Wie gelingt Innenentwicklung?

Kleine und mittlere Gemeinden besitzen einen Grossteil der Siedlungsreserven, aber oft zu wenig Ressourcen und Know-how, um diese «im Innern» nutzbar zu machen. Gute Siedlungsentwicklung braucht ein Zukunftsbild und eine Strategie. Das Lernen von Beispielen kann dabei hilfreich sein. Artikel auf dem ETH Zukunftsblog von Prof. Bernd Scholl.


The Peloponnese Peninsula offers countless attractions for all manner of tourists and travellers: landscapes of exceptional beauty, significant archaeological sites, historical sites and monuments, important cultural events and, especially, agricultural products of high quality. Early in its history, the railway was already a driving force for the economic More

Capacity of Railway Infrastructure and Possible Density Increases for Future Settlement Development in Central Switzerland

A considerable part of the existing settlement area reserves of around 60% are located in the small and mid-sized communities of Switzerland. The research investigates whether the existing formal and informal planning instruments are suitable for high-quality development according to the minimum strategy of ‘Inward Development before New More


The Raum+ project was developed by the Chair of Spatial Development, ETH Zurich and after many years of further development and application in various cantons and regions of Switzerland (AI, BL, FR, GR, OW, SG, SH, SZ, TG, TI, UR, VS), it is now a fully developed and More