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Die Gestaltung unserer Zukunft mit automatisierten, autonomen Fahrzeugen; erschwingliche und angemessene Wohnmöglichkeiten, die von Kooperativen getragen werden; Stadtentwicklung, die mittels einer App für Lehre und Praxis simuliert wird und eine gelingende landwirtschaftliche Planung, weil alle lokalen Akteure ihre Visionen gemeinsam erarbeitet haben. Ob Ihnen diese Zukunftsaussichten rosig oder düster scheinen, überlassen wir gerne Ihnen, nach der Lektüre unseres NSL Newsletters. Wir wünschen viel informatives Lesevergnügen!
Having collaborated with Khayelitsha-based NGO Theater4Change on the 2016 production Holy Contract, the Urban-Think Tank Chair is now designing a new arts complex to replace the group’s existing self-built space. The Makukhanye Shack Theater will greatly expand the impact of programs already underway, as well as improve access to the arts for residents of Cape Town’s largest informal settlement. Project website / Alfredo Brillembourg
The recently started project ENERGYSCAPE develops recommendations serving as a basis for a landscape strategy with a mix of renewable energy systems. The project is part of the NRP 70 «Energy Turnaround» and includes ten different project partners. The focus is on assessing public judgments of the landscape effects stimulated by a mix of renewable energy systems in Swiss landscapes. The ultimate goal is the formulation of recommendations for a prioritization of such systems in the different Swiss landscapes, as a basis for a sectoral energy plan. More information is provided on the. Ulrike Wissen