Prof. Dr. Eva Heinen | Transportation and Mobility Planning

FRESH: The FREight-SHopping nexus in urban outskirts and beyond

FRESH is a research project funded by DUT (Driving Urban Transition Partnership) and national funders which is focussing on shopping-related mobility behaviour and urban logistics in Dortmund, Paris, and Trondheim.
This research project aims to:

  • assess how urban planning in different settings impacts integrated personal and freight travel demand and consequent overall transport, emission, and liveability,
  • to investigate the contribution of new and innovative solutions to integrated personal and freight transport planning and
  • to develop sustainable urban logistics concepts in relation to shopping in a 15-min city, with a focus on reducing motorised transport

Parts of the project will be:

  • exploring potential options for sustainable last-mile urban logistics,
  • analysing current shopping patterns
  • forecasting the impacts of novel urban logistics strategies, and
  • exploring potential options for policies and design

ETH Zurich

TU Dortmund University

  • Professor Frank Othengrafen
  • Dr. Giulio Mattioli
  • Carla Debbeler

Gustave Eiffel Universit

  • Professor Laetitia Dablanc
  • Abel Kebede Reda

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Professor Trude Tørset
  • Ellen Heffer Flaata

Other involved partners

  • Métropole du Grand Paris (the metropolitan government of greater Paris)
  • Trondheim municipality
  • Dortmund municipality
  • POLIS ABEL (Non-Profit Organisation)
  • Driving Urban Transition Partnership (DUT)

DUT is an intergovernmental research and innovation programme, which addresses the main challenges of urban transition. It is co-funded by 28 European countries and the European Commission. The programme aims to enable different players, e.g. local authorities and municipalities, citizens etc. in the urban context through research, innovation and capacity building to initiate transition processes.

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  • German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • French National Research Agency (ANR)
  • Research Council of Norway (NRC)
Project timeframe


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