disP 56/1, März 2020
disP – The Planning Review, Volume 56, Issue 1, March 2020 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.
disP 55/4, Dezember 2019
disP – The Planning Review, Volume 55, Issue 4, December 2019 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.
SRF Kultur: Publikation «Mutation und Morphose. Landschaft als Aggregat». Die Sammlung als Werkzeug
Ein regelrechtes Kuriositätenkabinett hat der Landschaftsarchitekt Günther Vogt gesammelt, ein Puzzle der Welt, die er in seinem Buch Mutation und Morphose entfaltet. «Das Sammeln ist eine Möglichkeit, sich die Welt zu erklären», schreibt der Landschaftsarchitekt Günther Vogt darin. In diesem wuchtigen Buch gibt er Einblick in die kollektive Entwurfsarbeit Plus
18th Swiss Geoscience Meeting: Urban planning and policy-making with/without/against national states
6. + 7. November 2020 | Organization: Prof. David Kaufmann, ETH Zürich. This panel is part of the stream «Cities, Regions, Economies»; Stream organizers: Sven Daniel Wolfe and Julio Paulos.
From Collective Learning to Collective Action. Where Social Psychology and Design Thinking Meet
Spatial design is often confronted with an immense diversity of transformation processes. As a designer it is often difficult to fully acknowledge this immanent complexity and find a position to intervene. How can we answer questions as ‘With whom do I collaborate? How does personal transformation play a Plus
Caring for Diversity. Local Practices of Countering Exclusion in Urban Housing
Access to and the safeguarding of suitable and affordable housing is difficult for disadvantaged groups in Swiss cities as such groups often include people with few professional qualifications, various kinds of handicaps, and few financial resources. Among them are migrants and refugees, elderly people, and the «working poor», Plus
Eine Zürcher Karte der Raumqualität aus Sicht der Bevölkerung – machen Sie mit?
Wie nehmen wir unseren Lebensraum wahr? Wie erleben wir die Atmosphäre eines Ortes, wo fühlen wir uns sicher, wo fühlen wir uns gut? Diese Fragen werden umso wichtiger, je mehr Menschen in städtischen Gebieten leben. Ziel von Streetwise ist es, das Wissen und die Betroffenheit der Bevölkerung für Plus
Mobility Behaviour in Switzerland: Coronavirus Study
To slow down the spread of the coronavirus, the population has been instructed to stay at home if possible. This measure consequently has a major impact on our daily mobility behaviour. But who is being affected, and how?
Co-creating Public Lighting Technology and Policy for Informal Settlements
The transdisciplinary research project «Virtual Environments as a Decision-making Tool for Public Lighting in Bogotá» focuses on lighting technology and its performance in Bogotá’s densifying urban environments. New lighting approaches are co-created together with informal settlement dwellers and tested with Colombian policy-makers through a Virtual Environment.
