Newsletter Ausgabe : NL 63
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board: Video and Manifesto now online!
Did you miss the NSL Forum and Cycling Research Board «Digital Twins for Europe’s Future Mobility», on September 4th? The video link is now available on the event website! In addition, for a quick read and an overview of the workshops, you can download the «Collective Manifesto for Plus
CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials – Essentials 2025
Call for Papers: Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE25)
We are thrilled to announce the Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE25), which will be held from June 25 to 27, 2025 in Zürich. The conference topic is “Shaping Tomorrow: Systems Thinking in the Built Environment”. Releasing over 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions and consuming over 40% of Plus
Comment l’Ukraine peut-elle reconstruire son système énergétique ?
Des chercheurs de l’ETH ont étudié avec des chercheurs d’Ukraine et d’Allemagne comment reconstruire l’infrastructure énergétique ukrainienne détruite avec de l’énergie renouvelable. Selon cette étude, les énergies solaire et éolienne permettent un approvisionnement rapide et décentralisé et préviennent la corruption. Lire l’article dans ETH News.
Brasilândia Design Studio at University of St. Gallen Latin America Week
Transitioning to Sustainable Cities and Communities
The publication features scholarly articles and interviews from leading experts working in various fields anchored in urban design and architecture. Each piece in the volume addresses the challenges and opportunities prompted by the SDG11, and by extension, the climate crisis. As a whole, the volume illuminates and showcases Plus
Call for Papers: NSL Colloquium 2024: Beyond Maintenance: Responsive Practices for Changing Landscapes
The NSL Colloquium will take place February 26-28 2025 at ETH Zürich and publishes an open call for submissions until November 8, 2024. The colloquium will investigate the relationship between the design and maintenance of living systems, seeking to cultivate practices, terminology, and theoretical insights into approaches that Plus
Against wastelanding: distributed design at the pace of soil in the Conca de Barberà
Cost Benefit Analysis of Cycling Infrastructure
Cost-benefit analysis is a tool frequently used in project appraisal to justify the implementation of infrastructures. Due to insufficient recorded data, the construction costs and safety benefits of urban bicycling infrastructure are difficult to estimate, weakening the appraisal and implementation of such projects. In this research, we conducted Plus
Equitable Urban Traffic Management Systems with Karma Congestion Pricing
Most cities do not charge for driving. Do you think that is fair? It causes externalities such as noise and pollution to residents and shops. In peak-hours of congestion, valuable life time, money, and fuel are wasted. Do you think driving in the city should be priced? Do Plus
« I find the entire mobility system fascinating »: An Interview with Eva Heinen
Was braucht heute die Schweizer Landschaft? Interview mit Martina Voser
Martina Voser ist seit 2021 Gastprofessorin an der ETH Zürich, Ende 2023 wurde sie zur ordentlichen Professorin für Landschaftsarchitektur berufen. Sie spricht von den tiefgreifenden Veränderungen, die der Schweizer Landschaft bevorstehen, und dass ihre Professur zusammen mit der öffentlichen Hand und der Fachwelt die nötigen Transformationsprozesse entwickeln kann.
Increasing realism in modelling energy losses in railway vehicles and their impact to energy-efficient train control
The reduction of energy consumption is an increasingly important topic of the railway system. Energy-efficient train control (EETC) is one solution, which refers to mathematically computing when to accelerate, which cruising speed to hold, how long one should coast over a suitable space, and when to brake.
Increasing Realism in Modelling Energy Losses in Railway Vehicles
Housing Precarity in Six European and North American Cities: Threatened by the Loss of a Safe, Stable, and Affordable Home
Problem, research strategy, and findings: Increasing numbers of urban dwellers face housing precarity in cities worldwide. We conceptualize housing precarity as a multidimensional phenomenon, using five different dimensions: 1) housing affordability, 2) tenure security, 3) housing satisfaction, 4) neighborhood quality, and 5) community cohesion.
Les énergies renouvelables face aux exigences de la société
Conformément à la stratégie énergétique 2050, le système énergétique suisse doit être réorganisé de manière significative avec des installations photovoltaïques (PV) et éoliennes. Cependant, ces installations influencent la perception du pay-sage par la population et peuvent entraîner des conflits avec différents intérêts sociaux. La forêt fait elle aussi Plus
63 | September 2024: Resources and Energy
Dear Readers, Various forms of mobility contribute differently to resource and energy consumption. This newsletter considers topics of fairness in resource distribution and ways to reduce energy consumption while increasing efficiency. In an interview, Martina Voser describes how Switzerland can be understood as a condensed laboratory for landscape Plus
63 | September 2024: Resources and Energy
Dear Readers, Various forms of mobility contribute differently to resource and energy consumption. This newsletter considers topics of fairness in resource distribution and ways to reduce energy consumption while increasing efficiency. In an interview, Martina Voser describes how Switzerland can be understood as a condensed laboratory for landscape Plus
LUS Doctoral Seminar: More-Than Methodologies: Explorations in Landscape and Urban Research
D-BAUG Urban Research Seminar
Open House Zürich, Quartierrundgang «10-Minuten-Nachbarschaften»
Matters of Urban Expertise: Who develops the City of the Future?
Digital Double: Situating and Troubling AI Technologies for Architectural Reconstruction and Urban Simulation
ETH RAUM Öffentliche Vorlesungsreihe
Professur für Architektur und Adaptive Re-use
Baukultur back to the future
Urban Codes and Urban Forms: The Case of Zurich
Researching Otherwise: Pluriversal Methodologies for Landscape and Urban Studies
Wie können sich Landschafts- und Stadtforschung wirksamer mit transdisziplinärem Dialog, Sinnlichkeit und Affekt sowie pluriversen Welten beschäftigen? Researching Otherwise stellt sensorische, kollaborative und restitutive methodische Werkzeuge vor, um neue Räume für die Produktion von Wissen zu schaffen.
disP 60/1, March 2024
Teresa Galí-Izard für Schelling Architekturpreise nominiert
NSL Colloquium: Beyond Maintenance: Responsive Practices for Changing Landscapes
26-28 February 2025, ETH Zürich (exact location TBA). The colloquium will investigate the relationship between the design and maintenance of living systems, seeking to cultivate practices, terminology, and theoretical insights into approaches that attempt to maintain otherwise.