Lecuna Avenue Revitalization project is a master plan linked to the Metro Cable San Agustin; it aims to recover abandoned sites leftover from the construction of Caracas Metro’s Line 4, in order to create new low-income, residential buildings and community services. By proposing a series of interventions that intend to provide new social housing and infrastructure projects running along the road above the underground metro line, the Lecuna Avenue Revitalization Project may be considered one vision for Caracas’ future. The proposed buildings are to be erected on land left vacant from the extension of the Metro line; this includes areas where metro vents pierce the ground and where new Metro stations surface, as well as land used for storage and temporary offices during construction.
In a challenge to the existing vision for the avenue, a more complex program was proposed through the addition of several features for each site. One such feature of the larger Lecuna Avenue project, the Teatros building, provides important social services for the neighborhood in an innovative aggregation of functions. Lecuna Avenue presents itself as the spine of the area crossed by the Metro line, opening up the new programs around the new line’s five stations. The activities are overlapped, layered and linked within the buildings and throughout the avenue.