Department / Institute: Prof. Dr. David Kaufmann
Jubiläumsfeier ETH RAUM & Vernissage
Tagung Landmanagement 2025: Klimaresilientes Wassermanagement im ländlichen Raum
Brownbag Lunch zum Thema Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung im Bereich Raumplanung
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board: Video and Manifesto now online!
Did you miss the NSL Forum and Cycling Research Board «Digital Twins for Europe’s Future Mobility», on September 4th? The video link is now available on the event website! In addition, for a quick read and an overview of the workshops, you can download the «Collective Manifesto for More
Housing Precarity in Six European and North American Cities: Threatened by the Loss of a Safe, Stable, and Affordable Home
Problem, research strategy, and findings: Increasing numbers of urban dwellers face housing precarity in cities worldwide. We conceptualize housing precarity as a multidimensional phenomenon, using five different dimensions: 1) housing affordability, 2) tenure security, 3) housing satisfaction, 4) neighborhood quality, and 5) community cohesion.
D-BAUG Urban Research Seminar
A Comprehensive Toolbox for Flood Risk Mitigation in Refugee Settlements
SPUR launches a comprehensive toolbox for flood risk mitigation in refugee settlements: The toolbox includes a GIS tool to create flood risk maps and mitigation strategies, a compendium of flood risk mitigation measures and a participatory risk mapping methodology. We are thankful for the support of our More
Creating inequality in access to public transit? Densification, gentrification, and displacement
Densification is a key concept in contemporary urban planning. Yet, there are widespread concerns about densification causing displacement and gentrification. This paper examines densification around train stations—a prevalent form of transit-oriented development (TOD) in cities with established public transit systems—in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland.
What can cities do to promote acceptance of densification?
Swiss cities are more likely to accept densification when densification projects provide affordable housing and green spaces compared to densification that is implemented through reduced regulations for housing construction. By prioritizing a socio-ecological densification, extensive planning procedures and delays might be minimized. Read the article on ETH News.
Public Participation in Urban Planning
Public participation has become a widely used concept in the rhetoric and practice of planning, and an accepted approach in the formulation and implementation of spatial plans, urban policies, or development projects. Despite the widespread use of the concept in both theory and practice, there is however no More
Public Support for Participation in Local Development
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board
4 – 6 September 2024 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3 and HIT. Today’s design reflects the car-oriented consensus, which was formulated between the 1930’s and 1950’s and adopted around the world since then. The climate crisis challenges this orientation and asks for designs which emphasize the micro-mobility. More
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board
4 – 6 September 2024 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3 and HIT. VIDEO NOW ONLINE! Today’s design reflects a car-oriented consensus, which was formulated between the 1930’s and 1950’s and adopted around the world since then. The climate crisis challenges this orientation and asks for designs that More
Humanitarian Planning Hub
The Humanitarian Planning Hub is a research and policy hub for co-creating knowledge between academia and practice to serve the housing needs of displaced populations worldwide through environmentally and socially sustainable humanitarian planning. The first project of the humanitarian planning hub is a cooperation with the Geneva Technical More
Zwischen Wolkenkratzern und Zustimmung? Über Akzeptanz für urbane Verdichtung aus raumplanerischer Perspektive
Seit in Kraft treten des revidierten Raumplanungsgesetzes (RPG) auf 1. Mai 2014 sind alle 26 Schweizer Kantone und über 2130 Gemeinden dazu verpflichtet, ihre «Siedlungsentwicklung nach innen» zu lenken. Politik und Behörden müssen folglich ihre bestehenden Siedlungen verdichten, um Zersiedlung zu verhindern und den Flächenverbrauch pro Kopf zu More
Urban Research Seminar
29.11.2023, 12:00 – 17:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL H 35.1. Urban Research Seminar is a new initiative hosted by D-BAUG with the aim of building a bottom-up network that brings together early career researchers and their ongoing urban research projects across ETH Zürich.
More Than Human Cinema
Glossary of Spatial Planning Terms. An Overview of Instruments and Terminology in Switzerland
As a resource for understanding and translating Swiss spatial planning terms, this glossary aims to promote consistency and coherence for education and applied research in English about Swiss spatial planning at the ETH Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development and beyond.
