5 Sessions on selected Mondays, Autumn 2017, 16:00 – 18:00 h | Elective Course
Place: ETH Zurich, Oerlikon | ONA Focushalle E7 | Neunbrunnenstr. 50, 8050 Zurich
«Sessions on Territory» is a new series of public debates on the political economy of architecture and territory within and beyond the neoliberal order. Focusing on key dynamics that shape the built environment and prevalent conceptions of the city, the seminar’s objective is to unravel contemporary forces at work in the formation of the built environment, and, as importantly, to spur debates on perspectives that challenge the status quo. Every intervention will be followed by a panel discussion with invited respondents.
25. 09. 17 Arno Brandlhuber, ETH Zurich
30. 10. 17 Stephan Trüby, TU Munich
13. 11. 17 Jennifer Robinson, UCL, London
20. 11. 17 Andrés Jaque, Columbia University, New York
27. 11. 17 François Charbonnet, Made In, Geneva
Department of Architecture
Chairs of Prof. Milica Topalovic & Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil
Contact: Ferdinand Pappenheim & Sascha Delz