Department / Institute: Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS)
MAS ETH in Housing
Applications: 1 January – 30 April 2024. This programme aims at contributing to finding solutions to the challenges of housing construction in Switzerland, Europe, and low and middle-income countries worldwide through high-level multidisciplinary training and research.
EPFL ETH MAS Urban and Territorial Design
Application: Mid-December 2023 – 30 April 2024. The MAS UTD deploys the urban and territorial project as the crucial field of knowledge production across scales, based on social and environmental equity and justice and a deeper understanding of the cultural and ecological dimensions of territories.
LVML-Integration into Design++ at the ETH Zurich
The Large-Scale Virtualization and Modeling Lab (LVML) becomes part of Design++, the Center for Augmented Computational Design in Architecture, Engineering and Construction. It opens its usage to Design++ members to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and supports knowledge integration and co-creation to advance planning and design tools and workflows. Contact: More
Inputreferat «Generationenwohnen – ein Wohnmodell mit Potenzial»
Peeling out the Details of Chestnuts in Castasegna, Bregaglia, Switzerland
The landscapes dominated by chestnut trees in the southern alpine valleys are among the traditional agroforestry systems of Switzerland and have long been the main source of food for the local population. These complex socio-ecological systems provide a great learning space for landscape architects and planners, as chestnut More
Architecture of Territory: MY WEATHER
Lecture Series | Thursday 7.12., 10:00 – 12:00 | ETH Zürich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA Fokushalle E7. This lecture series sets up an agenda for widening the disciplinary field of architecture and urbanism to territorial scales, corresponding to the increasing scales of contemporary urbanisation.
LUS Talks 2023
Future Cities Laboratory Global Conference and Exhibition
Agroecological Repair – Food, Territory and Agriculture in the Canton of Zürich
On the highlands, across crop rotation plains and within the drained valley floors the «Agriterritories» of Zurich require immediate action for design to take back its political role within the rural. The ETH Zürich studio Agroecological Repair – Transformative Practices for the Zürich Territory (spring 23) was part More
2+2+1: Eine Debatte über zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur
«Unser Ziel ist es, Lösungsansätze für die rasante globale und schweizweite Urbanisierung zu finden.»
David Kaufmann ist für die nächsten zwei Jahre neuer Direktor des Netzwerks Stadt und Landschaft (NSL). Seine Prioritäten sind die Stärkung der ETH Zürich im Bereich der nationalen und internationalen Stadtforschung sowie die Förderung von Synergien zwischen den Stadtforschungsgruppen der ETH in Forschung, Lehre und Engagement für die More
Opening of the ‘Large-scale Virtualization and Modeling Lab – LVML’
Open House Zürich, Quartierrundgang
Inaugural Lecture of the ETH MSc in Landscape Architecture 2023–2024
18 September, 15:00–17:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3. Lecturer: Catherine Mosbach, French Landscape Architect, mosbach paysagistes. Landscape asserts a painting that some aspire to put under bell. The bottomless abysses of our practice as landscape architects probe the alliances beyond courtiers of generic green.
Days of Architecture Sarajevo
15. September | 17:00–22:00 und 16. September, 10:00– 18:00 | Generationenfestival Thun «Märit», Mittlere Ringstr. 8, 3600 Thun. Wie können Wohnformen das Zusammenleben von Jung und Alt fördern? Wo liegen Herausforderungen und Chancen? Das ETH Wohnforum nimmt am Generationenwohnen Festival in Thun teil und bietet Einblicke.
Emeritierungsspaziergänge Günther Vogt
Wohnen – Wer kann sich das noch leisten?
Lively Cities
Researching Otherwise: Pluriversal Methods for Landscape and Urban Research
Die Zukunft der Alpen | Wie wir die Alpen retten
Generationenwohnen – filmische Einblicke ins (Un-)gewohnte
Profiling Alpine Landscapes
Climate change is accelerating the transformation of the Alps. In this process, «new landscapes» with a great deal of potential are emerging, particularly since the Alps do not represent a sealed-off space but are closely entangled with the Western European continent. However, the current debate is characterized by More
A Swiss university did a deep dive into Calgary’s ‘missing middle.’ This is what they found
Schweizer Wohnungsnot und mögliche Lösungen
Inhabiting the Extensions
Across the different vernaculars of the world’s urban majorities, there is renewed bewilderment as to what is going on in the cities in which they reside and frequently self-build. Prices are unaffordable and they are either pushed out or strongly lured away from central locations.
