Department / Institute : Département Architecture (D-ARCH)
The Things Around Us
16 September 2020 – 14 February 2021 | Exhibition | Canadian Centre for Architecture. Elements of the Design in Dialogue Lab of ETH’s NEWROPE Chair of Architecture and Urban Transformation are exhibited at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) in Montreal as part of ‘The Things Around Us’.
Rewriting Architecture 10+1 Actions: Tabula Scripta
Rewriting Architecture explores and embraces the potential of place. The book claims that the idea of ‘tabula rasa’, or creating from scratch, is no longer a viable option. It considers the quality of the existing urban and social fabric – the tabula scripta – as an inspiration, motivation Plus
Projektdokumentation Jugendjobbörse Winterthur
Rethinking Cities Series – Cooperative Housing for Slum Free Cities in India
The Impact of Vertical Densification on Public Lighting in Informal Settlements: Using Virtual Environments as an Evaluation Tool for Policy Making
There are a variety of reasons to support the premise that public lighting is beneficial to urban communities. At the same time, a key challenge for the provision of public lighting in informal settlements is their constant physical transformation. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the Plus
Online Lecture: ‘Social Housing and Urban Regeneration’ by Dr. Paul Watt
15. Oktober 2020, 16 Uhr | online Dr. Paul Watt, Professor of Urban Studies (Birkbeck, University of London) and editor of the book ‘Social Housing and Urban Renewal: A Cross-National Perspective’ will give an online lecture on ‘Social Housing and Urban Regeneration’. To join please follow this link: Plus
Diskussion: «Haushälterischer Umgang mit dem Boden in der Schweiz»
29. Oktober 2020, 16.30–18 Uhr | live-streaming Die Diskussionsveranstaltung zum Abschluss des vierjährigen interdisziplinären SNF-Projektes «Wie wachsen: Planung für eine ganzheitlich nachhaltige Landnutzung» nimmt Siedlungsstrukturen der Schweiz in den Blick und thematisiert die Bodennutzung der Schweiz. Ziel war es, ein Instrument für eine ganzheitlich nachhaltige Landnutzungs- und Siedlungsgestaltungsplanung Plus
Athena Lecture Series: Auftakt mit Marwa Al-Sabouni
6. Oktober 2020, 18 Uhr | ETH Zentrum, online Marwa Al-Sabouni ist eine syrische Architektin und Autorin. Sie gilt als Expertin für den Wiederaufbau Syriens, führt zusammen mit ihrem Partner ein Architekturstudio in Homs und ist Mitbegründerin von, der weltweit ersten und einzigen Plattform, die Architektur-News in Plus
High-mast lighting as an adequate way of lighting pedestrian paths in informal settlements?
Lighting of pedestrian paths fulfils crucial needs for informal settlement dwellers. A common technological approach in some countries to address these needs is to provide high-mast luminaires. In this paper it is shown by computer simulation that those luminaires are not able to create adequate consistent lighting conditions Plus
Perpetuating Architecture
Cities in Crisis: Shifting Perspective on the Metropolitan Landscapes in Marseille and Naples
The elective course «Territory of the city» focused on Marseille and Naples, two cities enduring long-term economic and social crises. Like other Mediterranean port cities, they are directly affected by global warming and face increasing threats of natural hazards. The recent creation of the «Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence» (2016) and the Plus
Master of Science ETH in Landschaftsarchitektur
Architecture of Territory: Territorial Design in Histories, Theories and Projects
Lecture Series | 5 sessions on selected Thursdays, 10:00–12:00 | via Zoom. This lecture series sets up an agenda for widening the disciplinary field of architecture and urbanism from their focus on the city, or the urban in the narrow sense, to wider territorial scales, which correspond to Plus
Planetary Urbanization: a Theory Seminar
Elective Course | Starting 25 September on Fridays, 14:00–16:00 | online. Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid, Dr. Lindsay Blair Howe. Today, urbanization has achieved a planetary reach; novel patterns of urbanization are crystallizing across diverse environments, in agricultural areas, in the space of what may appear to be Plus
ACTION! On the Real City: 4D Urban Flux 24 Frames Per Second
Elective course | Starting 21 September on Mondays, 10:00–12:00 online and at ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA E16, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, 8050 Zurich. Lecturers: Prof. Hubert Klumpner, Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou, Michael Walczak. The course aims to use diverse qualitative research methods and practical recording tools to interrogate the notions of Plus
Städtebau I
Movements of the 1980s
5 December 2020, 16:00–19:00 | Web-Conference. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, many social movements and uprisings were erupting in large and small cities across Western Europe, such as the movimento del’ 77 in ltaly, the Hausbesetzungen in Berlin, the fight against runway west in Frankfurt, the Plus
Urban Development RoundTable
Collective Learning in Action
10/11 November | Workshop | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, Design in Dialogue Lab & online. Spatial design is often confronted with an immense diversity of transformation processes. As a designer, it is often difficult to fully acknowledge this immanent complexity and find a position to intervene.
