Department / Institute: Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT)
Will E-Bikes Bring Amsterdam and Copenhagen to Switzerland?
The E-Bike City: Bringing Amsterdam and Copenhagen to Switzerland?
Future Cities Laboratory Indicia 03
Application of Machine Learning Classifiers in Train Route Scheduling
How much are common machine learning classifiers, such as Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) better in forecasting than traditional discrete choice models? To which extent is it worth to sacrifice the improved interpretability of the latter to achieve a higher prediction More
ETH Eisenbahnlabor
Das Eisenbahnbetriebslabor der ETH Zürich
ETH Zurich – Center for Sustainable Future Mobility
6 May 2022, registration deadline 15. April 2022, 08:00 | Kick-off Symposium | ETH Zürich, Centre, HG E3. The Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM) has been established at ETH Zurich in order to promote research on sustainable and future-proof traffic and transport systems.
CAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen
An Experimental Urban Case Study with Various Data Sources and a Model for Traffic Estimation
COVID-19 as a Window of Opportunity for Cycling: Evidence from the First Wave.
Ride Comfort Assessment for Automated Vehicles Utilizing a Road Surface Model and Monte Carlo Simulations
disP 57/2, June 2021
Verkehrs-Pricing im Feldversuch
Verkehrsteilnehmende verändern ihr Verhalten, wenn sie für Kosten ihrer Mobilität aufkommen müssen, die bisher die Allgemeinheit bezahlt. Das zeigt das bisher grösste Pricing-Experiment im Schweizer Agglomerationsverkehr von Forschenden der Universität Basel, der ETH Zürich und der ZHAW. Artikel in den ETH News lesen
Neues Team – MAS Raumplanung
Eine neue Leitung des MAS DAS CAS in Raumplanung hat mit 32 Studierenden in das neue Semester gestartet. Der neue Studiendelegierte ist PD Dr. Joris Van Wezemael und die Studienleitung hat Andreas Rupf übernommen. Weitere Informationen. Anmeldedeadline für den CAS: 10.01.-30.04.21. Kontakt: Andreas Rupf
Recovery Preparedness of Global Air Transport Influenced by COVID-19 Pandemic: Policy Intervention Analysis
A GIS-based Model of Outdoor Thermal Comfort: Case Study for Zurich
How far will you walk when it gets hot? The global climate is warming at a rapid pace, and cities around the globe are confronted with increasing temperatures. In this work, we study how the future climate will affect urban walkability in Zurich by modeling the thermoregulatory functions More
Urban Design and the Technological Shift in Transportation
In recent years technological innovations in transportation, such as automated vehicles (AVs), mobility-as-a-service, electric and connected vehicles, have been garnering attention. Some advocates liken the emergence of these technologies to a ‘revolution’ in transportation, while critics characterise this as a gross exaggeration. Despite the uncertainties in technological development, More
Traffic Control Beyond Modes
Future developments of mobility pass through a phase of complementarity and blending of modes. From this point of view, the potential benefits (i.e. societal, monetary) of mobility management across modes is very interesting. Commuters consider and plan their mobility comprehensively; they have access to multimodal information and routing, More
Evaluation of Self-Control
In order to meet the increasing demand for mobility and, above all, to reduce the resulting problems such as congestion, time loss, negative impacts on the environment, etc. in urban regions, a large number of traffic management approaches have been developed and implemented in recent decades. A major More
In light of the newer developments in transportation systems, the Dienstabteilung Verkehr (DAV), the Traffic Service Department of the City of Zurich is interested in upgrading and preparing its traffic-management systems for the V2X era. Based on different projects presented at ITS conferences, DAV has come up with More
SODA – Self-Organized, Distributed, and Adaptive Traffic Control
The main objective of this research proposal is to develop a smart traffic-management system that works in an automatic, distributed, self-organized way, to control (i) traffic signal lights and (ii) route guidance based on recent, advanced sensor technologies, which provide sampled-identified data such as V2I communication. We think More
OptFlow – Travel-time estimation with FLIR cameras sensors
Novel sensor technology represents a significant potential for traffic management in cities. Thermal cameras in particular have recently gained considerable importance and are now also to be used in the Traffic Management Department (DAV) of the City of Zurich. In this context, the determination of accurate travel times More
RECCE – Real-time highway traffic estimation and control
This project focuses on developing integrated control solutions (i.e. co-ordinated ramp metering: RM and variable speed limits: VSL) to manage congestion on motorway networks. An efficient real-time solution of this problem requires the development of new control methodologies that are based on advanced techniques from the domains of More
Neues Center für nachhaltige Mobilität der Zukunft lanciert
Zukunftsfähige Verkehrs- und Transportsysteme sind gefragt, die das Ziel unterstützen, die Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2050 auf Netto Null zu senken und erneuerbare Energiequellen zu nutzen. Die ETH-Schulleitung hat der Gründung des neuen «Center for Sustainable Future Mobility» (CSFM) als Kompetenzzentrum der ETH Zürich zugestimmt und eine Anschubfinanzierung für vier More
NSL Forum: Pandemie? Mitten im Klimawandel. Was bedeutet das für die räumliche Entwicklung der Schweiz? Ein Dialog.
