Department / Institute : Prof. Dr Kay W. Axhausen
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board: Video and Manifesto now online!
Did you miss the NSL Forum and Cycling Research Board «Digital Twins for Europe’s Future Mobility», on September 4th? The video link is now available on the event website! In addition, for a quick read and an overview of the workshops, you can download the «Collective Manifesto for Plus
Comparative study of route choice models for cyclists
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board
Digital Twins for Europe’s Future Mobility 4 – 6 September 2024 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3 and HIT. Today’s design reflects the car-oriented consensus, which was formulated between the 1930’s and 1950’s and adopted around the world since then. The climate crisis challenges this orientation and asks Plus
Neue Ansätze in der Modellierung: «The German experiment with low flat rates for public transport. An economic and political evaluation»
Nachfragegetriebene ÖV-Systeme: «Lessons from the design of integrated on-demand transit systems in two cities»
Neue Ansätze in der Modellierung: «Best of both worlds: data driven models with behavioural realism and flexibility»
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board
4 – 6 September 2024 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3 and HIT. Today’s design reflects the car-oriented consensus, which was formulated between the 1930’s and 1950’s and adopted around the world since then. The climate crisis challenges this orientation and asks for designs which emphasize the micro-mobility. Plus
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board
4 – 6 September 2024 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3 and HIT. VIDEO NOW ONLINE! Today’s design reflects a car-oriented consensus, which was formulated between the 1930’s and 1950’s and adopted around the world since then. The climate crisis challenges this orientation and asks for designs that Plus
CSFM Seminar: New Regulations on Autonomous Vehicles for Switzerland
E-Bike City: Nur noch die Hälfte der Strassen für die Autos
E-Bike City
E-Bike-City est un projet-phare du Département construction, environnement et géomatique (D-BAUG) de l’ETH Zurich. Au cours des trois prochaines années, sept chaires étudieront conjointement les conséquences d’un avenir urbain accordant la priorité aux vélos, à la micromobilité et aux transports publics. Principes Vélo et transports publics prioritaires, réduction Plus
TimeUse+ – How do the Swiss Spend Their Time and Money? A Longitudinal Smartphone Diary Study with GPS
How we spend our 24-hour days varies over time, be it by changes in one’s personal life or external forces like modifications to the built environment or government-level restrictions, as was the case during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. TimeUse+ is a novel survey methodology to collect data on Plus
NSL Colloquium: Transport Planning – Where do we go now?
6. bis 8. December 2023 | ETH Zürich, Centre and Hönggerberg. Video Links of the 7th December NSL Colloquium Transport Planning – Where do we go now? (with: Milos Balac, ETH Zürich; Oded Cats, TU Delft; Alex Erath, FHNW Muttenz; Daniel Hörcher, Imperial College London; Allister Loder, TU Plus
Advances in Transportation & Mobility Planning
Sustainable Future Mobility Symposium: CSFM’23
E-Bike – Chancen und Risiken des Verkehrsmittels der Zukunft
FCL Global Seminar: Vehicle-to-Grid for Car-sharing: Can Shared EVs Support the Power Grid in Future Cities?
hEART 2023 – 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation
E-Bike City Kolloquium
8. Juni 2023, 9:00 – 18:30 | ETH Zürich, Zentrum, Audimax. An diesem Kolloquium werden die sieben Forschungsgruppen des D-BAUG Leuchtturmprojekts «E-Bike City» nicht nur ihre vorläufigen Ergebnisse präsentieren, sondern auch die Teilnehmenden aktiv in die Gestaltung der Forschungsfragen einbeziehen.
Urbanisme orienté différence (DiffUrb)
Les villes se caractérisent par une diversité de personnes et d’utilisations. Ce constat est particulièrement frappant dans la pratique de l’urbanisme. L’approche des différences conditions de vie et des utilisations spatiales et temporelles repose souvent sur une analyse ne tenant compte que d’une seule caractéristique comme les revenus, Plus
Difference in Urban Planning. Interdisciplinarity as an Approach to Understanding the Complexity of Contemporary Urban Societies
Cities attract people of diverse origins, religious practices, socioeconomic status, and everyday practices. As a result, urban planning is challenged to respond adequately to this demographic heterogeneity. These urbanization processes highlight the importance of placing difference at the centre of the urban planning agenda.
Understanding Modal Splits Before, During, and After the Pandemic
The adjustments of mobility patterns during early stages of the pandemic are well understood. However, various effects are intertwined in these observations and therefore the findings’ robustness remains questionable. The MOBIS-Covid data set provides a unique opportunity to put these initial findings in perspective as a large panel Plus
Size Matters
Will E-Bikes Bring Amsterdam and Copenhagen to Switzerland?
The E-Bike City: Bringing Amsterdam and Copenhagen to Switzerland?
Future Cities Laboratory Indicia 03
Application of Machine Learning Classifiers in Train Route Scheduling
How much are common machine learning classifiers, such as Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) better in forecasting than traditional discrete choice models? To which extent is it worth to sacrifice the improved interpretability of the latter to achieve a higher prediction Plus
ETH Zurich – Center for Sustainable Future Mobility
6 May 2022, registration deadline 15. April 2022, 08:00 | Kick-off Symposium | ETH Zürich, Centre, HG E3. The Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM) has been established at ETH Zurich in order to promote research on sustainable and future-proof traffic and transport systems.
CAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Verkehrs-Pricing im Feldversuch
Verkehrsteilnehmende verändern ihr Verhalten, wenn sie für Kosten ihrer Mobilität aufkommen müssen, die bisher die Allgemeinheit bezahlt. Das zeigt das bisher grösste Pricing-Experiment im Schweizer Agglomerationsverkehr von Forschenden der Universität Basel, der ETH Zürich und der ZHAW. Artikel in den ETH News lesen
A GIS-based Model of Outdoor Thermal Comfort: Case Study for Zurich
How far will you walk when it gets hot? The global climate is warming at a rapid pace, and cities around the globe are confronted with increasing temperatures. In this work, we study how the future climate will affect urban walkability in Zurich by modeling the thermoregulatory functions Plus
Urban Design and the Technological Shift in Transportation
In recent years technological innovations in transportation, such as automated vehicles (AVs), mobility-as-a-service, electric and connected vehicles, have been garnering attention. Some advocates liken the emergence of these technologies to a ‘revolution’ in transportation, while critics characterise this as a gross exaggeration. Despite the uncertainties in technological development, Plus
Neues Center für nachhaltige Mobilität der Zukunft lanciert
Zukunftsfähige Verkehrs- und Transportsysteme sind gefragt, die das Ziel unterstützen, die Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2050 auf Netto Null zu senken und erneuerbare Energiequellen zu nutzen. Die ETH-Schulleitung hat der Gründung des neuen «Center for Sustainable Future Mobility» (CSFM) als Kompetenzzentrum der ETH Zürich zugestimmt und eine Anschubfinanzierung für vier Plus
NSL Forum: Pandemie? Mitten im Klimawandel. Was bedeutet das für die räumliche Entwicklung der Schweiz? Ein Dialog.
Video jetzt online! In einem Dialog für Praxis und Hochschulen nahm das Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft (NSL) der ETH Zürich am 11. November im Volkshaus Zürich eine Standortbestimmung für die räumliche Entwicklung in der Schweiz vor. Ausgangspunkt bildeten Erkenntnisse aus der Pandemiesituation, Hintergrund der Klimawandel. Die Tagung war Plus
Infoveranstaltung CAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen
COVID-19 and the Dilemma of Transport Policy Making
This short paper sets out the basic dilemma of transport policy making today, as how to strike the balance between the benefits of accessibility and the induced externalities in terms of sprawl, greenhouse gas emissions and congestion. The impacts of the Corona19 pandemic sharpens the dilemma.
Influence de variables externes au transport sur le choix du moyen de transport (SVI 2015/007)
Les effets sur le choix du moyen de transport des variables externes au transport – à savoir également les propriétés non directement mesurables, qualitatives et émotionnelles cognitives des foyers et des individus – n’ont jusqu’à présent pratiquement pas été pris en compte en planification et politique des transports. Plus
Comportement de substitution des voyageuses et voyageurs ferroviaires et en bus dans le transport longue distance suisse
Ce projet de recherche étudie le comportement de substitution de personnes issues de la Suisse germanophone et francophone pour les voyages ferroviaires et en bus sur les réseaux publics à distance au sein de la Suisse (au moins 50 km). Les personnes sondées sélectionnent au cours d’une expérience Plus
MOBIS-COVID-19. Comportement de mobilité en Suisse – étude Coronavirus
Dans le but de ralentir la propagation du Coronavirus, la population est appelée à rester si possible chez elle. Cette mesure influence considérablement notre comportement de mobilité quotidien. Mais qui est concerné et comment? Le projet de recherche MOBIS-COVID-19, une initiative de l’ETH Zurich et de l’université de Plus
Suivi de propagation de la maladie basé sur un agent avec modèles dynamiques de comportement de déplacement dans une pandémie
Les modèles de diffusion constituent un outil essentiel pour coordonner la réaction face à une épidémie. Leurs résultats aident les décisionnaires à formuler des stratégies de vaccination et de tests ou à déterminer des quarantaines ou des quasi quarantaines, ainsi que les récentes «mesures exceptionnelles». Ce projet améliorera Plus
MaaS Bundle Design
Mobility service bundling has received a lot of attention recently due to its centrality to Mobility as a Service (MaaS) business models and potential to foster sustainable travel behavior. Despite an increasing number of academic studies and commercial trials, however, there is a surprising dearth of research on Plus
Urban Design and the Technological Shift in Transportation
Are Our Cities Green Enough in Times of a Pandemic?
Green city areas are under pressure. Compact cities aim to reduce land consumption outside cities, but densification puts pressure on urban green areas. Will the existing green areas suffice for the increased demand during pandemics such as COVID-19? Using recent mobility data before and during the pandemic, we Plus
Largest Multi-city Traffic Dataset «UTD19» is now Publically Available!
Over the last four years, the Institute for Transportation Planning and Systems (IVT) at ETH Zurich and CITIES at NYU Abu Dhabi have gathered urban traffic data from over 40 cities worldwide, including London, Tokyo, and Zurich. In total, almost 5 billion vehicles covering a combined time span Plus
Mobilitätsverhalten vor/nach/während Covid-19
Mobility Behaviour in Switzerland: Coronavirus Study
POSTPONED: 7th SCCER Mobility Annual Conference
23 November 2020 (tentative) | ETH Zurich. As 7 years of SCCER Mobility slowly draw to an end, we invite you to this conference to present a synthesis of the competence center, to review the most relevant research results of each capacity area and conclude with an outlook on Plus
Using Virtual Reality to Evaluate Cyclist’s Perceived Safety
Researchers at the Future Cities Laboratory are using virtual reality (VR) in cycling experiments to reveal users’ cycling behaviour and preferences in different environments. These insights can help planners understand and quantify the impact of infrastructure improvements in setting guidelines and prioritization of new infrastructure.