People at the Centre! Housing issues, challenges & strategies in the Global South

Lecture Series (Wahlfach) from 24 September 2018, on Mondays, 14:00–15:45 | ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, HIL F 10.3. Coordinated and moderated by Dr. Jennifer Duyne Barenstein, ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE. The aim of this elective course is to sensitize students about the specific urban development and housing challenges in the Global South. Plus

Sessions on Territory – Urbanism and the Anthropocene: Ecology

Lecture Series: 6 Sessions on selected Mondays, 16:00–18:00 | ETH Zurich Oerlikon, ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstr. 50. Sessions on Territory is a series of public debates on the political economy of architecture and territory. Focusing on how the epoch of the Anthropocene reframes our conceptions of the urban and shapes new ecologies, the Plus

Extended Urbanization – ein Forschungsseminar

Wahlfach ab 21. September 2018, 12:45–14:30 | ETH Hönggerberg, HCP E 47.1. Dozierende: Christian Schmid, Lindsay Blair Howe. Heute wird die Stadtforschung mit immer ausgereifteren Urbanisierungsprozessen konfrontiert, die sich auch weit entfernt von Agglomerationen, urbanen Regionen und sogar Megacity-Regionen entfalten. Die Urbanisierung hat einen planetaren Massstab angenommen: Neuartige Formen der Urbanisierung kristallisieren sich in verschiedensten Landschaften Plus

Urban Design I/II + III/IV – Urban Stories

Lecture course on Thursdays, starting 20 September, 8:00–9:30 | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA E7, Neunbrunnenstr. 50. How did cities develop in the cities we live in now? Which urban plans, instruments, visions, political decisions, economic reasonings, cultural inputs and social organization have been used to operate in urban settlements in specific moments of Plus

Action! On the Real City: Informal Zürich

Elective course. Ethnographic Filmmaking on the City’s Edges. On Mondays, starting 17 September, 10:00–12:00 | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA E16, Neunbrunnenstr. 50. Lecturers: Alfredo Brillemboug & Hubert Klumpner with Klearjos Papanicolaou. The elective course «Action! On the Real City – Informal Zürich – Ethnographic Filmmaking on the City’s Edges» develops new forms of Plus

Die Schweiz, ein städtebauliches Portrait

Schweizer Stararchitekten entwerfen für die Schweiz eine neue Landeskarte der urbanen Topografie Das «ETH Studio Basel – Institut Stadt der Gegenwart» hat das Territorium der Schweiz in einer mehrjährigen Forschungsarbeit in allen seinen vielschichtigen Aspekten untersucht. Geografische, historische, sprachliche, kulturelle, soziale, ökonomische, verkehrspolitische, urbanistische und architektonische Strukturen sind Plus

Urban and Rural Transformations, Addis Ababa, 2016. © Sascha Delz, ETH Zürich.
Transformations urbaines et du paysage, Addis Abeba, 2016. © Sascha Delz, ETH Zürich.

Call for applications

The Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) at the ETH Zurich Department of Architecture invites applications for one doctoral fellowship position. The fellowship will start on 1 October 2025, with a 100% workload, based in Zurich, and is fixed-term for three-and-a-half  years.

The LUS Doctoral Programme

The doctoral programme at the Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS), ETH Zurich D-ARCH, tackles contemporary challenges in urban and environmental transformation within broader socio-cultural, political-economic, and theoretical contexts. In light of the planetary crises, the programme fosters critical discourse and supports independent, innovative, and proactive research aimed at addressing urgent socio-ecological issues.

The LUS Institute examines the production of landscapes, territories, and human settlements across various scales and diverse global geographies, including Switzerland, Europe, and other territories in the so-called Global North and Global South. Key research areas encompass designed ecologies, energy landscapes, agroecology, hydrology, regenerative agriculture, adaptive infrastructures, more-than-human landscapes, indigenous territories, housing, and socio-economic development.

The doctoral programme at the Institute adopts an inter- and transdisciplinary approach, integrating architecture, landscape architecture, urban and territorial design, planning, urban theory and history, as well as the social sciences. It embraces a diverse range of methodologies, including qualitative and quantitative approaches, ranging from multispecies ethnography to critical cartography and participatory action research to non-representational methodologies.

The doctoral programme is conducted in English and currently has an enrolment of 25 participants. The LUS doctoral programme encourages both individual research and collaborative engagement within the doctoral community, fostering a vibrant academic environment. The programme offers a variety of platforms for interaction and exchange, including the LUS methods seminar, institute-wide colloquia, workshops, and doctoral reviews. Embedded in the dynamic doctoral education environment of the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich, the LUS doctoral programme maintains an active collaboration with the doctoral programme at the Institute of History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich. This collaboration enhances interdisciplinary perspectives and expands research opportunities for participants.

Participating Chairs at the LUS

While it is advantageous for the proposed research to align with the individual and/or collective research agendas of the participating chairs at the LUS Institute, candidates are also encouraged to apply with independent research topics that resonate with the Institute’s broader areas of expertise and competencies.

The LUS Institute currently consists of seven chairs, each contributing uniquely to its diverse research landscape:

Applicant Profile

We are seeking individuals with a background in architecture, landscape architecture, urban and territorial design and planning, and the social sciences, who have strong research or design experience and can benefit from the inter- and transdisciplinary engagements offered by the Institute.

