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Nothilfe in Architektur, Städtebau und Landschaft und deren Analyse sind entscheidend. Wir berichten Ihnen vom Aufbau von Schulen in Kolumbien nach 50 Jahren Bürgerkrieg und bringen eine Analyse des Wiederaufbaus von Agadir, Marokko nach dem zerstörerischen Erdbeben von 1960. Ausserdem wie immer Veranstaltungshinweise wie beispielsweise zur Internationalen Architekturbiennale oder zur Vienna Biennale for Change.
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Blanca García Gardelegui | Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, Prof. Hubert Klumpner
Colombia has suffered an armed conflict for over 50 years. As a result, more than 1 million children lack access to education with a deficit of 3’000 schools and more than 8 Million civilians displaced from their homes. Growing Schools Prototype is a strategic up-scaling concept for replicating schools adapting to different climates and consolidating and growing communities into legitimate neighbourhoods.
Cathelijne Nuijsink | History and Theory of Urban Design, Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete
The reconstruction of the Moroccan city of Agadir in the immediate aftermath of the devastating 1960 earthquake is an exemplary yet much overlooked cross-cultural «contact zone» between local and international rescuers, experts, citizens, organizations, and governments. Studying why the development aid Morocco received was not unconditionally accepted, but rather turned into an «encounter» between different agents negotiating, contradicting but also merging their knowledge, elucidates the production of a hybrid form of architectural knowledge that lies at the heart of the character of the rebuilt city of Agadir.
Bonnie-Kate Walker, Cara Turett, Luke Harris | Chair of Being Alive, Landscape Architecture, Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard
Looking at the fields of wheat and orchards of almond blossoms around Senan, Spain, «crisis» is not the first word that comes to mind. The valleys appear tranquil and unchanging. However, like most rural landscapes in Spain, the area has transformed dramatically in the past decades.
Maarten J. van Strien, Planung von Landschaft und Urbanen Systemen (PLUS)
Während Siedlungsnetzwerke im vergangenen Jahrhundert wuchsen, schrumpften vor allem Lebensraumnetzwerke. Im neuen SNF-Projekt EMPHASES werden wir die Dynamik dieser Netzwerke im Schweizer Mittelland untersuchen, indem wir historische topographische Karten klassifizieren. Wir werden langfristige Regelmässigkeiten und plötzliche Veränderungen im Wachstum oder in der Schrumpfung dieser Netzwerke analysieren.
Dr. Danielle Griego | Design++ Executive Director
Die ETH Zürich hat kürzlich ein neues Zentrum für erweitertes computergestütztes Entwerfen in Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen ins Leben gerufen. 24 Professuren, darunter die NSL-Professur von Christophe Girot, bündeln unter dem Namen Design++ ihre Kräfte, um digital erweiterte Entwurfsmethoden zu entwickeln, die rationale und intuitive Entscheidungen während des Entwurfsprozesses unterstützen. Durch digitale Entwurfsmethoden, insbesondere durch den Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und erweiterter Realität (XR), soll das Bauen nachhaltiger und effizienter werden – und das bei gleichbleibend hoher Designqualität. Website in English
Dennis Häusler, Luisa Overath, Myriam Uzor & Matthias Vollmer, Chair of Landscape Architecture, Prof. Christophe Girot | KIT KYOTO Design Lab | Singapore University of Technology & Design (SUTD)
On a joint trip entitled «Transitions» in autumn 2019, students from the Kyoto Institute of Technology and the ETH Zürich investigated a series of houses and their relationship to the (urban) landscape in Kyoto, Osaka and Tokyo, using sound recordings and laser scanning. The Symposium was an opportunity to discuss the material developed collectively in a plenary session. A selection of six small houses was discussed by architects, residents and experts, structured in 3 round tables and a concluding discussion.
17th International Architecture Exhibition Venice: How will we live together?
22 May to 21 November 2021 | 17th International Architecture Exhibition Venice: How will we live together? | Chair of Günther Vogt (ETH Zurich), VOGT Landscape Architects.
22 May to 21 November 2021 | 17th International Architecture Exhibition Venice: How will we live together? | Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, Prof. Klumpner and others.
22 May to 21 November 2021 | 17th International Architecture Exhibition Venice: How will we live together? | Neil Brenner (Urban Theory Lab-Chicago), Christian Schmid / Milica Topalović (ETH Zürich).
This is a selection. Find a complete list in the ETH Zürich Research Collection.
Seppe De Blust, Freek Persyn et al.
The second volume in the ‘Chapters’ series from Brussels-based architecture firm 51N4E focuses on how design processes can be shaped through dialogue. First, it investigates their work together with two design-focused consulting firms, endeavour (Antwerp) and Denkstatt (Basel), wherein all three explore the boundaries of architecture, advocating openness and dialogue with clients and users as opposed to autonomy and monologue.
