An important aspect of the creation of models for traffic planning is the question of the need for movement in the model. If one uses a microscopic model in which individual persons will be represented through agents, it will allow the question to be modelled intuitively through the simulated movement of the agents. These, in turn, assume a best possible realistic modelling of the behaviour of the agents.
Content and goal of the research project
One current possibility for modelling the behaviour of agents is to create and maximise use functions for the agents. A disadvantage of such use-based simulations is that some activities cannot be satisfactorily modelled. Some of these are activities that require specific frequencies for their execution, e.g., a certain number of sports activities per week. In order to avoid such problems and to achieve more flexibility in the modelling, such a project should use a target-based model. Here, the agents try to achieve pre-set target values, e.g. number of sports activities per week through conducting specific activities, e.g. sports. These target values can be flexibly organised and even contain total duration as well as frequency or other givens for conducting activities. Information from existing statistics should be applied to the preparation of these goal values. In further processes, the project should also be examined as to how these target values can be adapted during the simulation (temporary). Finally, the travel behaviour should be simulated over an entire year and integrated into a traffic flow simulation.
Scientific and social context of the research project
A simulation as described above will deliver a travel profile for an entire year and contain seasonal effects, holidays, etc. These results can play a deciding role, especially in the area of transport planning, by simulating projects on transport overload for projects that have not yet been realised.