
The Raum+ project was developed by the Chair of Spatial Development, ETH Zurich and after many years of further development and application in various cantons and regions of Switzerland (AI, BL, FR, GR, OW, SG, SH, SZ, TG, TI, UR, VS), it is now a fully developed and well-tested method for the investigation of settlement land reserves.

Based on the resulting problem-oriented and traceable overview, targeted spatial development strategies and measures for the mobilisation of the settlement area reserves can be prepared. The overview creates a factual and realistic foundation for settlement area land management, supports the limitations of settlement area growth and requires a settlement strategy that supports growth within existing areas.

Participants Prof. Dr. Bernd Scholl Dr. Reto Nebel Karin Hollenstein Partners Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden Kanton Basel-Landschaft (Mitglied Arbeitsgruppe) Agglomeration Freiburg Agglomeration Chur Kanton Obwalden Kanton St.Gallen (Federführung Arbeitsgruppe) Kanton Schaffhausen (Mitglied Arbeitsgruppe) Kanton Schwyz Kanton Thurgau (Mitglied Arbeitsgruppe) Kanton Uri Kanton Wallis Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung ARE Duration 2010 – 2018 Webseite