Department / Institute : Institut de gestion de la construction et des infrastructures (IBI)
Holz, Lehm und ein digitales Ökosystem für eine zukunftsfähige Bauwirtschaft
Die gängigen Materialien und Praktiken in der Schweizer Bauwirtschaft sind klimaschädlich, ressourcenintensiv und erzeugen viel Abfall. An der ETH Zürich sind zwei Flagship-Projekte von Innosuisse gestartet, um das Schweizer Bauwesen nachhaltig zu transformieren: Während «Swircular» das Fundament für eine zirkuläre Bauwirtschaft legt, ermöglicht «Think Earth» regeneratives Bauen mit Plus
E-Bike City Results & Future
Warum die Ablehnung des Ausbauschritts 2023 für die Nationalstrassen? Idee für ein nationales Gesamtmobilitätskonzept
Am 24. November wurde über den «Ausbauschritt 2023 des Bundes für die Nationalstrassen» abgestimmt. Er umfasst sechs Grossprojekte, darunter die Verbreiterung der Autobahn A1 zwischen Bern und Nyon sowie drei neue Tunnels in Basel, Schaffhausen und St. Gallen. Bryan Adey, Professor für Infrastrukturmanagement, und Arnór Elvarsson, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Plus
The transport infrastructure planning process in Canton Zürich. With examples of planning infrastructure in Dübendorf-Hinwil corridor
Responsiveness of Transport Infrastructure Planning Processes
Responsiveness of planning processes is the ability to meet changing societal transport needs quickly in ways that are acceptable to all stakeholders. In Switzerland, considerable traffic jams and overfilled trains indicate that planning processes could be made more responsive. As delays for travelers persist, their needs are not Plus
CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials – Essentials 2025
Call for Papers: Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE25)
We are thrilled to announce the Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE25), which will be held from June 25 to 27, 2025 in Zürich. The conference topic is “Shaping Tomorrow: Systems Thinking in the Built Environment”. Releasing over 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions and consuming over 40% of Plus
Overcoming challenges in cost-benefit analysis of urban cycling infrastructure
This paper explores the challenges in conducting Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) for urban cycling infrastructure. The authors discuss two key difficulties: determining the objective safety benefits and estimating the costs associated with implementing the infrastructure. To overcome these challenges, the authors conducted a study in Zürich, aiming to convert Plus
Cost Benefit Analysis of Cycling Infrastructure
Cost-benefit analysis is a tool frequently used in project appraisal to justify the implementation of infrastructures. Due to insufficient recorded data, the construction costs and safety benefits of urban bicycling infrastructure are difficult to estimate, weakening the appraisal and implementation of such projects. In this research, we conducted Plus
Adaptive Planning for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Although a transition to electric vehicles (EVs) has potential to greatly reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions, it faces significant challenges, including range anxiety and limitations in battery capacity. Effective long-term planning for EV charging infrastructure can overcome these barriers and increase the chances of widespread adoption.
News from Regenerative Materials at ETH
Stress Testing Transport Systems
Transportation systems are vital for economic and social development, yet are susceptible to disruptions caused by natural hazards, especially considering the adverse impacts of climate change on increasing the intensity of frequency of climatic hazards. To manage these risks effectively, stress testing, as a diagnostic tool, has shown Plus
MAS ETH in Regenerative Systems
CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials – Essentials: Public Lectures
Adaptive Urban Planning for an Uncertain Future: Infrastructure Interventions for the Technological Shift in Transportation
Planning cities to adapt to the future is challenging due to complex interactions between mobility, infrastructure, and land use. This challenge is exacerbated by the need to study future uncertainties such as ever-shifting demographics and industrial landscape, increased environmental and climatic changes, disruptive and unpredictable technological development, and Plus
CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials: Essentials
Registration until 15 October 2023. The CAS essentials (January 2024 to June 2024) offers knowledge and skills to question our conventional construction techniques and promote regenerative materials from resource extraction to end of life of the building materials, through a territorial approach grounded in Switzerland and neighbouring countries.