Video jetzt online! In einem Dialog für Praxis und Hochschulen nahm das Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft (NSL) der ETH Zürich am 11. November im Volkshaus Zürich eine Standortbestimmung für die räumliche Entwicklung in der Schweiz vor. Ausgangspunkt bildeten Erkenntnisse aus der Pandemiesituation, Hintergrund der Klimawandel. Die Tagung war More
Modeling, Estimation, and Control in Large-scale Urban Road Networks with Remaining Travel Distance Dynamics
Dr. Anastasios Kouvelas | Traffic Engineering and Control
Dr. Anastasios Kouvelas is the Director of the Traffic Engineering and Control research group at the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT), Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, ETH Zurich (since August 2018). Prior to joining IVT, he was a Research Scientist at the Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS), EPFL (2014-2018), and a Postdoctoral Fellow with Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology (PATH) at the University of California, Berkeley (2012–2014).
Infoveranstaltung CAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Thinking Future Systems
FCL Global addresses the globally significant challenges of expanding urbanisation and aims to create a better understanding of the relationship between the city and its surrounding region, so as to make city-regions more sustainable. Following FCL Global’s Launch Event on 2 March 2021, FCL Global Co-Director Professor Sacha More
COVID-19 and the Dilemma of Transport Policy Making
This short paper sets out the basic dilemma of transport policy making today, as how to strike the balance between the benefits of accessibility and the induced externalities in terms of sprawl, greenhouse gas emissions and congestion. The impacts of the Corona19 pandemic sharpens the dilemma.
The Role of Information to Passengers in Public Transport Disruptions
During public transport disruptions, the performance of the public transport network is degraded due to unexpected events, resulting in delays and inconvenience for passengers. Therefore, the infrastructure managers and operating companies typically generate a new public transport timetable, called disposition timetable, to reduce passengers’ delays, thereby limiting a More
Communicating Railway Delays and Adjusted Timetables: the Role of Incomplete Information to Passengers in Railway Operations
In case of railway delays, train operating companies update the planned timetable to the actual disturbed conditions to keep offering high quality services to travellers. Passengers face an adjusted service, and corrective actions (a disposition timetable). This communication is often assumed to be perfect, complete and immediate, which More
The influence of non-traffic variables on mode choice (SVI 2015/007)
In transportation planning and policy, the effects of non-traffic variables – namely, any qualitative and cognitive-emotional characteristics of households and individuals that cannot be measured directly – on the choice of traffic modes, have hardly been considered so far. If the non-traffic variables were better known in practical More
Substitute Behaviour of Rail and Bus Passengers Travelling Long Distances (+50km) in Switzerland
In transportation planning and policy, the effects of non-traffic variables – namely, any qualitative and cognitive-emotional characteristics of households and individuals that cannot be measured directly – on the choice of traffic modes, have hardly been considered so far. If the non-traffic variables were better known in practical More
MOBIS-COVID-19. Mobility behaviour in Switzerland – Coronavirus study
To slow down the spread of the coronavirus, the population has been instructed to stay at home if possible. This measure consequently has a major impact on our daily mobility behaviour. But who is being affected, and how? The MOBIS-COVID-19 research project, an initiative of ETH Zurich and More
