Schweizweite Abschätzung der Nutzungsreserven 2017

Professur für Raumentwicklung. Im vdf Verlag auch als E-Book erhältlich. Eine wichtige Erkenntnis ist, dass in den rechtskräftigen Bauzonen weiterhin Nutzungsreserven für 1,0 bis 1,8 Millionen zusätzliche Einwohner bestehen. Die Studie belegt, dass weiterhin Nutzungsreserven und vielfältige Möglichkeiten für die Innenentwicklung vorhanden sind, aber nur teilweise systematisch erfasst werden. More

DIPLOMAT – DesIgn, oPtimization and controL Of urban MultimodAl sysTems

To understand the physics of urban mobility, traffic dynamics of multimodal urban networks need to be analyzed under many different scenarios, including various network properties. To this end, an aggregated model for multimodal systems, following the concept of the three-dimensional bi-modal macroscopic fundamental diagram (3D-MFD), can be used More

ConAuto – Traffic control in a connected and automated vehicle environment

The development in connected and automated vehicles provides more flexibility in the monitoring and control of traffic systems. Equipped with communication systems and various sensors, connected and automated vehicles can communicate with the infrastructure to report real-time information, such as location, speed, etc. Moreover, the automated driving system More

Housing the Co-Op

The bilateral research project Cooperative Production of Low-Cost Housing – Socio-Technological Innovation for the Provision of Housing for Low-Income Populations investigates previous and current practices of affordable housing production in order to detect the transformative potential of urban development based on community organizations and the formation of housing More

Schmelzende Landschaften

Link zur Filmaufnahme NSL Kolloquium: 16. Mai 2018, Semper-Aula, HG G 60, ETH Zürich Hauptgebäude, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich. Ausstellung: 14. bis 18. Mai 2018, Haupthalle, ETH Zürich Hauptgebäude, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich.

Mass Housing in Brazil

The research on Cidade de Deus, a low-income neighborhood located in Rio de Janeiro’s western urban expansion zone, addresses the transformation of a peripheral mass housing settlement from the 1960s into a consolidated urban environment today. The violent story of Cidade de Deus has been widely popularized through More

Massenwohnungsbau in Brasilien

Die Forschungsarbeit zur Entwicklung von Cidade de Deus, einer Siedlung für Massenwohnungsbau aus den 1960er Jahren in Rio de Janeiro, untersucht die Transformation eines damals isolierten Randgebiets in ein heute funktionierendes städtisches Quartier. Die von Gewalt bestimmte Geschichte von Cidade de Deus hat durch das gleichnamige Buch von More

Urban Quality

The game plan was as follows: five colleagues from the Department of Architecture of ETH Zurich, whose positions could not be further apart, accepted the challenge of the Swiss National Research Programme “New Urban Quality” (NRP 65) to investigate measures for improving the contemporary urban condition. Whereas a More

Urbanism of the New Third Age

This research addresses the intersection of two of the most important socio-demographic transformations occurring in our contemporary world: population ageing and urbanization. It reacts to these parallel shifts by identifying and conceptualizing emerging urban experiments for this exploding demographic. Liberated from the responsibilities of the first and second More

Mirroring Effects: Tales of Territory

Each of the case studies comprising Mirroring Effects: Tales of Territory unfolds as an all too real-life tale chronicling the ramifications of urbanization under the influence of integrated world capitalism. Taken together, they narrate the ongoing restructuring of built and lived spaces in highly diverse regions of what More

Housing Cairo

Focussing on the metropolitan region of Cairo, this research project aims to identify the forces at work – both formal and informal, and combinations thereof – in the production of territory. Over the past decades, Greater Cairo has morphed into an indistinct zone structured by moments of concentration More