Photo: Prof. Hubert Klumpner and Dr. Michael Walczak, ETH Zurich, Klumpner Chair of Architecture and Urban Design

Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo (UTPS)

The Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo (UTPS) aims to support the modernisation of the integrated urban planning system in Sarajevo Canton, and the creation of better conditions for sustainable climate resilient socio-economic development.

The project is supported by the Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and corresponds with Switzerland’s foreign policy strategy (2020-2023). It is a part of Switzerland’s traditional support for the transition of BiH to a socially inclusive market economy, decentralised political system, and European integration. As a multi-stakeholder project, the main partners in the project are the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology – ETH Zurich, Klumpner Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, and the Laboratory for Energy Conversion (ETHZ), University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Architecture (UNSA) and the Sarajevo Canton Institute of Development and Planning (IPDCS), with the support of ETH Zurich’s spin-off SwissAI, among a myriad of partners at every planning scale. The overarching key component of the project is the elaboration of the Urban Plan for Sarajevo until the year 2040.

The UTPS project uses the ETH simulation software to support decision-making through data-driven and agent-based Digital Twins. Thanks to its granular database, calibrated with on-field measurements using the UTPS mobile laboratory «Studio Mobil» (e.g. wind measurements or traffic counts) and the «Urban Design Studio Sarajevo» research space, the data-driven assessments deliver accurate results. In the first Digital Twin of Sarajevo, agents representing people, buildings, or vehicles, are characterised by a set of known input parameters. Their behaviour can be predicted by accounting for the interactions among agents and between agents and the system. Agent-based simulations are used in assessments of infrastructure, private and public mobility, population, and urban developments.

The Digital Twin Method is part of the ETH Zurich Learning and Teaching Fair 2024 and will be featured at the NSL Forum on September 4th, 2024. Click here for more details and to register!


Lead: Principal Investigator 1
Prof. Hubert Klumpner
Coordination and Contact: Director of Research, Urban Lab and Mobile Studio, Zurich/Sarajevo
Michael Walczak
Klumpner Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, D-ARCH, ETH Zurich
Marco Pagani Melika Konjičanin Alejandro Jaramillo Quintero
Laboratory of Energy Conversion, D-MAVT, ETH Zurich
Prof. Reza Abhari, Principal Investigator 2 Ndaona Chokani University of Sarajevo / UNSA Prof. Adnan Pašić, Project Lead UNSA, Sarajevo Jasmin Sirčo Tarik Delić UNSA Team Sarajevo Canton Institute of Development and Planning / IPDCS Faruk Muharemović, Director IPDCS, Sarajevo Nataša Tabori, Project Lead IPDCS, Sarajevo Edin Jenčiragić Vedad Viteškić IPDCS Urban Plan Team
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SwissAI and EnerPol Cooperation Partners Consortium Urbaplan, Helvetas and Enova City of Zurich, Urban Development Matica Bosne i Hercegovine Supported by State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO