Department / Institute : Département Architecture (D-ARCH)
Laufen Manifesto Global Meeting
22 – 24 July 2022 | Laufen, Germany. Building on the 2013 «The Laufen Manifesto», which called for the development humane design culture, this event will discuss the relevance of the ideas of the original Manifesto and encourage scrutiny, actions, and decisions on methods and goals with relevant leaders in the urban Plus
Under the Landscape. Boulouki – Itinerant Workshop on Traditional Building Techniques
Sonic Topologies
24 to 26 June 2022 | Old Botanical Garden, Zurich (festival centre). The interdisciplinary symposium and sound festival «Sonic Topologies» explores the relationship between place, sound, and knowledge. Researchers, architects, and artists develop site-specific sonic contributions at different locations in the city of Zurich, which explore the acoustic, ecological, social, or historical characteristics Plus
Agriculture de Non-Agir
Tête-à-Tête Lectures: Material Commons
The City in Theory: Her Agency
Sessions on Territory – Urbanism & the Countryside AGRICULTURE
Agrarian Questions Under Extended Urbanisation
Research Methods in Landscape and Urban Studies: Towards Sensory, Creative, and Imaginative Methodologies
ACTION! On the Real City: Filmmaking of the Future – Urban Experiments in New Media Technology
Keep it Living
Climate Corridors Sarajevo
More than Human. Cinema
Master of Science ETH in Landscape Architecture
Robotic Landscapes – Designing the Unfinished
Landscript 6: Landscape Analogue. About Material Culture and Idealism
The difficulty of reconciling our basic needs with the long history of cultural landscapes, in all their inherent beauty and sufficiency, has become clear. With our deep trust in modern technology, in progress and in a demanding global lifestyle we have become a real threat to our world.
Fábrica de Cultura: School of Arts and Popular Traditions in Barranquilla, Colombia
We Need to Talk About Infrastructure
Call for Lost Entries: Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition ARCHIVE
Call for Papers – Wohnen erforschen
Wohnforum Talks
Call for Papers: RC21 2022
MAS ETH in Housing
Urban Design in the 20th Century: A History
Conceptualising ‘Cultural Landscape Commons’: Retracing Ecological Thinking from the Swiss Alpine Landscape to Social-Ecological Systems
This paper retraces the fundaments of the ‘nature-culture’ divide within the study of Swiss alpine ‘cultural landscape commons’, showing how this notion was shaped by early ecological thinking expressed through environmental determinism, dynamic systems, and cultural ecology. These fields of research are seen as precursors to some of the Plus
Fest, Flüssig, Biotisch. Alpine Landschaften im Wandel
Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo (UTPS)
Recently launched UTPS multifaceted project includes a currently establishing work and event space «Urban Design Studio Sarajevo»; a decentralized research and data collection laboratory «Studio Mobil», a digital twin of the whole City of Sarajevo using data-driven, large-scale, agent-based urban simulations for the new Sarajevo Urban Plan 2040 Plus
«The NSL provides a great platform.»
Hubert Klumpner ist für zwei Jahre neuer Leiter des Netzwerks Stadt und Landschaft (NSL). Er spricht von den bevorstehenden globalen Herausforderungen und deren Übersetzung in konkrete Projekte, die als logische Konsequenz von Studierenden der Bereiche Architektur, Städtebau und Raumentwicklung in Zusammenarbeit angegangen werden.
Irrigation Commons: What Lessons for Sustainable Risk Mitigation?
Swiss agricultural commons have overseen the management of pastures, forests, and water in the Alps for centuries. In Canton Valais, the historic irrigation systems have shaped the cultural landscape of the region as a whole. The resilience of these channels rests in part on their ability to mitigate Plus
Towards the Unfinished – Dynamic Design for Landscapes at Risk
The effects of climate change are leading to an increase in extreme natural events and danger in Alpine landscapes in Switzerland. Today, the Swiss territory is already being hit more often by floods, debris flows, and landslides. This increase in natural risks tells us about the fragile balance Plus
Robotic Landscapes – Designing the Unfinished
Thinking Through People: The Potential of Volunteered Geographic Information for Mobility and Urban Studies
The Spatiality of Poverty and Popular Agency in the GCR: Constituting an Extended Urban Region
The Gauteng City-Region (GCR) in South Africa is a paradigmatic example of extended urbanization, in which the legacy of mining and apartheid continue to impact spatial practices and the experience of everyday life. The dynamics between urban centralities such as Johannesburg and regional-scale peripheries established by this legacy Plus
Gründung upZ (urban publics Zürich)
upZ (urban publics Zürich) fördert den Dialog zwischen Stadtforschung, Stadtgesellschaft und Stadtpolitik. Sie verfolgen zwei Ziele: Erstens wollen sie international ausgerichtete urbane Forschung und Praktiken in Zürich verankern und weiterentwickeln. Zweitens wollen sie Verbindungen zwischen städtischen Akteuren in Forschung, Politik, Aktivismus, Hochschulen und Zivilgesellschaft stärken, um den öffentlichen Plus
Landschaftsplanung und Stadtklima. Das Architekturbuch-Festival bei Never Stop Reading!
Drawing in Architecture, Education and Research
ACTION! On the Real City: Beautiful Data – The Filmic Art of Numbers
Starting 27, September on Mondays, 10:00–12:00 | Elective Course | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA E16, Neunbrunnenstr. 50 + Online. Lecturers: Prof. Hubert Klumpner, Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou, Michael Walczak. In the turf war between quantitative and qualitative methods, we appear as mediators bridging the two sides. How can quantitative Plus
Sociology: African Urbanties
Starting 24 September on Fridays, 16:00–18:00 | Elective Course | A Research Seminar | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HCP E47.4. Lecturers: Alice Hertzog-Fraser, Nitin Bathla, Christian Schmid. Africa is an increasingly urban continent. How is this urbanity being produced? What form is it taking? And how is it being Plus
Connecting Dots
Call for Lost Entries: The Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition, 1965-2020
HERA PuSH – Public Space in European Social Housing
Les grands ensembles connaissent souvent des problèmes de ségrégation et de désintégration. On oublie souvent leur capacité à devenir des lieux essentiels d’intégration de personnes de différents milieux sociaux et origines culturelles. Le projet de recherche européen PuSH (Public Space in European Social Housing) étudie le logement social Plus
La ville de Baden a amorcé en 2019 un développement urbain actif suivant le concept d‘aménagement du territoire de la ville REK. Suite à l‘accord consensuel du conseil des habitants, ce processus commence avec le projet «Oberstadt4D» – une coopération entre science, pratique, administration et différents acteurs de Plus
ETH Forum Wohnungsbau 2022: METAMORPHOSEN! Mit der Transformation des Bestands zu nachhaltig gestalteten Siedlungsräumen
Visiting Cooperative Housing
Global Housing Challenges
4 October – 2 December 2021 | Lecture series | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIT H 22.1. The MAS ETH in Housing Global Housing Challenges open lecture series seeks to critically address the struggles to ensure adequate and affordable housing for all in an increasingly complex and urbanized world and Plus