Sean Kerwin, Bryan T. Adey
Cities rely heavily on the services provided by water distribution networks. These networks are large and complex, consisting of thousands of kilometres of buried pipes and dozens of facilities where water is treated, pumped and stored. Infrastructure managers are entrusted with the planning and execution of interventions on these assets to ensure that the provided service exceeds the minimum levels mandated by stakeholders at all times.
Markus Schläpfer, Lei Dong, Kevin O’Keeffe, Paolo Santi, Michael Szell, Hadrien Salat, Samuel Anklesaria, Mohammad Vazifeh, Carlo Ratti, Geoffrey B. West
Human mobility impacts many aspects of a city, from its spatial structure to its response to an epidemic. It is also ultimately key to social interactions, innovation and productivity. However, our quantitative understanding of the aggregate movements of individuals remains incomplete.
Isik Ilber Sirmatel, Dimitrios Tsitsokas, Anastasios Kouvelas, Nikolas Geroliminis
What if Trip Lengths are not Homogeneous?
In this work, together with the colleagues at EPFL, we study how trip lengths heterogeneity can affect the aggregated dynamics on a network-level approach.
16-21 August 2021 | Application deadline PROLONGED: 1 July | Villa Cassel, 3987 Riederalp, Kanton Wallis.
Call for applications PROLONGED until 30 June 2021.
Urban and territorial design has acquired a new meaning and urgency. From drivers of progress to the source of planetary hazards, the impacts of cities and wider urbanisation processes are being recast in the public sphere. The critical examination of anthropocentric world views, the proposed politics of a Green New Deal, growing social movements, and climate activism are reflected directly in urban and territorial space, highlighting power asymmetries and fuelling the exploration of alternatives. The imminent future of the urban engages social and environmental imaginaries, which now extend beyond-the-city and beyond-the-human.
Bewerbungsfrist VERLÄNGERT: 1. Januar bis 30. Juni 2021, Kursstart: September 2021.
Das MAS setzt sich zum Ziel, durch multidisziplinäre Ausbildung und Forschung auf hohem Niveau dazu beizutragen, Lösungen für die Herausforderungen des Wohnungsbaus in der Schweiz, in Europa sowie in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen weltweit zu finden.
This is a selection. Head over to our News-Page for more.
Panel at the 5th International Conference on Public Policy in Barcelona from 6–8 July 2021, registration until 28 June.
This panel will explore theoretical and empirical developments of urban policy analysis. Plus
28 May – 3 October 2021 | Vienna Biennale for Change 2021 | MAK – Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna.
Video now online!
As urbanization intensifies all over the world, so do contestations over how city space is produced. Citizens, politicians, urban designers and architects become increasingly aware of the fact that the city can no longer be solely developed as the playing field of private interests or of state ideologies. Instead, they propose to look upon the production of the city as a ‘common matter’, guided by common codes and the care for common resources.
10. November 2021, 9:00 – 18.00 Uhr | Erste Jahrestagung der Stiftung Baukultur Schweiz | ETH Zürich, Werner Siemens Auditorium, Gebäude HIT, Wolfgang-Pauli-Stasse 27, 8093 Zürich.
In einem Dialog für Praxis und Hochschulen nahm das Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft (NSL) der ETH Zürich am 11. November im Volkshaus Zürich eine Standortbestimmung für die räumliche Entwicklung in der Schweiz vor. Ausgangspunkt bildeten Erkenntnisse aus der Pandemiesituation, Hintergrund der Klimawandel. Die Tagung war ein Beitrag zur Diskussion um drängende Aufgaben und mögliche Lösungsansätze.
16 November, 18:30–20:30, Covid Certificate required / apéro cancelled | University of Zürich, (external building), RAI-H-041, Rämistr. 74. Keynote by Prof. Dr. Susan Fainstein (Harvard University).
15-17 November 2021, registration by 17 September | Conference | ETH Zürich, Department of Architecture.
Symposium 12. – 13. Mai 2022.
Forschungsworkshops, runde Tische und Keynote.
Öffentlicher Anlass, Anmeldung bis 29. April 2022.
Klimawandel, Energiewende, Urbanisierung und Industrialisierung haben und werden enorme Auswirkungen auf die alpine Landschaft haben. Am Schnittpunkt Europas gelegen, müssen die Veränderungen dieser recht fragilen Umwelt durchleuchtet werden.
Isabelle Fehlmann, Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS), Landschaftsarchitektur
Melanie Fessel, Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS), Städtebau
Claudia Gebert, Koordinationsstelle NSL, Chefredaktion
Maarten Van Strien, Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung (IRL)
Jan Westerheide, Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS), Städtebau
Caroline Winkler, Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (IVT)