Keep it Living

17 March 2022, 12:45 – 15:30 | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA E 7. Lecturers: Tessa Peters, Director of Crop Stewardship, The Land Institute & Bonnie-Kate Walker, Research Associate, Chair of Being Alive.

Call for Papers: RC21 2022

Deadline: 31 January 2022 | Conference: 24-26 August in Athens, Greece. Panel 26 Peripheralisation: The production of ex-centric places as an ordinary process of extended urbanisation. Conveners: Christian Schmid, Metaxia Markaki | ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Conceptualising ‘Cultural Landscape Commons’: Retracing Ecological Thinking from the Swiss Alpine Landscape to Social-Ecological Systems

This paper retraces the fundaments of the ‘nature-culture’ divide within the study of Swiss alpine ‘cultural landscape commons’, showing how this notion was shaped by early ecological thinking expressed through environmental determinism, dynamic systems, and cultural ecology. These fields of research are seen as precursors to some of the More

The Spatiality of Poverty and Popular Agency in the GCR: Constituting an Extended Urban Region

The Gauteng City-Region (GCR) in South Africa is a paradigmatic example of extended urbanization, in which the legacy of mining and apartheid continue to impact spatial practices and the experience of everyday life. The dynamics between urban centralities such as Johannesburg and regional-scale peripheries established by this legacy More


With the spatial development concept REK, the city of Baden committed itself to an active urban development in 2019. With the consensual approval of the residents’ council, this process starts with the project «Oberstadt4D» – a cooperation between science, administration, practice and social players. The Oberstadt4D project supports More