Department / Institute : Département Architecture (D-ARCH)
Henri Lefebvre and the Theory of the Production of Space
25 May, 18:30 – 20:00 (NEW TIME!) | Hochparterre Bücher AG, Schöneggstrasse 27, 8004 Zürich. Discussion with: Ileana Apostol, Stefan Kipfer, Alvaro Sevilla Buitrago, Christian Schmid, Nitin Bathla. This book presents an encompassing, detailed and thorough overview of Lefebvre’s theory of space and of the urban.
Studio Mobil Sarajevo / Venice – The Architecture of Human and Environmental Rights
La Norme d’Agadir – Un Urbanisme sur Mesure (Exhibition) & Agadir – Building the Modern Afropolis (Book Launch)
Mutualisms – Interactions with Benefits
Guest Lecture + Q & A, 20 April, 12:45 – 15:30 | ETH Zürich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA E7. Pere Fraga i Arguimbau: Gardener and Botanist from Menorca, Spain. «You can’t garden without knowing how plants relate to their environment. Making a garden is, to a greater or Plus
Anthologie Landschaft – Lucius Burckhardt
13. Juli 2023, 18:00 Uhr | Vernissage | case studio VOGT, Stampfenbachstr. 59, 8006 Zürich. Anmeldung erwünscht, bis am 3. Juli 2023 an In seiner Anthologie Landschaft geht der Soziologe Lucius Burckhardt (1925-2003) von einem problematisierten Landschaftsbegriff aus. Er fragt: Warum sehen wir die Umwelt als Landschaft Plus
2 + 2 + 1: Eine Debatte über zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur
Athena Lecture
7 March, 18:00–19:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, gta Foyer. The Athena Lecture Series are annually held by internationally renowned female designers and researchers in the fields of urban studies, architecture, urban design, urban planning, and landscape architecture.
The Great Repair: Politiken der Reparaturgesellschaft
Film des NSL Kolloquiums jetzt online: Städtische Verdichtung und Verdrängung
Sie haben das Kolloquium verpasst? Die Filmaufnahme ist jetzt online! Wir befinden uns in einer der grössten Abbruchwelle der Stadt Zürich. Diese dramatische Entwicklung polarisiert, die sozialen Auswirkungen auf die Stadt Zürich (und anderswo) muss diskutiert werden. Erreichen wir das erwünschte Ziel mit Abbrüchen von erschwinglichem Wohnraum? Wie Plus
Sessions on Territory: Urbanism in a Broken World: REPAIR
Unearthing Traces
Podcast: On Peripheralisation.
A discussion with Shubhra Gururani, Christian Schmid, Michael Lukas, Giulia Torino, Metaxia Markaki, and Faiq Mari How do «peripheries» form? And how does urbanization generate processes of peripheralization? Today, novel patterns of urbanization are crystallizing in agricultural areas and in remote landscapes, challenging inherited conceptions of the urban Plus
Profile der Alpen: Landschaft, Landscape, Paysage – Talschaft: Abendgespräche
Der Mann für die grossen Massstäbe
The Agrarian Question: From Colonialism to Urban Agriculture
Writing Urban Landscapes of the Anthropocene
History and Theory of Architecture VIII: Seen from the South
Tierrita. Film screening followed by a discussion
19 January 2023, 18-19:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E 1. Ein Bild, das Baum, draussen, Gras, Säugetier enthält. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung. The documentary «Tierrita» by visual anthropologist Leonie Pock offers insights into the struggle of a small farming community for their land in rural Colombia.