ZÜRICH 1980. Bewegter Alltag: Fotografien von Gertrud Vogler / Poetische Provokationen: Die Sprache der Bewegung
3. September 2020 – 17. Januar 2021 | Zentrum Architektur Zürich ZAZ, Höschgasse 3, 8008 Zürich. Vor 40 Jahren wurde Zürich von einer urbanen Revolte erschüttert. Es war eine Rebellion gegen einen normierten und kontrollierten Alltag, gegen ein biederes, engstirniges und repressives soziales Klima, ein erbitterter und lustvoller Plus
Exklusiv Europabrücke
Daylight in sustainable Urban Design
Initiative to form across different institutes a group responding to the diverse challenges and opportunities around daylight, with a multidisciplinary research platform to address questions of better including aspects of daylight in sustainable urban design and innovative energy technologies to support human wellbeing, living comfort, and health. The project offers two Plus
Upscaling Earth. Material, Process, Catalyst
Lehmbau gehört nicht nur zu den ältesten, sondern auch zu den modernsten Bauweisen unserer Zeit. Welche ökonomischen, ökologischen und sozialen Chancen liegen in der verstärkten Nutzung von Erde als Baumaterial? Zement als wichtiger Bestandteil von Beton wird – wie andere knappe Ressourcen auch – in Zukunft nur noch Plus
Landscape In-Between. A River and a Backyard
Could we imagine extending the concept of participation beyond the social and civic aspects of a community? Could we go far enough to include non-humans, landscapes, histories, ecologies and the environment in which a community is rooted? What kind of new constellations would this imply and what possibilities Plus
Design as an Answer to Values and Ethics
Prof. Teresa Gali-Izard started her chair of landscape architecture at ETH Zurich in 2020, co-creating the new master in landscape architecture which starts this autumn semester. In our interview she talks about her influences such as Augustin Berque, her background, and her commitment to experimenting with new forms Plus
Greater Zurich does not use land parsimoniously: despite the spatial planning act, which has been in force since 1980
An overconsumption of land for building and urban use has resulted from rising incomes, falling transport costs, separating urban land use, restricting building heights and densities, and the lack of internalizing negative externalities. This paper empirically analyses whether land in Greater Zurich is used parsimoniously.
Unhabitable Habitat
Top-down art-based urban upgrading initiatives in informal neighbourhoods in Bogota: Placemaking or reaffirming marginalization?
It is widely assumed that popular visual art, such as murals, can potentially be a powerful driver for urban regeneration with important social, economic and environmental benefits. The voices of those directly affected by these type of interventions, however, are often missing. Our research in two informal neighbourhoods in Plus
Vollzug der haushälterischen Bodennutzung in der Schweiz
Digital Landscape Architecture Conference DLA 2020
3–4 June 2020 | online | Registration until 29 May. Due to the current situation, the Digital Landscape Architecture Conference DLA 2020 will take place online from June 3-4 2020. Furthermore, the registration for the conference is for free. If you are interested in recent developments in 3D landscape Plus
Exklusiv Europabrücke. Auf Umwegen durch Zürich-Altstetten
Der Zürcher Stadtteil Altstetten ist ein Mikrokosmos der Schweiz, ein städtebauliches Laboratorium, Dorf und Metropole in einem. Er ist ein Ort der Gegensätze und Widersprüche. Davon zeugt auch die Europabrücke, dieses Monument vergangener Träume, das eine gewaltige Achse durch diese eigentümliche Stadtlandschaft schlägt. In Exklusiv Europabrücke blicken wir Plus
Das unvollständige Haus. Mies van der Rohe und die Landschaft
Mies van der Rohe hatte kaum Vorlieben, wenn es um die Gestaltung eines Gartens ging. Und doch: in seinen «Landhäusern» wohnt man einer fernen Landschaft gegenüber – der Dynamik von Wetter und Licht, dem Umschwung der Jahres- und Tageszeiten ausgesetzt. Haus, Mensch, Natur, meinte Mies, sollten «Teil eines Plus
Lost in Paradise. A Journey trough the Persian Landscape
Gärten haben im Laufe der Geschichte eine schwer zu fassende Faszination hervorgerufen. Mystische Schönheit und ein poetisches Gefühl für ewige Sehnsucht sind der langen Tradition des Persischen Gartens zu eigen. Lost in Paradise bietet verschiedene Interpretationen des ummauerten Gartens und zielt darauf ab, zeitgenössische Ereignisse mit dem rätselhaften Begriff Plus
Der Kosmos des Entwerfens. Untersuchungen zum entwerfenden Denken | The Cosmos of Design. Exploring the Designer’s Mind
