The NSL colloquia are a bi-annual presentation of exceptional work under a rotating theme determined by the inviting professor.
Further upcoming NSL Colloquia will be announced soon.
NSL Colloquium: Beyond Maintenance: Responsive Practices for Changing Landscapes
February 26 – 28, 2025, ETH Zürich (exact location TBA)
Urbane Transformationen
Politik und Planung | Raum und Technologie | Design und Raumplanung. NSL-Kolloquium 2022|1
Inviting chair:Are Integrated Infrastructure Networks Governable in Contemporary City Regions?
NSL Kolloquium 2019|2
Inviting chair:Planetary Urbanization in Comparative Perspective
NSL-Kolloquium 2016|2
Guests: AbdouMaliq Simone and Wing Shing Tang
The High Cost of Free Parking – Ten Years Later
NSL-Kolloquium 2016|1
Guest: Donald Shoup
The Challenge of Sustainable Planning for US Metropolitan Areas; Development of Metropolitan Areas in the Netherlands, Tendencies and Challenges
NSL-Colloquium 2015|1
Guests: Charles Hoch and Willem Salet
Strategien und Planungsinstrumente für polyzentrische Stadtregionen. Fallstudien Amsterdam und Zürich
NSL-Kolloquium 2014|1
Inviting chair: