ANANAS –Enhancing urban density through sustainable housing development strategies

A growing number of people wish to enjoy the advantages of affordable accommodation in a dense urban environment and combine this with a socially and ecologically sustainable lifestyle. The project ANANAS aims to develop strategies that contribute to a housing stock which is attractive to this target group More

Repair, Maintenance and Urban Assemblage

This project highlights repair and maintenance as qualities of infrastructures and the built environment. Whilst current efforts to increase density of cities raise hope for the next urban revolution, repair and maintenance become key features of 21st century urban development. The people involved in this project are architects, More

Injecting new impetuses into sustainable housing

With one or two exceptions the rented-housing market of the 1970s to mid-1980s produced very few innovations. The handful that emerged – mostly small-scale initiatives – were initiated by private developers or newly established housing cooperatives. One such private developer is ProMiet AG, who in the 1980s realized More

Academising Architecture: Design as a Research Practice

This cooperative project is funded by an ETH research grant and includes ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE (lead Monika Kurath), Michael Hagner, Science Studies, and Philip Ursprung, gta. It analyses the epistemic basis, form and content of design research in architecture at eight leading Western architecture schools in More

How to Grow: Planning for Holistically Sustainable Land Use

Investigate Spatial Structure and Project Theoretical Pictures of Dynamic Planning Opportunities Background: Metropolitan areas are systems of organized complexity, highly adaptable to changing circumstances or emerging usage requirements. Aggravating to envisaged future qualitative growth seems the current regulatory maze of normative planning law of static zoning, construction and More


SeDUT, a Swiss-Cuban cooperative research project on urban development in Havana, was conducted from 2004 – 2007. The Chair of Sociology at the Department of Architecture from the ETH Zurich joined forces with the design offices of Metron AG to head up Switzerland’s contributions to the project, while More

Hoograven Invites You

In Hoograven Invites You, project presented last year with the Utrecht Manifest, urban Morocco and urban Holland were compared to extend the frontiers of knowledge regarding the quality of urban environments and human experience with respect to social design. The informal is embraced, its elements and processes defined, More

Lecuna Avenue Revitalization

Lecuna Avenue Revitalization project is a master plan linked to the Metro Cable San Agustin; it aims to recover abandoned sites leftover from the construction of Caracas Metro’s Line 4, in order to create new low-income, residential buildings and community services. By proposing a series of interventions that More

Caracas Metro Cable

Previous experience has shown that the residents of the barrios in Caracas are well-informed and knowledgeable, and possess a firm understanding of what their communities need most, even if untutored in the principles of planning and development. In this vein, the expertise of residents, community leaders, government officials, More

Vertical Gymnasium (Gimnasio Vertical™)

This project is a prefabricated construction system that explores a modular, structural and vertical arrangement of a series of track and field sports (volleyball, martial arts, running track, weight lifting area, basketball, etc.). Three have been built in Caracas, while versions will soon be constructed in Amman and More

Beyond the Limits of the City: Research and Design of Urbanising Territories

Architecture of Territory—the ETH Zurich Chair of Architecture and Territorial Planning – dedicates its work to forms and processes of territorial urbanisation, arguing for the necessity of architect engagement at territorial scales. Since 2011 Milica Topalović has been attached to the ETH Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore, studying More

Future Cities Lab Global

Sustainable cities and settlement systems through science, by design, in place, over time Future Cities Lab Global (FCL Global) addresses the globally significant challenges of rapid regional transformation, and aims to create a better understanding of the relationships between cities, rural communities and their surrounding regions, so as to More

Urban Potential and Strategies in Metropolitan Territories
 – The Zurich Metropolitan Region as an Example (NFP65)

The research project, Urban Potential and Strategies in Metropolitan Territories, provides an qualitative contribution to the current urban and spatial development debate in Switzerland and thereby does not differentiate between the urban, suburban or peri-urban categories, but rather along the selected urban qualities that have crystallized out of More

Large-scale Virtualization and Modeling Lab (LVML)

The Large-scale Virtualization and Modeling Lab (LVML), open to all department units, was reopened in 2009 in cooperation with the Institute of Landscape Architecture of Prof. Christophe Girot (ILA, today: LUS, D-ARCH) and the Chair for Planning Landscape and Urban Systems of Prof. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey (PLUS, D-BAUG). It More

Application period: 1 February 2024 – 30 April 2024. Master of Advanced Studies in Urban and Territorial Design ETH Zürich D-ARCH LUS and EPFL ENAC HRC joint master programme.


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Planetary Urbanization in Comparative Perspective

Guests: AbdouMaliq Simone (Max Planck Institute) and Wing Shing Tang (Hong Kong Baptist University).

Dr. Jennifer Duyne Barenstein | ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE

ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE, founded in 1990, is an interdisciplinary research centre at the Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich.

Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid | Sociology

Christian Schmid is geographer, sociologist and urban researcher. Since 2001, he has been a lecturer in Sociology at the Faculty of Architecture of ETH Zurich. Since 2009 he has been Titular Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of ETH Zurich. The Lectureship of Sociology functions as an independent teaching body of the Faculty of Architecture (D-ARCH) of the ETH Zurich.

Prof. Hubert Klumpner | Architecture and Urban Design

Professor Hubert Klumpner has been a member of the chair for Architecture and Urban Design at the ETH Zurich since July, 2010. He lectures the course entitled Introduction to Urban Design, as well as teach upper-level studio design. The professor currently runs an interdisciplinary practice dedicated to high-level research and design on a variety of subjects regarding contemporary architecture and urbanism.

Fachfrauen und ihre Beiträge zur qualitätsvollen Gestaltung des öffentlichen Freiraums

Anmeldung bis 15. August | 17. Tagung des Netzwerkes «Frauen in der Geschichte der Gartenkultur» | 16./17. September

The Inevitable Specificity of Cities

Urban areas, despite facing strong forces of homogenization on a global scale, tend to produce and reproduce their own specificity, their own structures and patterns that are evolving through the uneven process of urbanization. With this book ETH Studio Basel documents its long-standing research on cities and urban regions, More

Constructed Land: Singapore 1924-2012

The project Constructed Land: Singapore 1924–2012 investigates the material flows of soil and the changing physical form of the island of Singapore over time. Until today, around one quarter of the land area has been added to the surface of the island-state by means of importing sand, claiming More

Hinterland: Singapore, Johor, Riau

Throughout history, cities have functioned as centres of political and economic power, from which the agricultural and resource-rich hinterlands were controlled. From the nineteenth century onward, new technologies, transportation modes and the opening of trade have introduced a remarkable complexity to the relationship between cities and territories. Today, it More

NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Frühjahrssemester 2013

Das neue NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Frühjahrssemester 2013 ist da!

Belgrade – Formal/Informal: A Research on Urban Transformation

Belgrade: Formal Informal presents the findings of ETH Studio Basel’s research in the former Yugoslav and now Serbian capital, investigating the city’s development following the international embargo against the Milosevic regime in the early 1990s until the present day. Through the prism of complementary notions, formal and informal, More