Several studies and projects have identified freight distribution as a major challenge to urban development. Negative externalities such as congestion, noise and air pollution are in the focus of urban planners. Against this background, the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT) is starting to research possibilities to bring More
In April the final conference of the SustainCity project was held at ETH Zurich. The project investigated the possibilities and limitations of microsimulation land use transportation models for more sustainable cities in Europe. The work is motivated by the ongoing population growth and its tendency to concentrate in More
Der im Herbst 2013 zum zweiten Mal vom Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (IVT) der ETH Zürich angebotene DAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen richtet sich an Fachleute, die ihre vorhandene Praxis auf dem Gebiet der Planung und des Betriebs von Verkehrsanlagen vertiefen und hinterfragen möchten. Dazu werden die neuesten Methoden und More
The IVT is participating in the EU research project ViWaS just started. The task is to develop tools and conditions for attractive, efficient, and competitive single wagon load traffic. The interaction with road and other modes of transport deserves special attention within these intermodal transports. Albert Mancera
The goal of SustainCity is to address the modelling and computational issues of integrating modern mobility simulations with the latest micro-simulation land use models. The 6th Consortium Meeting in Lausanne showed once again that interdisciplinary research is challenging but necessary to be able to tackle the complex problems More
In a first project, a tool shall be developed for decision support in respect of necessary adoptions of regional economies due to climate change. IVT contributes by applying the multi-agent transport simulation MATSim to assess the impacts of natural hazards. A second project deals with joint decision making More
Cities all over the world are struggling with congestion problems and its negative impacts. Zurich for example restricts the access to the inner city through a traffic lights control system in order to reduce congestion. The Traffic Engineering Group of the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT) More
Stabile Verkehrssysteme sind Voraussetzung für das effiziente Funktionieren von Wirtschaft, Industrie und Gesellschaft. Bei schweren Störungsfällen sind die Konsequenzen oft weithin spürbar. Eine Dissertation analysiert das Systemverhalten des schweizerischen Eisenbahnnetzes, misst die Auswirkungen schwerwiegender Störereignisse auf den Bahnbetrieb und zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, die Systemstabilität nachhaltig zu erhöhen.
Dieses neu gestartete Projekt hat die Bewertung der verschiedenen Elemente (z.B. Takt, Zugangszeit, Geschwindigkeit) einer Fahrt mit den ÖV als Ziel. Dazu werden 600 Personen für je eine Woche mit GPS-Geräten ausgestattet. Die notwendigen Methoden zur automatischen Auswertung der GPS-Daten sind ebenso Teil der Studie wie psychometrische Skalen, More
Das ARTEMIS-Projekt untersucht die Wechselwirkungen des individuellen Verkehrs mit den Energienetzen im Falle einer vermehrten Nutzung von (teil-)elektrisch betriebenen Personenwagen. Drei Kompetenzen der ETH Zürich werden hier zusammengeführt: die Modellierung der Verkehrsströme (Prof. Axhausen), der Netze (Prof. Andersson) und der Antriebstechnologien (Prof. Boulouchos). Das Vorhaben wird von der More
Das IVT untersucht in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Dortmund die Veränderungen der Pendlerverflechtungen in Deutschland und der Schweiz zwischen 1970-2005. Nach einer Phase der Aufarbeitung historischer Pendler- und Reisezeitdaten in Deutschland zeigen nun Analysen, welche räumlichen Veränderungen die Pendlerbewegungen in ihrer Intensität, Dauer und Orientierung auf regionaler und More
First results have been obtained with the developed method for public transport (PT) network design. Nearly shortest PT-lines are suited for high demand relations. For lower demanded relations circuitous PT-lines with still acceptable headways are advantageous. It turned out that a third class of PT-lines should be considered, More
«Swiss planning is considered to be at the forefront of European spatial planning in both its sophistication and its effectiveness.» Mit diesen positiven Worten eröffnete Prof. Max van den Berg, einer der 13 geladenen internationalen Expertinnen und Experten, den Anlass am 19. November. Der von ETH Zürich, EPFL More
The design and reconstruction of transport networks remain crucial in planning processes for urban systems. Construction and reconstruction of urban infrastructure have to be planned adequately to save future travel times, construction and maintenance costs. Therefore, sound and reliable methods are required for designing or expanding transport infrastructure. More
The NSL welcomes Dr. Monica Menendez to continue her research in transport engineering at the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems at the ETH Zurich. We interviewed her about her professional interests.
