Department / Institute: Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development (IRL)
Stellungnahme zum Raumkonzept Schweiz
Anlässlich einer Medienveranstaltung im Januar hat Bundesrätin Leuthard zusammen mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern des Bundes, der Kantone und der Gemeinden das Raumkonzept Schweiz der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Herr Prof. Dr. Bernd Scholl vom Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung beurteilt das Konzept grundsätzlich positiv. Grenzüberschreitendes Denken, Handeln und Entscheiden sind More
Landscape Visualization and Modeling Lab – LVML
Das neu gegründete departementsübergreifende Landscape Visualization and Modeling Lab ist durch den Einsatz aktueller Technologien im Bereich der Landschaftsvisualisierung und -modellierung ein Kompetenzzentrum für Forschungsprojekte und Anwendungen innerhalb der Lehre. Das computergestützte Lab ist das erste in Europa, das die Verarbeitung von GIS Informationen mit modernen 3D Visualisierungs- More
Neue Ansätze für eine nachhaltige Raumentwicklung
Raum+ Schwyz: Siedlungsflächenpotenziale für eine Siedlungsentwicklung nach innen.
Im Rahmen des Projektes Raum+ Schwyz wurde eine kantonsweite Übersicht zu Flächenpotenzialen für eine nach innen gerichtete Siedlungs- und Raumentwicklung erarbeit, die nun als Grundlage für ein differenziertes Flächenmanagement genutzt werden kann. Das Projektteam der Professur für Raumentwicklung der ETH Zürich konnte in diesem Modellvorhaben eine bisher einzigartige More
Landmanagement für eine nachhaltige Raumentwicklung
Ist die derzeitige Raumentwicklung nachhaltig? Dem Raumentwicklungsbericht 2005 des Bundesamtes für Raumentwicklung ARE folgend nicht. Einige Lösungsansätze für eine nachhaltigere Raumentwicklung sind in Angriff genommen worden. So erarbeitet das ARE derzeit beispielsweise in Begleitung verschiedener Arbeitsgruppen das Raumkonzept Schweiz. Ebenfalls wurde mit der Totalrevision des RPG begonnen. Der More
Advanced analysis of spatial multi-functionality to determine regional potentials for renewable energies
In: Schrenk, M.; Popovich, V.V.; Engelke, D.; Elisei, P.: REAL CORP 2009, Proceedings/Tagungsband. Sitges, Spain, 22-25 April 2009. PDF The integration of new structural elements into our environment contributes to ongoing changes in landscape and urban systems coming along with a loss of natural resources and many heritage More
Virtuelle Landschaften zur partizipativen Planung – Optimierung von 3D Landschaftsvisualisierungen zur Informationsvermittlung
Publikationsreihe des Instituts für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung (IRL), ETHZ, IRL-Bericht 5. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG. PDF In dem Buch werden Darstellungsprinzipien für 3D Landschafts-visualisierungen zum Einsatz in partizipativen Planungsprozessen konkretisiert. Ausgehend vom Informationsbedarf und den technischen Möglichkeiten der Visualisierung sowie der Umsetzung von Prinzipien der Kommunikationswissenschaften werden konkrete More
Raum+. Abschlussbericht Nachhaltiges grenzüberschreitendes Siedlungsflächenmanagement
NFP 65 – Project SUPat: Sustainable Urban Patterns
Today’s agglomerations lack the urban qualities that core cities offer in the form of short routes, public spaces and a high density and mix of uses. This has an increasingly negative impact on the quality of life of the population. However, a sustainable restructuring of these agglomerations would More
Suburban Open-Space Development – Decision-support systems for sustainability in spatial planning
Public parks, agricultural and forest areas, traffic zones, sport and leisure facilities, nature reserves, waters: our agglomerations consist of a multitude of unbuilt spaces. In planning however they are often treated as «remaining territories» or their handling is sectorally regulated, even though they fulfill manifold and important functions. More
Procedural Modelling of Sustainable Urban Patterns – a Case Study of MASDAR
Innovative procedural modelling methods for the automatic creation of large-scale 3D city models provide unprecedented opportunities to understand and encode urban patterns. They allow easy production of multiple design alternatives based on design rules leading the simulation procedure. While grammars shaping the urban environment have already been defined, More
SUMSOR – Towards a More Sustainable Management of Soil Resources by Redistributing Economic and Ecological Added and Reduced Values
Motivation – Preservation of the resource soil The pace and scale of the demand for land is increasing worldwide, as population becomes urban, lifestyles change, and industrial agricultural practices are intensifying. Although, there is a large amount of policy instruments available for spatial planners, none of these instruments More
OPERAs – Operational Potential of Ecosystem Research Applications
OPERAs is a European research project which aims to bridge the gap between ecosystem science and practice. The project has 27 partners from academic institutions, consultancies and SMEs across Europe. The OPERAs team comprises scientists, researchers and practitioners from many disciplines, working together to establish what constitutes good More
NFP 68 OPSOL – A Model-based Decision Support System for Integration of Soil Ecosystem Services in Policy and Planning
Sustainable land use must coordinate the numerous demands on the soil by considering the functions of the soil. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey and her team developed a 3D visualisation platform so the actors involved can develop strategies for a sustainable land use together. The use of the platform is accompanied More
MOUNTLAND – Sustainable Land Use Practices in Mountain Regions
Mountain ecosystems provide a large array of goods and services, which are highly sensitive to both climatic and land-use changes. The political system with its policies and governance structures plays a crucial role in mitigating the impact of such changes and enhancing sustainable management practices. Therefore, this project More
Sustainable Planning with PALM