Participatory Land-use Modelling to Accelerate Sustainable Transformation Applying a Landscape Approach (PLUMALA)
Following the six-year r4d project «managing telecoupled landscapes», PLUS received an r4d Transformation Accelerating Grant to continue its work in northeastern Madagascar. Based on the developed land-use change scenarios, a collaborative visioning and planning will be conducted over a period of twelve months. For this project, PLUS collaborates Plus
Das NFP 70-Projekt «ENERGYSCAPE» untersuchte gesellschaftliche Präferenzen für eine Landschaftsentwicklung durch Infrastrukturen erneuerbarer Energien. Die aus den Ergebnissen abgeleiteten Empfehlungen können helfen, die landschaftliche Beurteilung von Anlagen erneuerbarer Energien aus Sicht der Bevölkerung in Landschaftsentwicklungskonzepten besser zu berücksichtigen. Ulrike Wissen Hayek, PLUS
Designing for Circularity in a Real-world context: Understanding Cooperative Benefits to Foster Individual Action for a Regenerative Economy
What are key skillsets of the next generation’s planners, designers, architects or engineers? The instrumental and social capacities to creatively cope with complexity, within ever changing environments, in a cooperative way surely are amongst them. Systemic Design Labs are ETH Innovedum financed real-world experimental courses that foster such Plus
Landscape In-Between: A River and a Backyard
Addressing the former industrial area of Acetati in Verbania (IT), on the northern Italian shore of Lago Maggiore, the project sets out to explore the ambiguous nature of contemporary residual landscapes. With an attitude of carefully collecting and radically exposing materials, flows, historical layers and traces of production, Plus
Co-opolis: The Collective Production of the City
Video now online! As urbanization intensifies all over the world, so do contestations over how city space is produced. Citizens, politicians, urban designers and architects become increasingly aware of the fact that the city can no longer be solely developed as the playing field of private interests or Plus
Urban Design as Commoning: Remembering the History of Participation
Under the headers of ‘collaboration’, ‘participatory design’ and ‘co-production’ participation is nowadays at the centre of the debate on urban design. Architects and urban designers are developing new concepts, tools and roles to comply with these new participatory modi operandi. However, it seems that it is sometimes forgotten Plus
ABGESAGT: Haushälterische Bodennutzung
Im Rahmen der Vorlesung «Haushälterische Bodennutzung» werden interessante und kompetente Gastreferenten eingeladen. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht notwendig.
BIS AUF WEITERES GESCHLOSSEN: Ausstellung und Begleitveranstaltungen «Frau Architekt» im ZAZ
28.2.–10.5.2020 | Öffnungszeiten: Mi–So, 14–18 Uhr | ZAZ Zentrum Architektur Zürich Höschgasse 3, 8008 Zürich.
POSTPONED: 7th SCCER Mobility Annual Conference
23 November 2020 (tentative) | ETH Zurich. As 7 years of SCCER Mobility slowly draw to an end, we invite you to this conference to present a synthesis of the competence center, to review the most relevant research results of each capacity area and conclude with an outlook on Plus
ABGESAGT Belgrade Unbuilt / Negrađeni Beograd. Discovering Nature in the Era of the Anthropocene
Summer 2020, Belgrade, Serbia | 6 international design workshops on architecture and territory. Workshop 1: 21 April–25 April 2020 with Bas Princen. Workshop 2: 29 June–4 July 2020 with Momoyo Kaijima. Workshop 3–6: (tbc). A series of consecutive research and design workshops dedicated to the future of Belgrade’s Plus
Sessions on Territory – Beyond Techno-fix
5 sessions on selected Mondays, 16:00–18:00 | Architecture of Territory, Prof. Milica Topalović Lecture Series | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50.
ACTION! On the Real City: Filming the (un)Real City
On Mondays, 10:00–12:00 | Elective course | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA E16, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50. Lecturers: Hubert Klumpner, Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou, Michael Walczak. The course develops new forms of urban literacy in learning from the complex, real-life city.
Sociology: Memories of Zurich West
On Tuesdays, starting 21 February, 12:45–14:30 | Elective Course | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL C 10.2. Lecturers: Sandra Guinand, Christian Schmid.
POSTPONED: Public Space: The Real and the Ideal
2 to 5 July 2021 | 5th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture | Monte Verità (near Locarno), Switzerland. Keynote speakers: Margaret Crawford, Sarah Whiting. The 5th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture examines public space and its architecture Plus
Democracy, Populism, and the Just City (Followed by a panel discussion)
16 November, 18:30–20:30, Covid Certificate required / apéro cancelled | University of Zürich, (external building), RAI-H-041, Rämistr. 74. Keynote by Prof. Dr. Susan Fainstein (Harvard University).
The City Represented: Visions of Urban Living
14 May | 15:00–17:00 | Final Presentations Seminar | ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, HPT C 103 Lecturer: Dr. Cathelijne Nuijsink. This seminar takes a long-running international housing ideas competition from Japan to identify key topics in architecture culture.
