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Die urbane Resilienz beschäftigt uns dermassen, dass wir Ihnen gleich sieben Artikel zumuten. Wählen Sie zwischen Verkehrsgleichgewicht durch Home office, Zürichs urbanen Codes, Verdichtungs-Akzeptanz, Transport-Infrastruktur-Planung, wie Antigone antifragil Verkehrsüberlastungen verhindert sowie homogenen urbanen Landschaften. Was auch immer Sie lesen, schauen Sie sich am Ende die Bilder an im spannenden Artikel zum Landschaftsarchitekten Günther Vogt.
Wir wünschen viel interessantes Lesevergnügen.
Sanna Kattenbeck | History and Theory of Urban Design, Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete
The city of Zurich is a testament to the incredible power of urban codes and their influence on urban form. From the mid-nineteenth onwards, these codes, such as building laws, norms, standards, or even municipal constitutions, shaped and reshaped the city into what it is today. The research project ’City of Codes’ explores how these urban codes, though often highly technical in nature, can be understood as a ‘hidden project’ for the city.
Johann S. Schuur & Yves M. Räth | Planning of Landscapes and Urban Systems (PLUS), Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey
Look around you – what do you see? Unique urban landscapes with specific characteristics, identities, and landmarks? Or homogenous urban landscapes repeating similar shapes, materials, colours, and functions? Currently, homogeneity dominates the day-to-day realities of the European population, of which 74% already lives in urban landscapes. Homogeneity is the result of urban development pathways that are resilient to change and lead to the same – undesired – outcomes over and over. Hence, resiliency is not solely a positive concept when it locks us into unsustainable urban development preventing the transformation to more desirable urban realities.
You missed the keynote speech of Roberto Luís Monte-Mór about extended urbanisation in the Brazilian Amazonia? Or you would like to pick and see one of the panels only? The choice is: New Urban Vocabularies, Concepts of Extended Urbanisation, Agrarian Urbanisms, Urban Design and Territories of Extended Urbanisation, Movements, State Space, Peripheralisation, Extractivism and Infrastructure, and Conversation on Cartographies – you now find all of it on the event website.
Die Departementsleitung Architektur der ETH Zürich hat Prof. Maria Conen und Prof. Dr. Elli Mosayebi ins Leitungsgremium des ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE gewählt. Sie treten ihre Position am 1. November 2023 als Nachfolgerinnen von Prof. Hubert Klumpner und Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid, langjährige Mitglieder des Direktoriums, an. More
Application deadline: 10 February 2024 | Working sessions: 7 March, June, September, December 2024.
The Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) at ETH Zurich is delighted to announce the Community-led Landscape Restoration 2024 working group, a transdisciplinary series open to citizen groups, activists, academic researchers, and policy makers.
Martina Voser, currently owner and member of the Executive Board of mavo Landschaften gmbh and Visiting Professor at ETH Zurich, is now Full Professor of Landscape Architecture in the Department of Architecture. Martina Voser is regarded as one of the leading figures in Swiss landscape architecture and has won multiple awards for her work. Her projects are not only conceptually sound and visually impressive, but also sociologically and ecologically motivated. In addition to her excellent achievements in practice, she has made a major contribution over many years to the debate on technical and theoretical matters and professional policy. Martina Voser is a committed teacher as well as a sought-after jury member, critic and expert who sits on various committees and advisory panels.
Professor Eva Heinen (*1981), currently Full Professor at the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, was appointed as Full Professor of Transportation and Mobility Planning in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. Eva Heinen’s interdisciplinary research looks at mobility and transportation at the intersection of sustainable development, transport planning, spatial planning and health. Her research on non-motorised traffic led to an interest group being set up at the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS). Eva Heinen also has wide-ranging teaching experience. Her appointment will facilitate important interactions and synergies with other institutes and departments of ETH Zurich.
Application: Mid-December 2023 – 30 April 2024.
The MAS UTD deploys the urban and territorial project as the crucial field of knowledge production across scales, based on social and environmental equity and justice and a deeper understanding of the cultural and ecological dimensions of territories.
Applications: 1 January – 30 April 2024.
This programme aims at contributing to finding solutions to the challenges of housing construction in Switzerland, Europe, and low and middle-income countries worldwide through high-level multidisciplinary training and research.
15 December 2023, 13:30 – 17:30 | ETH Zürich, Oerlikon, ONA G41, Neunbrunnenstr. 50.
Vernissage: 5. Oktober, 19:00 | Ausstellung: 6. Okt – 17. Dez 2023 | ZAZ BELLERIVE, Zentrum Architektur Zürich, Höschgasse 3, 8008 Zürich.
10.1.24; 7.2.24, jeweils 18:30 | Öffentliche Vorlesungsreihe | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIB Open Space 1 + 2.
Silvia Converso, Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS), Landschaftsarchitektur
Claudia Gebert, Koordinationsstelle NSL, Chefredaktion
Klearjos Papanicolaou, Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS), Städtebau
Maarten Van Strien, Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung (IRL)
Jan Westerheide, Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS), Städtebau
Caroline Winkler, Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (IVT)