Verkehrsinfrastruktur ist einer Vielzahl von Gefahren ausgesetzt und ihre Verfügbarkeit dadurch sowohl kurz-, mittel- und langfristig gefährdet. Naturgefahren, aber auch Unfälle oder Terrorismus können dazu führen, dass Teile der Verkehrsinfrastruktur für längere Zeit nicht verfügbar sind. Bis anhin wurden aus solchen Gefahren entstehende Risiken einzeln betrachtet und gegebenenfalls More
Das IVT arbeitet über das Projekt SustainCity an der Umsetzung einer Simulation in UrbanSim, die städtebauliche Prozesse und Entwicklungen im Kanton Zürich abbildet. Das Wohnstandortwahlverhalten von Privathaushalten im Kanton Zürich wurde genauer untersucht, mit dem Ziel Einflüsse zu finden, die bei der Wahl eines neuen Wohnstandortes relevant sind More
Mit dem Hauptdurchschlag des Gotthard-Basistunnels und den laufenden Bauarbeiten am Ceneri-Basistunnel stellt sich die Frage, ob überhaupt weitere Bahnausbauten erforderlich sind und gegebenenfalls welche. Die Frage soll mittels vier Thesen beantwortet werden.
The Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT) explores a new survey approach for analyzing additional travel demand brought about by changes in daily travel conditions. The respondents complete a five-day travel diary, from which one day is selected for further analysis. The conditions of that day are More
High quality public transport systems are characterized not only by their large capacity and high operational speeds, they must also provide a reliable service. This is important because reliability has an effect in both the users and the service providers. An ongoing project uses new data to look More
Im Allgemeinen wird auf kurzfristig steigende Treibstoffpreise mit weniger Fahrten respektive der vermehrten Benutzung des öffentlichen Verkehrs reagiert. Es wird erwartet, dass die Preise für fossile Treibstoffe langfristig deutlich steigen. Das Projekt «Langfristige Treibstoffpreiselastizitäten: Einfluss auf die Mobilitätswerkzeugwahl und Wahl des Wohnstandorts» an der Professur für Verkehrsplanung setzte More
Transport planning has exhibited increasing interest in the methods of social network analysis in recent years. The primary goal of previous investigations was to analyse the spatial distribution of an individual’s network of contacts. Findings showed that in most cases, the network components remained isolated from one another. More
Die Revolution der Automation – Verkehrsautomatisierung und Gesellschaft im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert lautete der Titel eines interdisziplinären Symposiums, das Lehrstühle der Verkehrstechnik und der Technikgeschichte der ETH sowie der Universität Zürich am 25.6.09 durchführten. Das positive Echo von über 100 Gästen aus verschiedenen Fachwissenschaften, Unternehmen des öffentlichen Verkehrs, Verwaltung und der Privatwirtschaft hat dazu motiviert, die Veranstaltungsreihe Gesellschaft – Mobilität – Technik mit einem dritten Symposium (voraussichtlich 2011) fortzusetzen.
Als Teil eines internationalen Forschungskonsortiums wird das Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (IVT) ab Beginn des nächsten Jahres integrierte Verkehrs- und Flächennutzungssimulationen im Projekt SustainCity weiterentwickeln. Ziel des Projektes ist, urbane Simulationen dahingehend zu verbessern, dass man sie für die nachhaltige Entwicklung europäischer Städte nutzen kann.
Studie. Zürich: IVT Schriftenreihe, 143, ETH Zürich. PDF Die Studie befasste sich mit der Konzeption und Bewertung verschiedener Varianten von lärmabhängigen Trassenpreissystemen zur Reduktion des Schienenlärms. Zusätzlich ist die Wirkung dieses Anreizinstrumentes in Abhängigkeit verschiedener Szenarien und Ausgangslagen detailliert untersucht worden.
Bonn: Strassenverkehrstechnik, 53 (5) 269-280. PDF In dem Beitrag wird die Anwendung des Simulationssystems MATSim-T auf den Straßenverkehr der ganzen Schweiz präsentiert. Die tageszeitliche Dynamik der Verkehrsnachfrage kann gut abgebildet werden, was ein Vergleich mit Zähldaten und repräsentativen Beobachtungen zeigt. mehr
In: Journal of Transport and Land Use, 1 (2) 5-22. PDF The paper reflects about the effects of improved accessibility and its correlated lower generalized cost of contact at a number of different spatial and temporal scales based on a conceptual model and empirical data analysis.