Cooperative Planning under Pro-development Urban Agenda? A Collage of Densification Practices in Zurich, Switzerland
Like in many cities and regions worldwide, densification is the current urban development paradigm in Switzerland. Although considered one of the main policy mechanisms for sustainable land use, densification strategies are mainly employed by the private sector, causing adverse social effects.
The COVID-19 Pandemic and its Implications for Urban Essential Workers
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been unequal depending on the resources and opportunities people have to cope with the pandemic. Intersectional burdens have been reproduced, as care and maintenance work have fallen disproportionately on the shoulders of women and migrants. Given the ‘essentiality’ but low valuation More
10 Jahre RPG 1
Future Cities Laboratory Global Conference and Exhibition
«Unser Ziel ist es, Lösungsansätze für die rasante globale und schweizweite Urbanisierung zu finden.»
David Kaufmann ist für die nächsten zwei Jahre neuer Direktor des Netzwerks Stadt und Landschaft (NSL). Seine Prioritäten sind die Stärkung der ETH Zürich im Bereich der nationalen und internationalen Stadtforschung sowie die Förderung von Synergien zwischen den Stadtforschungsgruppen der ETH in Forschung, Lehre und Engagement für die More
E-Bike City: Nur noch die Hälfte der Strassen für die Autos
Mieten: Teuer, teurer, verdrängt
New Project: Urban Humanitarian Housing
Housing is one of the most significant challenges for humanitarian actors and displaced persons in cities. This new SNF project on Urban Humanitarian Housing hopes to contribute to improving humanitarian housing responses as well as the well-being and agency of urban displaced persons worldwide. This is a collaboration More
E-Bike City
E-Bike City is a lighthouse project of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (D-BAUG) at ETH Zurich. Over the next three years, seven chairs will join forces to explore the effects of an urban future giving absolute priority to cycling, micromobility and public transport. Main Idea More
Mehr Wohnraum, aber für wen?
6. Juni 2023, 17.30 | Karl der Grosse, Kirchgasse 14, 8001 Zürich. Bauen ist das Gebot der Stunde, um dem aktuellen Wohnungsmangel zu begegnen und Verdichtung zu fördern. Neueste Studien über den Kanton Zürich zeigen jedoch, dass der aktuelle Wohnungsbau vulnerable Menschen verdrängt.
SPUR Research Colloquium
Neubauten verdrängen vulnerable Personen | New housing developments displace vulnerable persons
Erkenntnisse zum aktuellen Wohnungsnotstand: Bautätigkeit, Verdrängung und Akzeptanz
Neuste Auswertungen zeigen, dass neue Wohnungen hauptsächlich durch Ersatzneubauten geschaffen werden, zu direkten Verdrängungen von vulnerablen Personengruppen führen und bauliche Verdichtung eher akzeptiert wird, wenn es ökologische und soziale Begleitmassnahmen gibt.
Wachstum, Boden, Wohnen? Nachhaltige Verdichtung bedingt aktive kommunale Boden- und Wohnungspolitik
Wachstum, Boden, Wohnen? Schweizer Städte und Gemeinden sind seit 2014 gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet ihre «Siedlungsentwicklung nach innen» (Art. 1 RPG) zu lenken. Gleichzeitig werden ihre verfügbaren Bodenreserven knapp und die Wohnbevölkerung wächst stetig. Wie können kommunale Planer:innen aktiv und strategisch in den Wohnungsmarkt eingreifen, um so die Innenentwicklung More
Flood Risk Mitigation in Refugee Settlements
The intensity and frequency of natural hazards are on the rise. Refugee settlements face a particular risk from such disruptive events due to their precarious built environment and socio-economic situation. The SPUR and PLUS research groups at ETH Zürich, in collaboration with UNHCR and the Swiss Development Cooperation More
E-Bike City Kolloquium
8. Juni 2023, 9:00 – 18:30 | ETH Zürich, Zentrum, Audimax. An diesem Kolloquium werden die sieben Forschungsgruppen des D-BAUG Leuchtturmprojekts «E-Bike City» nicht nur ihre vorläufigen Ergebnisse präsentieren, sondern auch die Teilnehmenden aktiv in die Gestaltung der Forschungsfragen einbeziehen.