Rijeka European Culture Capital 2020: Have a Seat
1 May–31 July | Exhibition | Delta 5, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia. Sitting in public space is one of the essential functions of being at ease and being able to interact with other members of society. In our cities of today, we often find that sitting has lost «form Plus
Wouldn’t it be Nice if Architects Started Dreaming About Building Less
20 October 2021, approx. 17:40–19:00 | Inaugural lecture Freek Persyn | ETH Zürich, Zentrum, Audimax (HG F 30).
POSTPONED: Prospective Visions for Greater Geneva Region. Inhabiting the City-Landscape of the 21st Century
24 March | Inhabiting the City-Landscape of the 21st Century | Geneva. Initiated by the Braillard Architectural Foundation in October 2018, the Greater Geneva Consultation has charged seven interdisciplinary teams to rethink the cross-border metropolis to respond to the challenges of the ecological transition.
CANCELLED: Fábrica de Cultura: BAQ Inauguration
16 March, 18:00 | BAQ Fabrica de Cultura, Barranquilla, Colombia. With guests including Ambassador Raymond Furrer (SECO), this event will inaugurate the newest building emerging from the research of the Klumpner Chair – the Fábrica de Cultura: BAQ, in Barranquilla, Colombia.
CANCELLED: Olafur Eliasson
9. März, 18:00 | Lecture | ETH Zürich, HG F 30 (Audimax). Ein neues Datum wird so bald wie möglich an dieser Stelle kommuniziert.
Inscriptions in Relation. Sitting Matters – Imagining social relations by designing public space
14–16 February | Exhibition | Palais de la Porte Dorée, 293 Avenue Daumesnil, 75012 Paris, France. Sitting or seating, the provision of a seat or seating, the arrangement of material for a seat as one of the most basic human activities in private or public urban environments is the point of departure Plus
Toward an Urban Policy Analysis
A new Symposium called «Toward an Urban Policy Analysis» is out in PS: Political Science & Politics edited by David Kaufmann and Mara Sidney (Rutgers University). The Symposium aims to develop theoretical foundations for an urban policy analysis built from urban empirical work.
Public Space: The Real and the Ideal
5th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture. 2 to 5 July 2021 | Monte Verità (near Locarno), Switzerland.
ETH Wohnforum BBL Events: Prishtina: the Arrival and Departure City of Kosovo Diaspora
6 February, 12:30 – 14:00 | ETH Zürich Hönggerberg, HIT J 51. Lecturers: Dr. Gyler Mydyti, Post-Doctoral Researcher (Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship Holder) at the Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, ETH Zurich.
Screening of the Documentary Film PUSH Followed by a Discussion on the «Mehr bezahlbare Wohnungen» Initiative
30 January 2020, 18:00 – 20:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E 6. Push by from director Fredrik Gertten and @WGFilm. Discussion moderated by Dr. Jennifer Duyne Barenstein, senior researcher at the ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE.
Designing with the Form of the Landscape
A new approach in landscape design uses point cloud modeling to integrate spatial, aesthetic and quantitative features of the landscape. The method is applicable in any location and thus makes it useful to a wide range of topics, whether in the context of cultural, agricultural or urban landscapes, Plus
Using Virtual Reality to Evaluate Cyclist’s Perceived Safety
Researchers at the Future Cities Laboratory are using virtual reality (VR) in cycling experiments to reveal users’ cycling behaviour and preferences in different environments. These insights can help planners understand and quantify the impact of infrastructure improvements in setting guidelines and prioritization of new infrastructure.