Knowledge of the transportation demand variation over the course of the day is an essential prerequisite for the planning and operation of traffic systems as well as the evaluation of infrastructural and political traffic measures. Strategies for managing traffic demand and influencing the times of the demand distribution More
Within the fifth Framework Programme, the European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, has started a project on long-distance passenger mobility in co-operation with an international consortium of firms and research organisations. Passenger transport statistics at an European level are needed to support the Common Transport Policy – More
The central theme of this investigation is the change in structure of professional commuter patterns of travel, and their behaviour as a function of the dynamic of spatial accessibility and population dispersion since 1970. This project defends 3 hypotheses: a) that suburban spaces have uncoupled themselves from their More
«Time is money» is a common refrain today, but it raises some questions: What is time? How much money? Self-reflection tells us that we value time in different ways: Spending time playing with a child is quite different from finishing some overdue work. Driving through the Engadine in More
Travel demand models have massively increased their data demand in scope and scale, and, as a consequence, their complexity has increased substantially. At this point, it is tempting to contradict this trend and explore the formulation of an alternative travel demand model that requires only aggregate and anonymous More
A Life-course Approach to Travel Behaviour and Residential Choice (D-A-CH) In recent years, the mobility biography approach has been developed to study stability and changes in travel behaviour of individuals over their life course. Such changes are expected to become increasingly complex in the future due to societal More
The goal of this project is to explore the future of mobility through the role of the car. The main originality of this research is to raise the following problem: «What, if the world were a post-car world?». The basic idea is to define a hypothetical situation where More
An important aspect of the creation of models for traffic planning is the question of the need for movement in the model. If one uses a microscopic model in which individual persons will be represented through agents, it will allow the question to be modelled intuitively through the More
Good railway systems distinguish themselves through high reliability and availability. Nevertheless, operational disruptions through internal or external influences cannot always be avoided. The goal set for this postdoctoral work is to raise the operational manageability of operational disruptions through better predictions of the duration of the disruption: Is More
The goal of part of this dissertation is to prove that it is methodologically possible to conduct a consistent capacity evaluation and efficiency estimation for expansion measures even in early project stages. Special attention is focused on the area of conflict between the requirements of the network users More
High quality public transport systems are characterized not only by their large capacity and high operational speeds, they must also provide a reliable service. This is important because reliability has an effect in both the users and the service providers. An ongoing project uses new data to look More
Background Numerous disruption incidents can affect the operation of public transportation systems so much that (large) parts of the network can no longer be served. In addition to natural events, technical or social hazards can also threaten the stability of public transportation networks. The high network load as More
In order to survive intermodal competition, freight trains are forced to offer their clients a high level of flexibility. However, fulfilling this promise for flexibility is associated with noteworthy financial risks due to their high fixed cost rates. Control of the oscillating level of demand engendered through this More
In times when most European agglomerations are affected by congestion, local public transport is one of the most important elements to promote the development of conurbations. Agglomerations extending over international boundaries are a special challenge for local public transport; the cross-border connections are generally less developed than the More
Along with increasing globalisation, the strategic importance of transport infrastructures for society and the economy are also growing. Demands related to capacity and reliability in rail traffic are increasing. At the same time, however, infrastructure expansion puts pressure on economic and ecological limits, which then forces an even More
Cities across the world are starting to recover space, previously devoted to cars, for other uses. The main purpose of this project was to better understand the removal of space in urban settings and to provide some analytical results showing that it is possible to remove streets from More
The goal of this project was to evaluate the data requirements for a possible implementation of a macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) control scheme in an urban area. Particularly, we have studied the accuracy of MFDs created using only a percentage of the links (i.e., streets). This is especially More
Current VSS standards for the design and evaluation of uncontrolled intersections only take into account conflicts between private vehicles. Unfortunately, this limits the applicability of the standards in most Swiss urban networks, as they cannot be used to model other modes such as public transport, pedestrians, or bicycles. More
The MULTITUDE is a joint research project funded by the European Union COST programme (COST Action TU0903). The main objective was to develop, implement and promote the use of methods and procedures for supporting the use of traffic simulation models, especially regarding model calibration and validation, to ensure More
In patrol surveys, patrolling observers check the parking area every δ minutes (i.e., at fixed time intervals) and record the plate number of the car occupying each stall. To find the average parking duration, an estimated value is obtained by averaging the parking duration of each car observed. More
The City of Zürich acquired «Verkehr In Städten – SIMulationsmodell» (VISSIM), a microscopic multi-modal traffic flow simulation software, to effectively model traffic within the city. VISSIM is a widely used simulation software with many applications and high potential. However, like other commercial microscopic traffic simulation software, VISSIM has a More
Settlement areas are expanding worldwide and the trend towards greater urbanisation remains unabated. At the same time, the magnitude of natural hazards is increasing. These global developments require ever greater efforts in the construction of new infrastructures and the maintenance of existing ones, as well as a more economical use of the natural and largely limited resources of soil, water and air. Successfully meeting these challenges requires sound expertise and the ability to use effective methods and instruments. The profession is looking for experts who can undertake engineering design tasks targeting the sustainable development of our habitat.
Content and Structure of the Programme
The Master’s programme in Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems offers a broad, university education and a great deal of practical relevance for aspiring professionals who want to take on complex global and local tasks in spatial and infrastructure development. The programme enables students with different professional backgrounds to develop a common language and a common understanding of methodology to develop integrated solutions for sustainable spatial and infrastructure development.
The Master’s degree programme comprises compulsory courses, specialist courses and elective courses. In addition, there is a mandatory semester paper in the form of interdisciplinary group project work. On conclusion of the course, students write a Master’s thesis in their final semester which leads to the degree.
Sound Education for Attractive Professions
With a Master’s degree in Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems, career prospects are excellent. Challenging and diversified employment opportunities beckon – for example in consultancy offices, with transport operators, infrastructure providers, construction and real estate companies, banking and insurance companies, as well as with municipal authorities, local, cantonal or federal government. Careers in research and development are equally attractive, either at a university or a research institution.
Ulrich Weidmann has been Full Professor of Transport Systems at ETH Zurich since 1 June 2004. He became Vice President of Human Resources and Infrastructure on 1 January 2016.