEED – Rethinking speed limits in urban networks
In the last decades, cities around the world have started to reduce speed limits in both residential areas and city centers. In Switzerland, for example, more than 700 districts and municipalities have streets and areas with 30 km/h regulations, and there have been initiatives to extend those to More
DIPLOMAT – DesIgn, oPtimization and controL Of urban MultimodAl sysTems
To understand the physics of urban mobility, traffic dynamics of multimodal urban networks need to be analyzed under many different scenarios, including various network properties. To this end, an aggregated model for multimodal systems, following the concept of the three-dimensional bi-modal macroscopic fundamental diagram (3D-MFD), can be used More
ConAuto – Traffic control in a connected and automated vehicle environment
The development in connected and automated vehicles provides more flexibility in the monitoring and control of traffic systems. Equipped with communication systems and various sensors, connected and automated vehicles can communicate with the infrastructure to report real-time information, such as location, speed, etc. Moreover, the automated driving system More
Housing the Co-Op
The bilateral research project Cooperative Production of Low-Cost Housing – Socio-Technological Innovation for the Provision of Housing for Low-Income Populations investigates previous and current practices of affordable housing production in order to detect the transformative potential of urban development based on community organizations and the formation of housing More
Manipulative Iconographies of Nile Dams: The Political Image
In: PhotoResearcher, No.28/2017. Vienna: European Society for the History of Photography. S. 30–35. Images of hydro-infrastructures and their inaugurations served various purposes. From asserting power over natural resources by colonial powers, to establishing the image of a self-sustaining nation and presenting dams as nation-building and political leverage tools, More
Tout reste différent – vers un avenir partager. Un processus participatif fructueux à Zumikon (ZH)
In: Les Cahiers de l’ASPAN, No. 2/2017. S. 26–29. Zwischen 2013 und 2015 hat die Gemeinde Zumikon (ZH) einen stakeholderbasierten Planungsprozess zur Erarbeitung einer robusten Entwicklungsstrategie mit strategischem Rahmenplan durchgeführt. Die Professur für Architektur und Städtebau von Prof. Kees Christiaanse hat die Gemeinde dabei aktiv begleitet. Im aktuellen More
Manual on Urban Design
Berlin: DOM Publishers Urban Design is art and science at the same time. Its practical and theoretical foundations have been collected, articulated and systematised since cities began to appear. The large urban expansion of the 19th century forced the founding of modern urban design as its own discipline. More
Co-operatives: Putting People at the Centre of Development
Related to the project Housing the Co-op, the research team at the chair of Prof. Marc Angélil hosted a session at the Global Conference of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). It aimed at highlighting the enormous potential that housing co-operatives can have for the key challenges of inclusive More
NSL Kolloquium Common Water: Der Film ist online
Wer den spannenden Anlass zum Thema aktuelle und zukünftige Fragestellungen und Herausforderungen im Umgang mit der Ressource Wasser mit geografischem Fokus auf den alpinen Raum am Samstag 21. Oktober verpasst hat, kann diesen nun online ansehen. Ausserdem haben wir auf vielseitigen Wunsch zum vereinfachten Austausch thematisch Verwandtes auf unserer Common More
Beyond Noise and Silence: Auditory Qualities as Landscape Values
Landscape sounds. Sounds are an intrinsic dimension of human environmental relatedness. While contemporary urban landscape planning practice focuses only on the defensive treatment of unwanted sounds, we should rather prepare for the active design of acoustic qualities for public spaces, which become increasingly important. Through fieldwork-based study, culminating More
Sessions on Territory – Urbanism Beyond Neoliberalism: Power
5 Sessions on selected Mondays, Autumn 2017, 16:00 – 18:00 h | Elective Course Place: ETH Zurich, Oerlikon | ONA Focushalle E7 | Neunbrunnenstr. 50, 8050 Zurich «Sessions on Territory» is a new series of public debates on the political economy of architecture and territory within and beyond the neoliberal order. Focusing More
Fachtagung zum Thema Raumentwicklung in Gemeinden (Prof. Dr. Bernd Scholl):
Cultivating Sound. The Acoustic Dimension of Landscape Architecture
Landscape is a multimodal spatial experience that could more generally be defined as a meaningful and dynamic sensory relationship between humans and their environment. Sounds are an intrinsic dimension of this relationship – roots of which reach far beyond theoretical discourses that ascribe the birth of landscape to More
Schmelzende Landschaften
The Noise Landscape – A Spatial Exploration of Airports and Cities
This book proposes a new spatial typology for the noise-affected areas under the approach paths of large hub airports. These areas have distinct urban properties and are scenes of intense negotiations between a multitude of actors – which gives them relevance far beyond the specialized discussion on airports More
Impacts of urban parking system on cruising traffic and policy development: The case of Zurich downtown area, Switzerland
In: Transportation Cruising-for-parking is a common phenomenon in urban areas worldwide. Properly understanding and mitigating cruising can reduce travel times, alleviate traffic congestion, and improve the local environment. In this paper, we present a case study of the city of Zurich, using a macroscopic model to analyze the current More
A train rescheduling model integrating speed management for disruption management of high-speed traffic under a quasi-moving block system
In: Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 104, 638-666. Doi: 10.1016/j.trb.2017.05.008 Reducing delays in high speed railways requires searching for efficient traffic management actions (dynamic speed updates, changing train sequence) with feasible speeds and headways, under the given signaling/safety system. We use an alternative graph model in a commercial MILP More
Nature Modern: the place of landscape in the modern movement
Contributions by Girot, Christophe & Düblin, Patrick; Kirchengast, Albert; Constant, Caroline; Croset, Pierre-Alain; Isenstadt, Sandy; Leatherbarrow, David; Pogacnik, Marko; Seidel, Manfred; Waldheim, Charles; Weston, Richard. Berlin: Jovis. Nature is not simply «green» or the «opposite of culture». Essentially, it is an intellectual construct. Based on key architecture projects, this More
Analysis of one-way and two-way street configurations on urban grid networks
In: Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics. S.1-21. Mehr This paper studies traffic behaviour on one-way, two-way and two-way streets with prohibited left turns using three different methods; analytical formulations, static traffic assignment and microsimulation. While two-way networks result in shorter routes, one-way networks increase intersection throughput. Two-way networks without left More
Backflip – New Oerlikon Zurich
In: Topos 100/2017. «Time», Callwey Verlag. Mehr New Oerlikon, a progressive urban renewal project in a former industrial quarter of Zurich, also included four new parks which were to provide a new identity towards a lively residential use. The article explores whether the parks lived up to their expectations.