Tacit Knowledge in Architecture
Colloquium on Sociology and Urban Studies
ETH Forum Wohnungsbau: 17. internationale Tagung «GENERATIONENWOHNEN – Von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung»
MAS ETH in Housing
ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE | Application until 30 June 2023 (2nd round). The MAS focuses on the assessment of housing challenges and on the affordability, effectiveness and sustainability of a wide range of housing and neighbourhood development strategies pursued by municipalities, cooperatives, local governments, non-governmental and governmental Plus
Unlocking the ‘Contact Zone’. Towards a New Historiography of Architecture
This research project seeks to develop a new method of writing the history of post-WWII architecture, reflecting the complexities of globalisation and its influence on the built environment. The project investigates an alternative historiographic approach by organising history around cross-cultural ‘contact zones’. This term was first used by Plus
Unlocking a Multidisciplinary Discourse on Architecture and the City
This research project sets out to develop a new methodology of crossing disciplinary perspectives with the goal of unlocking a multidisciplinary historiography of architecture. It is based on the conviction that something fundamentally new can be learned from the exchanges that architects have had with other disciplines.
How can Urban Policy-makers Leverage Science and Technology to Create Safer, more Inclusive Cities that Serve the Needs of all Citizens?
Two overarching technological methods including agent-based modelling and simulations, and visualisation technology are connecting and overlapping three urban themes of public lighting, segregation, and security in Cape Town and Bogotá. Within this common ground called Urban Research Incubator (URI), researchers collaborate on several projects.
Critically Thinking and Acting on the Ground: An Interview with Christophe Girot
Christophe Girot started as visiting professor in 1999 shortly after the death of professor Dr. Dieter Kienast, he became professor at ORL and chair of landscape architecture at the ETH in 2001. He has substantially fostered and developed the discipline of landscape architecture within the Department of Architecture Plus
Doctoral Crits of the Institute of Urban and Landscape Studies LUS
Bright environments: Daylight in Sustainable Building Design
Entdecken, wie sich Landschaften anhören
Knarzen des schimmernden Morteratschgletschers, Grollen in aschfahlen Dämmen und stetes Schwappen graublauer Zürcher Stauseen: Ludwig Berger erkundet mit Studierenden, wie man Räume mit dem Gehör erkunden kann. Im ETH-Podcast spricht der wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter über die klangliche Annäherung an die Landschaftsarchitektur, das Einfangen von Klängen und das Einspielen auf Schallplatten. Er Plus
Sudamérica LUS Talks
20 October 2022, 18:30 (2 December: 17:30) | ETH Zürich, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, ONA Fokushalle (E7), Zürich. This year, the LUS Talks will engage diverse perspectives from practitioners and theorists addressing South America’s complex social and ecological landscapes.
Forecasting District-wide Pedestrian Volumes in Multi-level Networks in High-density Mixed-use Areas
Film, Architecture, and Urban Studies
Agadir. Building the Modern Afropolis
Field Reconnaissance
As part of the design studio «Atomic Heart River», students in collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) were asked to develop visionary concepts for the science campus of the future. In addition to point clouds, other design tools such as a GNSS drawing device and virtual reality applications Plus
Wer in Zürich arbeitet, soll hier wohnen können – doch wo genau?
Das Projekt Neugasse der SBB in der Stadt Zürich ist umstritten. Stadtzürcher:innen stimmen am 25. September darüber ab. Auf einem 30 Hektar grossen Areal an gut erschlossener Lage sind bloss 375 Wohnungen vorgesehen. Das heisst, es wird nicht hinreichend verdichtet, nicht so viel Wohnraum geschaffen, wie es möglich Plus
Inaugural Lecture Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard
Von Bewegung, Video und Wolken
Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture 2022/23
Nature and Engineering: The Park of the Buttes-Chaumont
«Incontri con il paesaggio»
Bibliothekseröffnung Lucius und Annemarie Burckhardt
(RE)Acting/(EN)Acting: New Approaches in Landscape Architecture
Architecture of Territory: MY ENERGY
Thursday 24.11./1.12., 10:00 – 12:00 | ETH Zürich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA E 7 + online. This lecture series sets up an agenda for widening the disciplinary field of architecture and urbanism to territorial scales, corresponding to the increasing scales of contemporary urbanisation.