The current practice of assigning building zones has proven to be unsustainable. In addition to urban sprawl in the landscape, building zone reserves are also oversized and in unsuitable locations or, in short, the discrepancy between supply and demand is being criticised. Land is a scarce resource and More
VisAsim – Visual‐Acoustic Simulation for landscape impact assessment of wind farms
In Europe, renewable energies are strongly exploited for sustainable energy supply. Wind energy is an important energy source. In Switzerland, the development of wind energy proceeds very slowly due to objections of local inhabitants and landscape organizations. How can the impact assessment of planned wind farms on the More
Future Cities Lab Global
Sustainable cities and settlement systems through science, by design, in place, over time Future Cities Lab Global (FCL Global) addresses the globally significant challenges of rapid regional transformation, and aims to create a better understanding of the relationships between cities, rural communities and their surrounding regions, so as to More
Large-scale Virtualization and Modeling Lab (LVML)
The Large-scale Virtualization and Modeling Lab (LVML), open to all department units, was reopened in 2009 in cooperation with the Institute of Landscape Architecture of Prof. Christophe Girot (ILA, today: LUS, D-ARCH) and the Chair for Planning Landscape and Urban Systems of Prof. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey (PLUS, D-BAUG). It More
Prof. em. Dr. Bernd Scholl | Spatial Development
Bernd Scholl was Full Professor for Spatial Development at the Institute of Spatial and Landscape Development from 2006 to 2018. From 1997 to 2006, he was Head of the Institute for Urban and Regional Planning (ISL) (today: Institut für Regionalwissenschaft IfR) at the University of Karlsruhe and Full Professor of the Chair of the same name. He has been co-owner of a planning office for urban and regional planning in Zurich since 1987.
Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey | Landscape Planning and Urban Systems
Chance Raumplanung: Werkstattgespräch
The Challenge of Sustainable Planning for US Metropolitan Areas; Development of Metropolitan Areas in the Netherlands, Tendencies and Challenges
NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Frühjahrssemester 2013
NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Herbstsemester 2011
NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Herbstsemester 2010
NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Frühjahrssemester 2010
NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Herbstsemester 2009
NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Frühjahrssemester 2009
This programme was broadcast a scant week before the vote on the Volksinitiative, the popular initiative to protect the Lavaux region, launched by environmentalist Franz Weber. Thanks to this initiative, the Lavaux region has been protected by the Vaud Constitution since 1977. In May 2007, the Lavaux region More
A Village Turns into a City
After the Second World War, more and more villages were subjected to “settlement pressure” as a result of economic and urban growth. Small villages become agglomeration communities. The contribution shed light on the situation before the Federal Act on Spatial Planning came into force. Link to the archives More
In 1965, a construction consortium planned to develop the village of Surlej in the Upper Engadine lake district into a town of roughly 25,000 inhabitants. The project was prevented by the resistance organized by the Pro Surlej association. The statement by an Engadine inhabitant shown here is an More
Go or Stay?
In 1972, the authors of this report asked landowners of the municipality of Savièse near Sion in the Canton of Valais whether they had ever sold or would sell land – and why. This contribution reflects the situation of the inhabitants of a mountain village faced with a More
What Is Spatial Planning?
The conference „Vereinigung Landesplanung Schweiz” or Swiss Association of National Planning (VLP-ASPAN) found an answer to the question of: „What is spatial planning?” The respective contribution moreover provided an impression of the spatial dynamics prevailing at the time, shaped by the beginnings of suburbanization. Two weeks before the More
Rising Mountains of Trash
Ever since the 1950s, Swiss municipalities have been confronted with the problem of supply and disposal: rising mountains of trash and increasing amounts of waste water required major investments and a co-operation between municipalities. Link to the archives of Memobase
The Blenio Valley
The Blenio Valley is an example of the problems the mountain regions faced in the post-war period: the villages were marked by emigration. Land consolidations were to keep agriculture in the valley. Switzerland was seeking to safeguard the future of its mountain regions. Link to the archives of More
A2 Lamone-Melide
The construction of the national road system was wholly dedicated to progress: Switzerland was realizing a new road network that promised progress and corresponded to the modern era. However, in the beginning, little thought was spared to the impact on the landscape and settlement structures. Link to the More
“Flon” – the New Lausanne Neighbourhood
To relieve Lausanne of the increasing car traffic, the former industrial district of Flon was to be redeveloped. A two-tier road system for through and city traffic was planned. However, the plans were never implemented. In recent years, the Flon district has developed into an attractive new neighbourhood More
A1 Lausanne – Geneva
The inauguration of the motorway section between Lausanne and Geneva took place just in time for Expo ’64. The event was celebrated as a “great day for motorized Switzerland”. However, the construction of national roads did not really take into account the spatial impact of the new infrastructure More
Avalanche Barriers
The Avalanche Winter of 1951
In the winter of 1951, 91 people died in avalanches – numerous houses, facilities and, in some cases, entire parts of a village were destroyed. Made aware of the dangers by these events, measures were initiated to protect the population: firstly, shelters were built and an avalanche forest More