Tagung Landmanagement – Rück- und Ausblick
Der lebendige ländliche Raum ist eines der grossen Themen der Raumentwicklung. Hier treffen Tradition und wirtschaftliche Innovation, neue Rechtsgrundlagen und Emotionen aufeinander. Die 13. Landmanagement Tagung «Herausforderungen der baulichen Entwicklung im ländlichen Raum» bot den aktuellen und vielfältigen Themen aus Verwaltung, Forschung und Praxis eine Plattform. Auch der Plus
Call for Papers: Public Space – the Real and the Ideal
Call for papers by 6th January 2020. The aim of the conference is to stress ideas and ideals on public space, both in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, as well as in (political) philosophy, against the background of the continuous development of technology, from smart phone to smart Plus
Backcasting – vom Übermorgen zum Heute: Modellgestützte Landschaftsplanung
Partizipative Planungsprozesse leben von einer gemeinsamen Vision der Beteiligten. Sie hilft, den Prozess und die Diskussionen konstruktiv zu gestalten. Es bleibt jedoch offen, welche Schritte und Massnahmen zur Erreichung der Vision erforderlich sind. Am Fall Wauwiler Ebene wurden diese Fragen mit der Methode des Backcastings beantwortet und Handlungsschwerpunkte Plus
Walking in the Territory
Can we, as researchers of the territory, still investigate and learn about our built and the unbuilt environments through direct experience? Can we rely merely on digital cartographies, or should we still be explorers who embark on journeys of discovery? We have tried to answer these questions by Plus
Are Integrated Infrastructure Networks Governable in Contemporary City Regions?
Guest: Prof. Dr. Michael Neuman, Professor of Sustainable Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, University of Westminster. The very possibility of governance that is critical — in terms of providing robust human rights, meaningful participative democracy, equitable distribution of wealth, goods and services, and strong environmental Plus
Wie das Strassennetz die Verkehrsleistung bestimmt
ETH-Forschende zeigen auf, dass sich die Verkehrskapazität von Städten anhand der Struktur ihres Strassennetzes vorhersagen lässt. Mit diesem Wissen können Stadtplanerinnen und Stadtplaner künftig quantitativ bestimmen, wie bauliche Eingriffe die Verkehrsleistung beeinflussen. Artikel in den ETH News
Collective Actors and the Production of the City: Urban Commons in Research
In her book Governing the Commons (1990), political economist and Nobel prize winner Elinor Ostrom identified spaces and infrastructures as ‘common resources’ fostered by groups of citizens in order to resist top-down governance and commodification. Today, the notion of the ‘urban commons’ appears as an index for historians Plus
Eqasim: An Open-source and Extensible Platform for Building Agent-based Models
Agent-based models in transportation model individual travelers and their interaction in the transport system on a micro-level. A natural advantage of agent-based models are flexibility and the ability to model emergent behavior. Work at IVT has produced a new software package, eqasim, that drastically simplifies the design of Plus
27.11.2019, 14.30–16.00 | ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, 8050 Zürich (Oerlikon). In conversation with Marc Angélil, Arno Brandlhuber, Charlotte Malterre Barthes, and Milica Topalović. KELLER EASTERLING is an architect, professor at Yale, and one of the most eloquent theorists of architecture and design. In ‘Medium Design’ (Strelka Press, 2018) Easterling argues that design tools are often inadequate to Plus
Future-proofed Urban Areas: Real Options in Urban Planning
The societal needs for infrastructure change drastically over time depending on a large variety of factors, which are very difficult to predict. It is in the face of this massive uncertainty, that urban planners are expected to make infrastructure decisions. To minimize the service risks over time, the Plus
Zurich, a Sanctuary City?
28 October 2019, 18:00 – 19:30 | ETH Zurich, Leonhardstrasse 21, LEE E 101. This event is part of the series of events «Sanctuary Cities in Switzerland?», which takes place in Zurich, Berne and Geneva. The speakers in these events outline the developments in urban migration policies in support of Plus
New Master of Science ETH in Landscape Architecture
We offer a new two-year master’s programme in landscape architecture at the department of architecture of ETH Zurich with a focus on the design and planning of open spaces and landscapes. This master’s programme in landscape architecture, initiated by Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard, Prof. Christophe Girot and Prof. Günther Plus
Der Stadtschreiber
Marc Angélil hat die Architekturlehre an der ETH entscheidend mitgeprägt, sowohl als Professor wie auch als Vorsteher des Departements. Seit Jahren forscht er zu politischen, sozialen und ökonomischen Treibern der globalen Verstädterung. Im Rahmen seiner Emeritierung wirft er nochmals einen kritischen Blick auf aktuelle Urbanisierungstrends. Gespräch mit Prof. Plus