Applicants must hold a university diploma or master’s degree obtained at university level (equivalent to FHEQ Level 7) in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, urban planning, social sciences, or related fields.

Additionally, applicants should demonstrate excellent research and writing skills.

We offer

The programme provides funding for up to three-and-a-half years. You will be employed at full employment (100% pensum), based on the ETH Zurich doctoral student contract, with monthly salaries according to the ‘standard rate’. For a detailed calculation of salaries, please refer to this link.

You are required to take up residency in Zurich during the period of the scholarship. Working, teaching and research at ETH Zurich

We value diversity

In line with our values, ETH Zurich encourages an inclusive culture. We promote equality of opportunity, value diversity and nurture a working and learning environment in which the rights and dignity of all our staff and students are respected. Visit our Equal Opportunities and Diversity website to find out how we ensure a fair and open environment that allows everyone to grow and flourish.

Curious? So are we.

Applications should be addressed directly to the Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS), rather than to individual professors. Please note that applications will be evaluated solely based on their content; applicants are therefore requested not to contact individual professors prior to applying.We look forward to receiving your online application, including the following documents by 15 March 2025, 23:59 CET:

1.     Letter of Motivation (1 page).

2.     Outline for the Proposed Research Project (4 pages + addendums). The document should include the research title, a review of the current state-of-the-art related to the proposed topic, clearly defined research questions, articulated aims and objectives, anticipated formats for publication, and the rationale for why the LUS Institute is an ideal host for the proposed research. The main content must adhere to the 4-page limit, using 11 pt font and single-spacing. Supplementary pages may include up to three illustrations (maps, drawings, images), a bibliography, and a project timeline.

3.     Curriculum Vitae (including publications, portfolio, and work samples, maximum 10 pages).

4.     Published Piece of Writing (if available, 1 text, maximum 15 pages).

5.     Names, Affiliations, and Email Addresses of 2 Referees

Please note that applications missing any of the required documents listed above and/or exceeding the specified page limits will not be considered for evaluation.

The programme exclusively accepts application documents submitted through the ETH online application portal. Applications submitted via email or postal mail will not be considered.

For further information about the programme, the participating faculty, and the application process, please visit this page.

Application Timeline

  • 15 March 2025: Submission deadline (23:59 CET).
  • April 2025: Notification to shortlisted candidates.
  • Early May 2025: Interviews with shortlisted candidates.
  • End of May 2025: Notification to successful applicants.
  • 1 October 2025: Start of the programme.

Further Information

Applicants are asked to consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before reaching out. If your question is not covered there, you may contact the doctoral programme coordinator, Nazlı Tümerdem, at Requests sent to any other email addresses will not be considered.

You may apply via this link.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Constructed Land

Le projet Constructed Land: Singapur 1924-2012 étudie les circuits de matériaux du sol et l’évolution au fil du temps de la forme physique de l’île de Singapour. Jusqu’à maintenant, un quart environ de la surface du pays a été conquis par l’importation de sable, la poldérisation, le réaménagement des Plus


En collaboration avec les écoles polytechniques fédérales de Lausanne et de Zurich, ainsi que l’école d’architecture de Mendrisio, la fondation Braillard mène un projet de recherche prospectif sur la densification de l’espace urbain suisse. ETH Zurich D-ARCH Architecture of Territory, avec la maître de conférences Milica Topalovic, participe Plus

Territories of Extended Urbanisation

Le concept d’urbanisation planétaire constitue aujourd’hui un thème très débattu. Les limites des espaces urbains ont formellement explosé et enserrent entre-temps de gigantesques territoires, bien au-delà des limites des principales méga-cités/méga-régions. Des modèles d’urbanisation inédits se cristallisent dans différents environnements et interrogent les représentations traditionnelles de l’urbain comme Plus


Au fil de l’histoire, les villes sont devenues des centres de pouvoirs politiques et économiques à partir desquels a été contrôlé l’arrière-pays paysager et riche en ressources. Depuis le 19ème siècle, de nouveaux moyens de transport et technologies, mais aussi l’ouverture de nouvelles voies commerciales ont augmenté la portée, Plus

European Countryside

L’espace paysager européen est désormais entièrement urbanisé. Le paysage au sens traditionnel a disparu ; les différences entre villes et campagnes se sont effacées à vue d’œil. Contrairement aux processus clairs d’évolution urbaine des villes, ceux de l’évolution urbaine dans l’espace rural sont massifs, mais souvent imperceptibles. Pratiquement Plus

Prof. Milica Topalovic | Architecture et aménagement du territoire

Milica Topalovic est architecte et urbaniste. Ses principaux axes de recherches sont l’urbanisation territoriale au-delà des limites de la « ville à proprement parler ». Son travail sur l’espace urbain s’appuie sur la géographie, l’histoire de l’État et de l’art de l’éducation.. Milica Topalovic est depuis le mois d’août 2015 maître de conférences en Architecture et aménagement du territoire à la chaire d’architecture de l’ETH Zurich. De 2011 à 2015, elle a dirigé une chaire de recherches à l’ETH Future Cities Laboratory, à Singapour, où elle a étudié la relation entre une ville et son arrière-pays.