MAS, DAS und CAS ETH in Raumplanung 2019/21

Bewerbungsfenster: 1. Januar bis 30. April 2019. Die Raumplanung in der Schweiz steht vor grossen Herausforderungen. Revision und Umsetzung des Raumplanungsgesetzes samt Integration der Infrastrukturen sind wichtige Themen der aktuellen politischen Diskussion. Zentrales Anliegen ist eine nachhaltige Gestaltung und Nutzung unseres Lebensraumes.

New Perspectives in Spatial Development

21/22 February | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg. 21 February | HIT E 51 08:00–08:45 Dr. Emanuele Strano, MindEarth, Switzerland: «Complex networks and spatial planning across time and scales» 09:15–10:00 Dr. Franziska Sielker, University of Cambridge, Department of Land Economy, Great Britain and Northern Ireland: «Thinking and Acting in Areas of More

Schweizweite Abschätzung der Nutzungsreserven 2017

Professur für Raumentwicklung. Im vdf Verlag auch als E-Book erhältlich. Eine wichtige Erkenntnis ist, dass in den rechtskräftigen Bauzonen weiterhin Nutzungsreserven für 1,0 bis 1,8 Millionen zusätzliche Einwohner bestehen. Die Studie belegt, dass weiterhin Nutzungsreserven und vielfältige Möglichkeiten für die Innenentwicklung vorhanden sind, aber nur teilweise systematisch erfasst werden. More

Wie gelingt Innenentwicklung?

Kleine und mittlere Gemeinden besitzen einen Grossteil der Siedlungsreserven, aber oft zu wenig Ressourcen und Know-how, um diese «im Innern» nutzbar zu machen. Gute Siedlungsentwicklung braucht ein Zukunftsbild und eine Strategie. Das Lernen von Beispielen kann dabei hilfreich sein. Artikel auf dem ETH Zukunftsblog von Prof. Bernd Scholl.


The Peloponnese Peninsula offers countless attractions for all manner of tourists and travellers: landscapes of exceptional beauty, significant archaeological sites, historical sites and monuments, important cultural events and, especially, agricultural products of high quality. Early in its history, the railway was already a driving force for the economic More

Capacity of Railway Infrastructure and Possible Density Increases for Future Settlement Development in Central Switzerland

A considerable part of the existing settlement area reserves of around 60% are located in the small and mid-sized communities of Switzerland. The research investigates whether the existing formal and informal planning instruments are suitable for high-quality development according to the minimum strategy of ‘Inward Development before New More


The Raum+ project was developed by the Chair of Spatial Development, ETH Zurich and after many years of further development and application in various cantons and regions of Switzerland (AI, BL, FR, GR, OW, SG, SH, SZ, TG, TI, UR, VS), it is now a fully developed and More

The Future of Spatial Development in the Limmat Valley

In the final report of the Idea Competition, Perspective for the Spatial Development of the Limmat Valley (PeRL), the participating communities, regions, cantons, Federal representatives and external experts formulated recommendations for possible orientation targets concerning settlement and urban layouts, landscapes and open spaces, mobility and transport and economy More

Spatial and Transport Development in European Corridors: Example Corridor 22, Hamburg-Athens

The Hamburg–Athens Corridor (also called the Orient/East Mediterranean Corridor) is one of Europe’s central north–south transport corridors. It connects the harbours of northern Germany with the Balkan states, the Adriatic harbours, Danube harbours and Mediterranean harbours of Thessaloniki and Athens. Improvements could lead to an increase in railway More


Observations and Proposals of the International Experts Group – Commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office of Spatial Development At the request of the Swiss Federal Office of Spatial Development(ARE), an international group of spatial planning experts looked into the current state of Swiss spatial planning and development under More

Prof. em. Dr. Bernd Scholl | Spatial Development

Bernd Scholl was Full Professor for Spatial Development at the Institute of Spatial and Landscape Development from 2006 to 2018. From 1997 to 2006, he was Head of the Institute for Urban and Regional Planning (ISL) (today: Institut für Regionalwissenschaft IfR) at the University of Karlsruhe and Full Professor of the Chair of the same name. He has been co-owner of a planning office for urban and regional planning in Zurich since 1987.