Book Talk about «Migrants and Machine Politics. How India’s Urban Poor Seek Representation and Responsiveness»
Actors, Arenas and Aims: A Conceptual Framework for Public Participation
This paper systematises knowledge of public participation by bringing together existing concepts and theories from planning literature to conceptualise the 3A3-framework of participation. The framework presents participation as an emergent phenomenon, shaped by the dimensions: actors, arenas and aims. Each of these dimensions consists of three interacting elements. More
Planning Instruments Enhance the Acceptance of Urban Densification
“Yes, but not like this!” – Why densification often lacks public acceptance
Densification is a fundamental principle of urban planning and development today. Nevertheless, it often encounters local resistance. A group of ETH researchers has now systematically investigated factors influencing public acceptance of densification, focusing on the canton of Zurich and six cities of global importance. One key factor: affordable More
Will E-Bikes Bring Amsterdam and Copenhagen to Switzerland?
Between Activism and Academia: Research Justice in Unequal Cities
Platforms and Urbanism: Challenges for Urban Governance
Digital platforms are increasingly present in everyday urban life. This has meant an increasing infrastructuralisation of digital platforms, creating opportunities, but also challenges for cities and governments. During COVID-19, delivery platforms and delivery workers became a staple of urban landscapes, but what has this meant for urban governance?
Accepting and Resisting Densification: The Importance of Project-related Factors and the Contextualizing Role of Neighbourhoods
From conformance to performance? A comparative analysis of the European Union territorial policy trends in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
As several Western Balkans countries aspire to become members of the European Union (EU) in the (near) future, it is interesting to explore to what extent EU territorial trends are adopted in both the official national regulations and spatial planning practice. To do so, we: 1) screen EU More
Agency in a Contemporary World: Towards an Actor-centred Planning?
The interrelationship between structure and agency has long been in the centre of the planning debate: the structuralist perspective focused on a regulatory structure as an arena for the manoeuvre of rational actors, while network-oriented post-structuralism exceeds such a rigid duality. However, as both approaches fail to fully More
Gründung upZ (urban publics Zürich)
upZ (urban publics Zürich) fördert den Dialog zwischen Stadtforschung, Stadtgesellschaft und Stadtpolitik. Sie verfolgen zwei Ziele: Erstens wollen sie international ausgerichtete urbane Forschung und Praktiken in Zürich verankern und weiterentwickeln. Zweitens wollen sie Verbindungen zwischen städtischen Akteuren in Forschung, Politik, Aktivismus, Hochschulen und Zivilgesellschaft stärken, um den öffentlichen More
«Densifying Switzerland»: Acceptance and public support for densification projects in Swiss cities
The SNF-funded research project «Densifying Switzerland» examines factors that affect the acceptance and local democratic support for densification projects in all 162 Swiss cities. Densification is the central paradigm of the current revisions of the Swiss Spatial Planning Act. There is a broad public and scholarly consensus that More
NSL Forum: Pandemie? Mitten im Klimawandel. Was bedeutet das für die räumliche Entwicklung der Schweiz? Ein Dialog.
Video jetzt online! In einem Dialog für Praxis und Hochschulen nahm das Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft (NSL) der ETH Zürich am 11. November im Volkshaus Zürich eine Standortbestimmung für die räumliche Entwicklung in der Schweiz vor. Ausgangspunkt bildeten Erkenntnisse aus der Pandemiesituation, Hintergrund der Klimawandel. Die Tagung war More
Neues Video über das Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung
Neben dem Lehrstuhl für Planung von Landschaft und Urbanen Systemen (Prof. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey) sind in den letzten Jahren zwei neue Forschungsgruppen im Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung entstanden: Raumentwicklung und Stadtpolitik (Prof. David Kaufmann) und Spatial Transformation Laboratories (PD. Dr. Joris Van Wezemael). Ein neues Video stellt die More