«Our goal is to find answers to the rapid global and Swiss-wide urbanisation.»
David Kaufmann is the new director of the Network City and Landscape (NSL) for the next two years. His priorities revolve around enhancing ETH Zürich’s standing in the field of national and international urban research and fostering synergies among ETH’s urban research groups in research, teaching, and engagement Plus
E-Bike City: Nur noch die Hälfte der Strassen für die Autos
Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert promoted to Full Professor of Sustainable Construction
Professor Guillaume Habert (*1977), currently Associate Professor at ETH Zurich, as Full Professor of Sustainable Construction in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. Guillaume Habert’s research focuses on the sustainability of buildings and infrastructures. His aim is to implement sustainable construction practices using innovative building techniques Plus
E-Bike City
E-Bike-City est un projet-phare du Département construction, environnement et géomatique (D-BAUG) de l’ETH Zurich. Au cours des trois prochaines années, sept chaires étudieront conjointement les conséquences d’un avenir urbain accordant la priorité aux vélos, à la micromobilité et aux transports publics. Principes Vélo et transports publics prioritaires, réduction Plus
earth. bio-based. reused.
Pensez régénératif!
Il est temps d’aller au-delà de la durabilité. Des solutions alternatives à partir de ressources locales comme la terre et des matériaux bio-sourcés et réutilisés sont développées dans le monde entier; leurs résultats sont régénératifs car ils contribuent au rétablissement et à l’amélioration de l’environnement naturel et social. Leur usage reste cependant rare dans le secteur du bâtiment car les décideurs manquent d’informations, et les personnes chargées de l’application, de compétences.
Les MAS/CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials, programmes de formation internationaux ETH initiés par la chaire de construction durable de l’ETH Zurich, visent à confronter ce problème. Ils transmettent des connaissances et des compétences en vue d’interroger nos techniques de construction conventionnelles et de favoriser des matériaux régénératifs, depuis l’extraction des ressources jusqu’au terme de la durée de vie des matériaux de construction, en passant par la phase de chantier et d’exploitation. Ils encouragent une approche territoriale dès l’avant-projet du programme de construction.
Langue d’enseignement: anglais
vers le site internet CAS et DAS ETH sur les Matériaux Régénératifs
CAS ETH Regenerative Materials
Sustainable Construction | Hygrothermal Specialisation starts in September 2023, application until 31 July 2023. It is time to go beyond sustainability. Alternative solutions out of local resources such as earth, bio-based, and reused materials are emerging all over the world and are triggering regenerative output.
E-Bike City Kolloquium
8. Juni 2023, 9:00 – 18:30 | ETH Zürich, Zentrum, Audimax. An diesem Kolloquium werden die sieben Forschungsgruppen des D-BAUG Leuchtturmprojekts «E-Bike City» nicht nur ihre vorläufigen Ergebnisse präsentieren, sondern auch die Teilnehmenden aktiv in die Gestaltung der Forschungsfragen einbeziehen.
Will E-Bikes Bring Amsterdam and Copenhagen to Switzerland?
