disP – The Planning Review, Volume 54, Issue 4, December 2018 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.

This new issue contains the following articles:


Martina Koll-Schretzenmayr
Pages: 2-5

disP Kolumne – disP Column

DenCity – a Pan-European Future
Izabela Mironowicz

City Tour

Michael Hebbert

Artikel – Articles

Exploring the Planning-Governance Nexus. Introduction to the Special Issue
Peter Schmitt & Rainer Danielzyk

Unpacking Spatial Planning as the Governance of Place. Extracting Potentials for Future Advancements in Planning Research
Peter Schmitt & Thorsten Wiechmann

The Governance of Wind Energy in Brandenburg and Ontario
Andrea Bues


Debates during the 12th AESOP Young Academics Conference
Rozanne Charlotte Spijkerboer, Steven Ashley Forrest & Anne Marel Hilbers

Buchbesprechungen – Book Reviews

Geschichte und Perspektiven der schweizerischen Raumplanung
Michael Krautzberger

Zollverein: Welterbe und Zukunftswerkstadt
Prof. Dr. Klaus R. Kunzmann

Handbuch und Planungshilfe: Ephemere Stadtentwicklung
Thomas Sieverts

Raumentwicklung in Grenzregionen
Gabi Troeger-Weiß