Cultural Laboratory Seoul. Emergence, Narrative and Impact of Culturally Related Landscape Meanings
This dissertation project examines the emergence, narrative, and translation of traditional landscape meanings in contemporary landscape architecture projects. It uncovers a complex web of meanings, ideologies, and conflicts grounded upon different cultural and historical interpretations. On this basis, the dissertation argues for a mediating approach in landscape architecture Plus
SRF Kultur: Publikation «Mutation und Morphose. Landschaft als Aggregat». Die Sammlung als Werkzeug
Ein regelrechtes Kuriositätenkabinett hat der Landschaftsarchitekt Günther Vogt gesammelt, ein Puzzle der Welt, die er in seinem Buch Mutation und Morphose entfaltet. «Das Sammeln ist eine Möglichkeit, sich die Welt zu erklären», schreibt der Landschaftsarchitekt Günther Vogt darin. In diesem wuchtigen Buch gibt er Einblick in die kollektive Entwurfsarbeit Plus
From Collective Learning to Collective Action. Where Social Psychology and Design Thinking Meet
Spatial design is often confronted with an immense diversity of transformation processes. As a designer it is often difficult to fully acknowledge this immanent complexity and find a position to intervene. How can we answer questions as ‘With whom do I collaborate? How does personal transformation play a Plus
Caring for Diversity. Local Practices of Countering Exclusion in Urban Housing
Access to and the safeguarding of suitable and affordable housing is difficult for disadvantaged groups in Swiss cities as such groups often include people with few professional qualifications, various kinds of handicaps, and few financial resources. Among them are migrants and refugees, elderly people, and the «working poor», Plus
Co-creating Public Lighting Technology and Policy for Informal Settlements
The transdisciplinary research project «Virtual Environments as a Decision-making Tool for Public Lighting in Bogotá» focuses on lighting technology and its performance in Bogotá’s densifying urban environments. New lighting approaches are co-created together with informal settlement dwellers and tested with Colombian policy-makers through a Virtual Environment.
Landscape In-Between: A River and a Backyard
Addressing the former industrial area of Acetati in Verbania (IT), on the northern Italian shore of Lago Maggiore, the project sets out to explore the ambiguous nature of contemporary residual landscapes. With an attitude of carefully collecting and radically exposing materials, flows, historical layers and traces of production, Plus
Co-opolis: The Collective Production of the City
Video now online! As urbanization intensifies all over the world, so do contestations over how city space is produced. Citizens, politicians, urban designers and architects become increasingly aware of the fact that the city can no longer be solely developed as the playing field of private interests or Plus
Urban Design as Commoning: Remembering the History of Participation
Under the headers of ‘collaboration’, ‘participatory design’ and ‘co-production’ participation is nowadays at the centre of the debate on urban design. Architects and urban designers are developing new concepts, tools and roles to comply with these new participatory modi operandi. However, it seems that it is sometimes forgotten Plus
BIS AUF WEITERES GESCHLOSSEN: Ausstellung und Begleitveranstaltungen «Frau Architekt» im ZAZ
ABGESAGT Belgrade Unbuilt / Negrađeni Beograd. Discovering Nature in the Era of the Anthropocene
Summer 2020, Belgrade, Serbia | 6 international design workshops on architecture and territory. Workshop 1: 21 April–25 April 2020 with Bas Princen. Workshop 2: 29 June–4 July 2020 with Momoyo Kaijima. Workshop 3–6: (tbc). A series of consecutive research and design workshops dedicated to the future of Belgrade’s Plus
Sessions on Territory – Beyond Techno-fix
ACTION! On the Real City: Filming the (un)Real City
On Mondays, 10:00–12:00 | Elective course | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA E16, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50. Lecturers: Hubert Klumpner, Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou, Michael Walczak. The course develops new forms of urban literacy in learning from the complex, real-life city.
Sociology: Memories of Zurich West
POSTPONED: Public Space: The Real and the Ideal
2 to 5 July 2021 | 5th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture | Monte Verità (near Locarno), Switzerland. Keynote speakers: Margaret Crawford, Sarah Whiting. The 5th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture examines public space and its architecture Plus