disP 58/1, March 2022
CAS/DAS ETH in Regenerative Materials
earth. bio-based. reused. Think regenerative ! It is time to go beyond sustainability. Alternative solutions out of local resources such as earth, bio-based and reused materials are emerging all over the world and are triggering regenerative output, thanks to their capacity to contribute to the restoration and improvement Plus
Investing in Water Supply Resilience Considering Future Uncertainty and Management Flexibility
The infrastructure required to provide sufficient high quality drinking water to urban areas over long time horizons is highly uncertain. The use of the real options method, which accounts for future uncertainty and considers management flexibility over time, can significantly improve the evaluation of water supply resilience enhancing Plus
Planification urbaine compatible avec l’avenir. Évaluation des conséquences de valeurs patrimoniales flexibles face à des conditions futures incertaines
Le projet a été financé par le Réseau Ville et Paysage (NSL) en vue d’examiner les conséquences de conceptions flexibles face à la future demande incertaine de bureaux. La potentielle croissance du télétravail représente une réelle incertitude pour la future demande de bureaux. Les bureaux flexibles peuvent contribuer Plus
Multi-Stakeholder Decision Support Framework pour l’identification et l’évaluation de mesures en vue de l’amélioration de la résilience de systèmes d’infrastructures interdépendants
Les systèmes d’infrastructures sont sensibles aux événements majeurs perturbant leur fonctionnement, avec des conséquences directes comme indirectes pour les participants et le public. Les exploitants d’infrastructures doivent par conséquent assurer des interventions en vue d’améliorer la résistance du système concerné. Du fait de la complexité et de l’interdépendance Plus
Maintien de la stabilité des horaires et gestion de réserves d’horaires par planification digitalisée d’interventions sur voie (STABILITY)
L’avenir du transport ferroviaire suppose l’acheminement direct des passagers et marchandises, de la provenance jusqu’à leur destination. Les potentielles défaillances dues à des accidents de trains doivent être anticipées par le déploiement massif de technologies de surveillance et évitées, soit par l’application de plans d’action détaillés, soit en Plus
Exploiting Digitalisation to Plan Interventions on Large Water Distribution Networks
Cities rely heavily on the services provided by water distribution networks. These networks are large and complex, consisting of thousands of kilometres of buried pipes and dozens of facilities where water is treated, pumped and stored. Infrastructure managers are entrusted with the planning and execution of interventions on Plus
Stratégies assurant l’avenir pour réseaux de circulation résilients face aux événements extrêmes (FORESEE)
Les risques touchant des systèmes entiers dans le secteur des transports restant insuffisamment compris par tous les modes de transport, régions et secteurs critiques interdépendants, une défaillance majeure du système peut être à l’origine d’incertitudes en matière de risques. L’infrastructure de transport se caractérise par un manque inhérent Plus
Evaluating Initial Building Designs Considering Possible Future Changes and Decision Flexibility: The Example of The New PET Centre of the University Hospital of Zurich
The uncertainty on the future treatments demand, recently evidenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, makes it challenging for hospitals managers to determine the optimal design of new clinics. Flexibility can help in optimally minimizing the service risks when the benefits of the investments justify the costs, considering the dynamism of treatment Plus
Quantitative Evaluation of Highway Designs Considering Uncertainties in Future Mobility Patterns and Flexibility Using Real Options
Road owners are increasingly being confronted with the need to optimize highway design for an uncertain future. A recent research project at the Infrastructure Management Chair investigated the use of a real options-based method to evaluate alternative highway designs for a fictive case study based on the A15 Plus
Identifying Changes in Bicycle Accident Trends Using GIS and Time Series Information in the City of Zürich
This paper presents a case study based on accident reports from the Zurich City Police. Using a joint GIS and time series analysis based on negative binomial regression, the data is analyzed to identify trends in accident development for several accident subgroups (e.g., bicycle accidents, senior citizen accidents, Plus
Considering Automated Vehicle Deployment Uncertainty in the Design of Optimal Parking Garages Using Real Options
Parking garages are often currently designed assuming that parking demand will be stable over their lifetime. The looming mobility shift towards automated vehicles (AVs), however, makes parking demand highly uncertain, with some scenarios leading to its complete disappearance at some time in the near future. The design of Plus
Sustainable Funding Strategies for Stormwater Infrastructure Management: A System Dynamics Model
Most cities in Canada do not charge a stormwater fee; consequently, stormwater programs may need to compete with other funding priorities in public works. This often leads to a lack of dedicated and predictable cash flow, which can limit municipalities’ capacity to sustain stormwater services.
