Schweizweite Abschätzung der Nutzungsreserven 2017

Professur für Raumentwicklung. Im vdf Verlag auch als E-Book erhältlich. Eine wichtige Erkenntnis ist, dass in den rechtskräftigen Bauzonen weiterhin Nutzungsreserven für 1,0 bis 1,8 Millionen zusätzliche Einwohner bestehen. Die Studie belegt, dass weiterhin Nutzungsreserven und vielfältige Möglichkeiten für die Innenentwicklung vorhanden sind, aber nur teilweise systematisch erfasst werden. More

Managing telecoupled landscapes for the sustainable provision of ecosystem services and poverty alleviation

Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d Programme) Introduction MANAGING TELECOUPLED LANDSCAPES aims at exploring concrete pathways for sustainable livelihoods in forest frontier landscapes and explores how transdisciplinary learning among multiple stakeholders opens up pathways to adaptive governance of telecoupled social-ecological systems. Motivation The debate More

RECREATE Switzerland

Assessing future impacts of climate change and the decarbonisation of the mobility and energy sector on outdoor recreation in Switzerland Introduction Anticipated population growth, rapid technological development in transportation, climatic change and the transition to domestic renewable energy production in Switzerland are expected to modify the patterns of More

MtnPATHS | Pathways for global change adaptation of mountain socio-ecological systems

Introduction Mountain social-ecological systems (SES) contribute critically to ecosystem services at local, regional and global scales. Yet, they are highly vulnerable to climate, political and socio-economic changes, which compound with natural climate harshness, variability and natural risks. Therefore, co-designing future adaptation pathways with mountain stakeholders towards sustainability is More

Further Developments for Agricultural Planning (LP+)

Introduction A fundamental reason for the insufficient implementation of agricultural plans is the lack of acceptance and cooperation by the actors involved. For experts, planning content is usually in the foreground; communication mainly serves to add factual and specialised information. However, past planning results show that making specialised More


The aim of the ENERGYSCAPE project is to work out recommendations that will be used as a foundation for a landscape strategy that has a mix of renewable energy systems. This includes a close cooperation with partners in the areas of environmental and energy research and practice. In More


Coupling human and ecological networks for sustainable landscape and transport planning Main content Human networks, consisting of settlements and roads, are often a threat to the integrity of ecological networks, in which natural habitats are connected with one another. Well-connected ecological networks are necessary to ensure biodiversity and More

«Das Cern der Stadtplanung werden»

Unter dem Brennglas des Future Cities Lab (FCL) in Singapur werden Probleme greifbar, die gemässigte Zonen wie die Schweiz erst in Zukunft beschäftigen. Das eröffne Chancen, Herausforderungen für Ballungsräume mit fundiertem Wissen anzugehen, meinen Peter Edwards, bisheriger Direktor des ETH-Hubs in Asien, und Gerhard Schmitt, der dessen Leitung More

The latest issue of disP – The Planning Review can be found online on our publisher’s website.

Wie gelingt Innenentwicklung?

Kleine und mittlere Gemeinden besitzen einen Grossteil der Siedlungsreserven, aber oft zu wenig Ressourcen und Know-how, um diese «im Innern» nutzbar zu machen. Gute Siedlungsentwicklung braucht ein Zukunftsbild und eine Strategie. Das Lernen von Beispielen kann dabei hilfreich sein. Artikel auf dem ETH Zukunftsblog von Prof. Bernd Scholl.


The Peloponnese Peninsula offers countless attractions for all manner of tourists and travellers: landscapes of exceptional beauty, significant archaeological sites, historical sites and monuments, important cultural events and, especially, agricultural products of high quality. Early in its history, the railway was already a driving force for the economic More