Catégorie : Publication
How Spatial Policies can Leverage Energy Transitions − Finding Pareto-optimal Solutions for Wind Turbine Locations with Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization
What drives deforestation in Switzerland?
Erkenntnisse zum aktuellen Wohnungsnotstand: Bautätigkeit, Verdrängung und Akzeptanz
Neuste Auswertungen zeigen, dass neue Wohnungen hauptsächlich durch Ersatzneubauten geschaffen werden, zu direkten Verdrängungen von vulnerablen Personengruppen führen und bauliche Verdichtung eher akzeptiert wird, wenn es ökologische und soziale Begleitmassnahmen gibt.
Mountain Resilience: A Systematic Literature Review and Paths to the Future
Mountains are home to a considerable share of the human population. Around a billion people live in mountainous areas, which harbor rich natural and sociocultural diversity. Today, many people living in mountainous areas worldwide face fundamental changes to their cultural and economic living conditions. At the same time, Plus
Quo vadis Raumentwicklung Schweiz? Umfrage zur Zukunft der Raumentwicklung Schweiz
Die Raumentwicklung ist ein komplexes Themenfeld im stetigen Wandel und eine interdisziplinäre Diskussion über dessen Zukunft nötig. Um auf künftige Bedürfnisse der Planungspraxis einzugehen, wurde eine umfassende Befragung zu Forschungsthemen und Lehrinhalten durchgeführt. Die Resultate verdeutlichen den Wunsch nach einem allgemeinen «Mehr» an Lehre und einer stärkeren Ausrichtung Plus
Henri Lefebvre and the Theory of the Production of Space
25 May, 18:30 – 20:00 (NEW TIME!) | Hochparterre Bücher AG, Schöneggstrasse 27, 8004 Zürich. Discussion with: Ileana Apostol, Stefan Kipfer, Alvaro Sevilla Buitrago, Christian Schmid, Nitin Bathla. This book presents an encompassing, detailed and thorough overview of Lefebvre’s theory of space and of the urban.
La Norme d’Agadir – Un Urbanisme sur Mesure (Exhibition) & Agadir – Building the Modern Afropolis (Book Launch)
Anthologie Landschaft – Lucius Burckhardt
13. Juli 2023, 18:00 Uhr | Vernissage | case studio VOGT, Stampfenbachstr. 59, 8006 Zürich. Anmeldung erwünscht, bis am 3. Juli 2023 an In seiner Anthologie Landschaft geht der Soziologe Lucius Burckhardt (1925-2003) von einem problematisierten Landschaftsbegriff aus. Er fragt: Warum sehen wir die Umwelt als Landschaft Plus
The Great Repair: Politiken der Reparaturgesellschaft
Unearthing Traces
disP 58/3, September 2022
Actors, Arenas and Aims: A Conceptual Framework for Public Participation
This paper systematises knowledge of public participation by bringing together existing concepts and theories from planning literature to conceptualise the 3A3-framework of participation. The framework presents participation as an emergent phenomenon, shaped by the dimensions: actors, arenas and aims. Each of these dimensions consists of three interacting elements. Plus
Re-considering the Status Quo: Improving Calibration of Land Use Change Models Through Validation of Transition Potential Predictions
Planning Instruments Enhance the Acceptance of Urban Densification
Agadir. Building the Modern Afropolis
Understanding Modal Splits Before, During, and After the Pandemic
The adjustments of mobility patterns during early stages of the pandemic are well understood. However, various effects are intertwined in these observations and therefore the findings’ robustness remains questionable. The MOBIS-Covid data set provides a unique opportunity to put these initial findings in perspective as a large panel Plus
disP 58/2, June 2022
Size Matters
Operationalising Place for Land System Science
The [Seasonal] Arrival City: Designing for migrants’ ‘transient right to the city’
Bodies of Water – A Swiss Landscape Trilogy
Pamphlet 26: Probing Zurich
ARCH+ 249: Learning Spaces
Post-socialist Discourse of Urban Megaproject Development: From City on the Water to Belgrade Waterfront
disP 58/1, March 2022
Future Cities Laboratory Indicia 03
Zu Fuss zu Netto-Null
disP 57/4, December 2021
Transitional Space – Six Japanese Houses Traversed
Das Eisenbahnbetriebslabor der ETH Zürich
Accepting and Resisting Densification: The Importance of Project-related Factors and the Contextualizing Role of Neighbourhoods
Gehen, Sitzen, Schauen: Körper und Landschaft
disP 57/3, September 2021
Wohnen. Zwölf Schlüsselthemen sozialräumlicher Wohnforschung
Wohnen ist ein hochrelevantes und vieldiskutiertes Thema in Gesellschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft: Es ist existenzielles Grundbedürfnis und alltägliche soziale Praxis, knappes Gut und wohnungspolitische Herausforderung, aber auch Ausgangspunkt und Vision architektonischer Entwürfe und zukunftsweisender Bauprojekte.
From conformance to performance? A comparative analysis of the European Union territorial policy trends in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
As several Western Balkans countries aspire to become members of the European Union (EU) in the (near) future, it is interesting to explore to what extent EU territorial trends are adopted in both the official national regulations and spatial planning practice. To do so, we: 1) screen EU Plus
An Experimental Urban Case Study with Various Data Sources and a Model for Traffic Estimation
COVID-19 as a Window of Opportunity for Cycling: Evidence from the First Wave.
Modern Architect and Migrant in the Australian Tropics
Despite a European training and an early career working with Peter Behrens, a migration from Vienna to the Australian state of Queensland positioned the architect Karl Langer (1903-1969) at the very edge of both European and Australian modernism. Confronted by tropical heat and glare, the economics of affordable Plus
Works and Ideas in Danish Modern Architecture
Kay Fisker (1893-1965) is considered one of the most influential Danish architects of the twentieth century, and yet there has existed until now no in-depth English-language study of his works and writing. Fisker’s output is closely associated with the functional tradition, a hybridization of international modernism and regional architectural Plus
The Modern Architect as Public Intellectual
Architect Ernesto Nathan Rogers (1909-1969) was a towering figure in 20th-century Italian architecture, with a significant impact at the international level. Through the work of his collaborative firm (Banfi Belgiojoso Peressutti Rogers, or BBPR), the editorship of publications such as Domus and Casabella, and his teaching at the Plus
Theme Issue ‘Modernities’, OASE 109. Journal for Architecture
Mapping Citizen Preferences and Priorities for an Alpine River Landscape
Landscript 6: Landscape Analogue. About Material Culture and Idealism
The difficulty of reconciling our basic needs with the long history of cultural landscapes, in all their inherent beauty and sufficiency, has become clear. With our deep trust in modern technology, in progress and in a demanding global lifestyle we have become a real threat to our world.
Urban Design in the 20th Century: A History
Conceptualising ‘Cultural Landscape Commons’: Retracing Ecological Thinking from the Swiss Alpine Landscape to Social-Ecological Systems
This paper retraces the fundaments of the ‘nature-culture’ divide within the study of Swiss alpine ‘cultural landscape commons’, showing how this notion was shaped by early ecological thinking expressed through environmental determinism, dynamic systems, and cultural ecology. These fields of research are seen as precursors to some of the Plus