The NSL colloquia are a bi-annual presentation of exceptional work under a rotating theme determined by the inviting professor.
Further upcoming NSL Colloquia will be announced soon.

NSL Colloquium: Beyond Maintenance: Responsive Practices for Changing Landscapes
26. – 28. February 2025, ETH Zürich Hönggerberg and Zentrum. The colloquium will investigate the relationship between the design and maintenance of living systems, seeking to cultivate practices, terminology, and theoretical insights into approaches that attempt to maintain otherwise.

Urbane Transformationen
Politik und Planung | Raum und Technologie | Design und Raumplanung. NSL-Kolloquium 2022|1
Inviting chair:
Are Integrated Infrastructure Networks Governable in Contemporary City Regions?
NSL Kolloquium 2019|2
Inviting chair:
Planetary Urbanization in Comparative Perspective
NSL-Kolloquium 2016|2 Guests: AbdouMaliq Simone and Wing Shing Tang Inviting chair:
The High Cost of Free Parking – Ten Years Later
NSL-Kolloquium 2016|1
Guest: Donald Shoup

The Challenge of Sustainable Planning for US Metropolitan Areas; Development of Metropolitan Areas in the Netherlands, Tendencies and Challenges
NSL-Colloquium 2015|1
Guests: Charles Hoch and Willem Salet

Strategien und Planungsinstrumente für polyzentrische Stadtregionen. Fallstudien Amsterdam und Zürich
NSL-Kolloquium 2014|1
Inviting chair: