18.12.2024, 8:30-18:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL G75, Stefano-Franscini-Platz.
STUDIO VOSER with Pia Fricker, Teresa Gali-Izard, Francesco Rizzi, Paola Sturla
Down below, on the plain, trains, trucks and cars are constantly rushing past – detached from place and time, traffic moves along the north-south axis and its routes cut through ancient connections between mountain and lake, between Maroggia – Melano and the water. Up above, in the mountains immediately rising, the waterfalls, ova and streams rush – with their different rhythms they are constantly changing the landscape and have always influenced life in Arogno and Rovio.
We see the semester in Val Mara as a case study in the search for a new approach to the construction of infrastructure landscapes. The increasing densification of the landscape requires new approaches: away from monofunctional, detached systems towards carefully embedded specific landscape spaces that create multi-layered added value for people, flora and fauna. Together we will search for the new shape and identity of these future landscapes.
Presenting Students
Paola Ak, Romi Bassler, Sergio Beer, Yanik Benz, Elias Böhnlein, Elodie Dietz, Marvin Franz, Valeria Fürst, Angela Galmarini, Tim Hebach, Maxime Huysman, Nadina Häni, Emanuel Kionke, Olivier Knecht, Joshua Kordic, Nicolas Müllejans, Corim Müller, Jonas Odermatt, Mathieu Perey, Mauro Perkmann, Nis Salewski, Elias Sattar, Florian Siegenthaler, Sarina Stocker, Lennard Sundermann, Robin Truttmann, Kaspar Trümpler, Michèle von Ins, Vivienne Weber, Shiqi Xu, Noah Zollinger, Romina Züst
Professur Voser, Landschaftsarchitektur
Martina Voser, Coralie Berchtold, Dylan Torri, Martin Zwahlen
Kontakt: Martin Zwahlen