Design Studios as «Communities of Tacit Knowledge»
Much of what architecture students learn in the studio is «tacit knowledge.» They develop the skills and sensibilities of architectural and urban design with practice, often under the supervision of instructors and peers, not by studying textbooks. Yet, despite its importance, we know relatively little about how this More
Design Research Studios – A Research-based Design Process for Interdisciplinary Dialogue and Collaborative Thinking
Design Research Studios (DRS) are an education format directed to Bachelor and Master students in Architecture at ETH Zurich that integrate studies conducted by post-graduate researchers on complex issues like flood and urban heat. They offer an opportunity to develop landscape designs connecting people and their environment with More
Tentacular Writing – A Peer-to-peer Writing Retreat
«… it matters what stories we tell to tell other stories with; … what thoughts think thoughts, what descriptions describe descriptions, what ties tie ties. It matters what stories make worlds, what worlds make stories». D.J. Haraway In September 2022, a group of 18 architects met in the More
The Great Repair: Politics of a Society of Repair – A Reader ARCH+
The modern capitalist era, with its emphasis on growth and progress and an economic system based on consumption, wastage, and resources being bled dry, has led to the ruthless exploitation of people and nature. As a counter to this, “The Great Repair” project puts forward the idea of a repair More
Planetary Urbanisation: Agendas for Research and Action
18, 19, 20 October 2023, colloquium and exhibition. Link to the video of this event The conference debates themes including patterns and processes of urbanisation in agricultural territories, processes of extractivism, and the role of infrastructure, movements of people, goods and resources, and the state space in relation More
Landschaftstadt Zürich. Überlappen Verbinden Öffnen – eine Bildersuche
LUS Doctoral Crits – With Keynote by Sonja Dümpelmann
31st INURA Conference – The Right to the Planet
29-31 May 2023 | ETH Zürich. Since 1991 the INURA conference has been combining urban research and action using a very successful format: A few days in a city guided by local groups, when the INURA conference creates opportunities for local and international exchanges, and a few days More
Daylight in Sustainable Urban Design
By 2050, up to six billion people are expected to live in urban areas, accelerating urban growth and increasing densification. The challenges here are the reduction of open and green spaces, the creation of so-called heat islands in urban areas and sensitive vertical densification. The integration of daylighting More
More Than Human Cinema: The Two Sights
Verdichtung oder Verdrängung? Wenn Neubauten ersetzen
Master of Advanced Studies ETH EPF Urban and Territorial Design
ETH Zürich D-ARCH LUS and EPFL ENAC HRC joint master programme | Application until 31 May 2023. The Territorial Project for Social and Ecological Change Urban and territorial design has acquired a new meaning and urgency. From drivers of progress to the source of planetary hazards, the impacts of cities and More
Alpine Landschaften im Wandel: Neu denken!
Die alpine Landschaft verändert sich in beschleunigter Form. Das Projekt «Profilierung der Alpen» unternimmt den Versuch, durch Landschaftsarchitektur innert der Schweizer alpinen Landschaft konkrete Raumprofile zu entwickeln, die über Einzelinteressen von Landwirtschaft, Wasserkraft oder Tourismuslandschaften stehen.
Unsere Kompetenz ist das Bauen
Henri Lefebvre and the Theory of the Production of Space
25 May, 18:30 – 20:00 (NEW TIME!) | Hochparterre Bücher AG, Schöneggstrasse 27, 8004 Zürich. Discussion with: Ileana Apostol, Stefan Kipfer, Alvaro Sevilla Buitrago, Christian Schmid, Nitin Bathla. This book presents an encompassing, detailed and thorough overview of Lefebvre’s theory of space and of the urban.
Studio Mobil Sarajevo / Venice – The Architecture of Human and Environmental Rights
Mutualisms – Interactions with Benefits
Guest Lecture + Q & A, 20 April, 12:45 – 15:30 | ETH Zürich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA E7. Pere Fraga i Arguimbau: Gardener and Botanist from Menorca, Spain. «You can’t garden without knowing how plants relate to their environment. Making a garden is, to a greater or More
Anthologie Landschaft – Lucius Burckhardt
13. Juli 2023, 18:00 Uhr | Vernissage | case studio VOGT, Stampfenbachstr. 59, 8006 Zürich. Anmeldung erwünscht, bis am 3. Juli 2023 an In seiner Anthologie Landschaft geht der Soziologe Lucius Burckhardt (1925-2003) von einem problematisierten Landschaftsbegriff aus. Er fragt: Warum sehen wir die Umwelt als Landschaft More
2 + 2 + 1: Eine Debatte über zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur
Athena Lecture
7 March, 18:00–19:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, gta Foyer. The Athena Lecture Series are annually held by internationally renowned female designers and researchers in the fields of urban studies, architecture, urban design, urban planning, and landscape architecture.
The Great Repair: Politiken der Reparaturgesellschaft
Film des NSL Kolloquiums jetzt online: Städtische Verdichtung und Verdrängung
Sie haben das Kolloquium verpasst? Die Filmaufnahme ist jetzt online! Wir befinden uns in einer der grössten Abbruchwelle der Stadt Zürich. Diese dramatische Entwicklung polarisiert, die sozialen Auswirkungen auf die Stadt Zürich (und anderswo) muss diskutiert werden. Erreichen wir das erwünschte Ziel mit Abbrüchen von erschwinglichem Wohnraum? Wie More