Agent-based tracking of disease spread with dynamic models of travel behaviour in a pandemic
Epidemic models are essential tools to coordinate all aspects of the response to pandemics. Models can inform policy makers on strategies for vaccinations and testing, but also to trigger mitigation measure such as the ‘lockdowns’ used during the COVID-19 outbreak in Switzerland. Here, we propose to use and More
MaaS Bundle Design
Mobility service bundling has received a lot of attention recently due to its centrality to Mobility as a Service (MaaS) business models and potential to foster sustainable travel behavior. Despite an increasing number of academic studies and commercial trials, however, there is a surprising dearth of research on More
Urban Design and the Technological Shift in Transportation
Bahninfrastrukturen. Planen – Entwerfen – Realisieren – Erhalten
Die intensive Planungs- und Bautätigkeit im Bahnbereich äussert sich in einem breiten Interesse an einem Einführungswerk. Dieses Buch ist auf Grundlage jahrzehntelanger Tätigkeit in Lehre und Forschung entstanden. Die Struktur folgt – nach einer übergreifenden Einleitung – dem Lebenszyklus einer Infrastruktur, von der Planung über die Realisierung bis More
Are Our Cities Green Enough in Times of a Pandemic?
Green city areas are under pressure. Compact cities aim to reduce land consumption outside cities, but densification puts pressure on urban green areas. Will the existing green areas suffice for the increased demand during pandemics such as COVID-19? Using recent mobility data before and during the pandemic, we More
Largest Multi-city Traffic Dataset «UTD19» is now Publically Available!
Over the last four years, the Institute for Transportation Planning and Systems (IVT) at ETH Zurich and CITIES at NYU Abu Dhabi have gathered urban traffic data from over 40 cities worldwide, including London, Tokyo, and Zurich. In total, almost 5 billion vehicles covering a combined time span More
Mobilitätsverhalten vor/nach/während Covid-19
The role of information availability to passengers in public transport disruptions: An agent-based simulation approach
In public transport disruptions, a key relation between the services of operating company and passengers’ satisfaction is the disseminated information. This paper proposes rigorous mathematical descriptions to describe the effects of information availability to passengers, including the user equilibrium and non-equilibrium solutions.
Mobility Behaviour in Switzerland: Coronavirus Study
POSTPONED: 7th SCCER Mobility Annual Conference
23 November 2020 (tentative) | ETH Zurich. As 7 years of SCCER Mobility slowly draw to an end, we invite you to this conference to present a synthesis of the competence center, to review the most relevant research results of each capacity area and conclude with an outlook on More
Using Virtual Reality to Evaluate Cyclist’s Perceived Safety
Researchers at the Future Cities Laboratory are using virtual reality (VR) in cycling experiments to reveal users’ cycling behaviour and preferences in different environments. These insights can help planners understand and quantify the impact of infrastructure improvements in setting guidelines and prioritization of new infrastructure.
Wie das Strassennetz die Verkehrsleistung bestimmt
ETH-Forschende zeigen auf, dass sich die Verkehrskapazität von Städten anhand der Struktur ihres Strassennetzes vorhersagen lässt. Mit diesem Wissen können Stadtplanerinnen und Stadtplaner künftig quantitativ bestimmen, wie bauliche Eingriffe die Verkehrsleistung beeinflussen. Artikel in den ETH News
Eqasim: An Open-source and Extensible Platform for Building Agent-based Models
Agent-based models in transportation model individual travelers and their interaction in the transport system on a micro-level. A natural advantage of agent-based models are flexibility and the ability to model emergent behavior. Work at IVT has produced a new software package, eqasim, that drastically simplifies the design of More