Flexible Office Space for the Age of Distributed Work
The potential large-scale transition from working in the office to working at home, is a massive uncertainty related to the future needs of office space in our cities. It is in the face of this uncertainty, that real estate developers must manage their portfolios. The use of the Plus
Are Integrated Infrastructure Networks Governable in Contemporary City Regions?
Guest: Prof. Dr. Michael Neuman, Professor of Sustainable Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, University of Westminster. The very possibility of governance that is critical — in terms of providing robust human rights, meaningful participative democracy, equitable distribution of wealth, goods and services, and strong environmental Plus
Future-proofed Urban Areas: Real Options in Urban Planning
The societal needs for infrastructure change drastically over time depending on a large variety of factors, which are very difficult to predict. It is in the face of this massive uncertainty, that urban planners are expected to make infrastructure decisions. To minimize the service risks over time, the Plus
Bryan Adey appointed as Full Professor of Infrastructure Management
To Exploit Big Data for the Management of Infrastructure
The management of infrastructure involves estimating how infrastructure is likely to deteriorate and how demands infrastructure change over time. Increasing amounts of data and increasing modelling capabilities are providing infrastructure managers with improved abilities with which to determine the optimal maintenance and development interventions on infrastructure. Their exploitation Plus
Impact of autonomous vehicles on the accessibility in Switzerland
Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und Raumplanung, 1177. Zürich: IVT, ETH Zürich. PDF More Autonomous vehicles are expected to offer higher comfort of traveling at lower prices whilst increasing road capacity. Using the Swiss national transport model, this research simulates the impact of autonomous vehicles on accessibility. The results show substantial impacts favoring urban sprawl Plus
Investigation of a static and a dynamic neighbourhood methodology to develop work programs for multiple close municipal infrastructure networks
In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 13(3). S.361–389. PDF Interventions on urban infrastructures cause disruptions to the services provided but also to other networks that have to be (partially) shut down for the interventions. A dynamic grouping methodology is presented that results in work programs with a better consideration Plus
The Interdisciplinary Nature of Planning Interventions on Network Infrastructure in Urban Areas
Interventions must be executed on infrastructure networks in urban areas to ensure that they provide adequate levels of services. The optimal planning of these interventions requires consideration of the work of many experts to appropriately consider the spatial and temporal aspects of the networks, how the networks might Plus
Bryan T. Adey, the Professor for Infrastructure Management at the ETH Zürich, Joins the NSL
His research mission is to improve the construction and management of infrastructure with special attention focused on the improvement of decision making from general planning for entire networks to detailed planning for specific projects. This mission is being achieved through teaching the fundamentals of infrastructure management, and pushing Plus
Eröffnungsanlass des Swiss Spatial Sciences Framework (S3F)
«Swiss planning is considered to be at the forefront of European spatial planning in both its sophistication and its effectiveness.» Mit diesen positiven Worten eröffnete Prof. Max van den Berg, einer der 13 geladenen internationalen Expertinnen und Experten, den Anlass am 19. November. Der von ETH Zürich, EPFL Plus
Programme optimal de mesures pour réseaux urbains d’infrastructures
Les réseaux urbains d’infrastructures constituent les artères vitales de la société urbaine moderne. Ils nous alimentent en eau, en électricité, en gaz, en télécommunications et en mobilité. L’approvisionnement constant suppose la maintenance à intervalles réguliers de ces réseaux, leur entretien, leur modernisation et leur adaptation. Malgré un entretien Plus
Prof. Dr. Bryan T. Adey | Gestion des infrastructures
En 2010, le prof. Dr. Bryan T. Adey a repris la chaire de Gestion des infrastructures à l’Institut für Bau- und Infrastrukturmanagement (Institut de gestion de la construction et des infrastructures, IBI) de l’ETH Zurich. La vision de cette chaire est d’atteindre l’excellence mondiale en terme de d’élaboration d’un cadre conceptuel, mais également de méthodes, de modèles et d’outils en vue d’une gestion efficace des infrastructures permettant de garantir un fonctionnement optimal de notre société moderne.