Das unvollständige Haus: Mies van der Rohe und die Landschaft der Moderne
Das Werk Ludwig Mies van der Rohes zählt zu den bestuntersuchten der klassischen Moderne. Eine Darstellung der Verknüpfung von Haus, Garten und Landschaft blieb bislang allerdings ein Forschungsdesiderat. Doch treten seine Wohnhäuser in Korrespondenz zu jener naturräumlichen Ferne, die sie selbst inszenieren um «landschaftlich gestimmt» zu werden. Die More
NSL Kolloquium: Common Water – The Future of an Alpine Resource
Expertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaft, Architektur, Politik und Wirtschaft diskutieren am 21. Oktober über aktuelle und zukünftige Fragestellungen und Herausforderungen im Umgang mit der Ressource Wasser mit geografischem Fokus auf den alpinen Raum. Bei Interesse kann am Freitag, 20. Oktober 2017 eine eintägige Exkursion in das Morteratschgebiet besucht werden. Weitere Informationen und Programm. Anmeldungen an Claudia Gebert.
«Switzerland is like a paradise for a transport enthusiast.»
Prof. Dr. Francesco Corman is continuing the research direction in transport system at the post left vacant by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Weidmann, who is now Vice President of Human Resources and Infrastructure of the ETH Zurich. The Italian born travel aficionado will direct research towards improving transport systems operations based More
Big Data in Railway Operation: an Opportunity for Enhancing Energy Efficiency
The increasing competitiveness amongst transport modes has recently lead rail operators to start collecting microscopic data on energy consumptions. Main aim is to analyze and optimize energy efficiency during operation. It is an incredible opportunity for researchers to access to a huge amount of data for the development More
Die Alpen als «Common Ground»
Durch den Ausbau der Erschliessungsstruktur werden die Alpen immer stärker in die urbanen Netzwerke der umliegenden Metropolen eingebunden. Dies ermöglicht einerseits die Nutzung der Alpen als metropolitane Parklandschaft. Andererseits werden die Alpenrandzonen sowie die tiefliegenden Alpentäler zu attraktiven metropolitanen Siedlungsgebieten.
Building Capacity. Towards a resource-oriented framework for sustainable urban development and design
Seit fünf Jahren widmet sich der Forschungsschwerpunkt Kulturlandschaft der nachhaltigen städtebaulichen Entwicklung in Dörfern und kleineren Städten aus einer landschaftlichen Perspektive heraus. Der Umgang mit lokalen Ressourcen sowohl materieller als auch immaterieller Natur spielt dabei eine zentrale Rolle.
Mass Housing in Brazil
The research on Cidade de Deus, a low-income neighborhood located in Rio de Janeiro’s western urban expansion zone, addresses the transformation of a peripheral mass housing settlement from the 1960s into a consolidated urban environment today. The violent story of Cidade de Deus has been widely popularized through More
Massenwohnungsbau in Brasilien
Die Forschungsarbeit zur Entwicklung von Cidade de Deus, einer Siedlung für Massenwohnungsbau aus den 1960er Jahren in Rio de Janeiro, untersucht die Transformation eines damals isolierten Randgebiets in ein heute funktionierendes städtisches Quartier. Die von Gewalt bestimmte Geschichte von Cidade de Deus hat durch das gleichnamige Buch von More
Urban Quality
The game plan was as follows: five colleagues from the Department of Architecture of ETH Zurich, whose positions could not be further apart, accepted the challenge of the Swiss National Research Programme “New Urban Quality” (NRP 65) to investigate measures for improving the contemporary urban condition. Whereas a More
Urbanism of the New Third Age
This research addresses the intersection of two of the most important socio-demographic transformations occurring in our contemporary world: population ageing and urbanization. It reacts to these parallel shifts by identifying and conceptualizing emerging urban experiments for this exploding demographic. Liberated from the responsibilities of the first and second More
Mirroring Effects: Tales of Territory
Each of the case studies comprising Mirroring Effects: Tales of Territory unfolds as an all too real-life tale chronicling the ramifications of urbanization under the influence of integrated world capitalism. Taken together, they narrate the ongoing restructuring of built and lived spaces in highly diverse regions of what More
Housing Cairo
Focussing on the metropolitan region of Cairo, this research project aims to identify the forces at work – both formal and informal, and combinations thereof – in the production of territory. Over the past decades, Greater Cairo has morphed into an indistinct zone structured by moments of concentration More